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104 lines (100 sloc) 4.39 KB
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var _jsxAstUtils = require("jsx-ast-utils");
var _arrayIncludes = _interopRequireDefault(require("array-includes"));
var _schemas = require("../util/schemas");
var _getElementType = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/getElementType"));
var _isDOMElement = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/isDOMElement"));
var _isHiddenFromScreenReader = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/isHiddenFromScreenReader"));
var _isInteractiveElement = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/isInteractiveElement"));
var _isInteractiveRole = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/isInteractiveRole"));
var _mayHaveAccessibleLabel = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/mayHaveAccessibleLabel"));
* @fileoverview Enforce controls are associated with a text label.
* @author Jesse Beach
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var errorMessage = 'A control must be associated with a text label.';
var ignoreList = ['link'];
var schema = (0, _schemas.generateObjSchema)({
labelAttributes: _schemas.arraySchema,
controlComponents: _schemas.arraySchema,
ignoreElements: _schemas.arraySchema,
ignoreRoles: _schemas.arraySchema,
depth: {
description: 'JSX tree depth limit to check for accessible label',
type: 'integer',
minimum: 0
var _default = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: 'Enforce that a control (an interactive element) has a text label.',
url: ''
schema: [schema]
create: function create(context) {
var elementType = (0, _getElementType["default"])(context);
var options = context.options[0] || {};
var _options$labelAttribu = options.labelAttributes,
labelAttributes = _options$labelAttribu === void 0 ? [] : _options$labelAttribu,
_options$controlCompo = options.controlComponents,
controlComponents = _options$controlCompo === void 0 ? [] : _options$controlCompo,
_options$ignoreElemen = options.ignoreElements,
ignoreElements = _options$ignoreElemen === void 0 ? [] : _options$ignoreElemen,
_options$ignoreRoles = options.ignoreRoles,
ignoreRoles = _options$ignoreRoles === void 0 ? [] : _options$ignoreRoles;
var newIgnoreElements = new Set([].concat(ignoreElements, ignoreList));
var rule = function rule(node) {
var tag = elementType(node.openingElement);
var role = (0, _jsxAstUtils.getLiteralPropValue)((0, _jsxAstUtils.getProp)(node.openingElement.attributes, 'role'));
// Ignore interactive elements that might get their label from a source
// that cannot be discerned from static analysis, like
// <label><input />Save</label>
if (newIgnoreElements.has(tag)) {
// Ignore roles that are "interactive" but should not require a label.
if ((0, _arrayIncludes["default"])(ignoreRoles, role)) {
var props = node.openingElement.attributes;
var nodeIsDOMElement = (0, _isDOMElement["default"])(tag);
var nodeIsHiddenFromScreenReader = (0, _isHiddenFromScreenReader["default"])(tag, props);
var nodeIsInteractiveElement = (0, _isInteractiveElement["default"])(tag, props);
var nodeIsInteractiveRole = (0, _isInteractiveRole["default"])(tag, props);
var nodeIsControlComponent = controlComponents.indexOf(tag) > -1;
if (nodeIsHiddenFromScreenReader) {
var hasAccessibleLabel = true;
if (nodeIsInteractiveElement || nodeIsDOMElement && nodeIsInteractiveRole || nodeIsControlComponent) {
// Prevent crazy recursion.
var recursionDepth = Math.min(options.depth === undefined ? 2 : options.depth, 25);
hasAccessibleLabel = (0, _mayHaveAccessibleLabel["default"])(node, recursionDepth, labelAttributes);
if (!hasAccessibleLabel) {{
node: node.openingElement,
message: errorMessage
// Create visitor selectors.
return {
JSXElement: rule
exports["default"] = _default;
module.exports = exports.default;