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"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var _toConsumableArray2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray"));
var _ariaQuery = require("aria-query");
var _jsxAstUtils = require("jsx-ast-utils");
var _schemas = require("../util/schemas");
var _getElementType = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/getElementType"));
* @fileoverview Enforce that elements that do not support ARIA roles,
* states and properties do not have those attributes.
* @author Ethan Cohen
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var errorMessage = function errorMessage(invalidProp) {
return "This element does not support ARIA roles, states and properties. Try removing the prop '".concat(invalidProp, "'.");
var schema = (0, _schemas.generateObjSchema)();
var _default = {
meta: {
docs: {
url: '',
description: 'Enforce that elements that do not support ARIA roles, states, and properties do not have those attributes.'
schema: [schema]
create: function create(context) {
var elementType = (0, _getElementType["default"])(context);
return {
JSXOpeningElement: function JSXOpeningElement(node) {
var nodeType = elementType(node);
var nodeAttrs = _ariaQuery.dom.get(nodeType) || {};
var _nodeAttrs$reserved = nodeAttrs.reserved,
isReservedNodeType = _nodeAttrs$reserved === void 0 ? false : _nodeAttrs$reserved;
// If it's not reserved, then it can have aria-* roles, states, and properties
if (isReservedNodeType === false) {
var invalidAttributes = [].concat((0, _toConsumableArray2["default"])(_ariaQuery.aria.keys()), ['role']);
node.attributes.forEach(function (prop) {
if (prop.type === 'JSXSpreadAttribute') {
var name = (0, _jsxAstUtils.propName)(prop).toLowerCase();
if (invalidAttributes.indexOf(name) > -1) {{
message: errorMessage(name)
exports["default"] = _default;
module.exports = exports.default;