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"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var _jsxAstUtils = require("jsx-ast-utils");
var _schemas = require("../util/schemas");
var _getElementType = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/getElementType"));
var _hasAccessibleChild = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/hasAccessibleChild"));
* @fileoverview Enforce label tags have htmlFor attribute.
* @author Ethan Cohen
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var enumValues = ['nesting', 'id'];
var schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
components: _schemas.arraySchema,
required: {
oneOf: [{
type: 'string',
"enum": enumValues
}, (0, _schemas.generateObjSchema)({
some: (0, _schemas.enumArraySchema)(enumValues)
}, ['some']), (0, _schemas.generateObjSchema)({
every: (0, _schemas.enumArraySchema)(enumValues)
}, ['every'])]
allowChildren: {
type: 'boolean'
// Breadth-first search, assuming that HTML for forms is shallow.
function validateNesting(node) {
var queue = node.parent.children.slice();
var child;
var opener;
while (queue.length) {
child = queue.shift();
opener = child.openingElement;
if (child.type === 'JSXElement' && opener && ( === 'input' || === 'textarea' || === 'select')) {
return true;
if (child.children) {
queue = queue.concat(child.children);
return false;
var validateId = function validateId(node) {
var htmlForAttr = (0, _jsxAstUtils.getProp)(node.attributes, 'htmlFor');
var htmlForValue = (0, _jsxAstUtils.getPropValue)(htmlForAttr);
return htmlForAttr !== false && !!htmlForValue;
var validate = function validate(node, required, allowChildren, elementType) {
if (allowChildren === true) {
return (0, _hasAccessibleChild["default"])(node.parent, elementType);
if (required === 'nesting') {
return validateNesting(node);
return validateId(node);
var getValidityStatus = function getValidityStatus(node, required, allowChildren, elementType) {
if (Array.isArray(required.some)) {
var _isValid = required.some.some(function (rule) {
return validate(node, rule, allowChildren, elementType);
var _message = !_isValid ? "Form label must have ANY of the following types of associated control: ".concat(required.some.join(', ')) : null;
return {
isValid: _isValid,
message: _message
if (Array.isArray(required.every)) {
var _isValid2 = required.every.every(function (rule) {
return validate(node, rule, allowChildren, elementType);
var _message2 = !_isValid2 ? "Form label must have ALL of the following types of associated control: ".concat(required.every.join(', ')) : null;
return {
isValid: _isValid2,
message: _message2
var isValid = validate(node, required, allowChildren, elementType);
var message = !isValid ? "Form label must have the following type of associated control: ".concat(required) : null;
return {
var _default = {
meta: {
deprecated: true,
replacedBy: ['label-has-associated-control'],
docs: {
description: 'Enforce that `<label>` elements have the `htmlFor` prop.',
url: ''
schema: [schema]
create: function create(context) {
var elementType = (0, _getElementType["default"])(context);
return {
JSXOpeningElement: function JSXOpeningElement(node) {
var options = context.options[0] || {};
var componentOptions = options.components || [];
var typesToValidate = ['label'].concat(componentOptions);
var nodeType = elementType(node);
// Only check 'label' elements and custom types.
if (typesToValidate.indexOf(nodeType) === -1) {
var required = options.required || {
every: ['nesting', 'id']
var allowChildren = options.allowChildren || false;
var _getValidityStatus = getValidityStatus(node, required, allowChildren, elementType),
isValid = _getValidityStatus.isValid,
message = _getValidityStatus.message;
if (!isValid) {{
exports["default"] = _default;
module.exports = exports.default;