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547 lines (477 sloc) 18.7 KB
* @fileoverview `FileEnumerator` class.
* `FileEnumerator` class has two responsibilities:
* 1. Find target files by processing glob patterns.
* 2. Tie each target file and appropriate configuration.
* It provides a method:
* - `iterateFiles(patterns)`
* Iterate files which are matched by given patterns together with the
* corresponded configuration. This is for `CLIEngine#executeOnFiles()`.
* While iterating files, it loads the configuration file of each directory
* before iterate files on the directory, so we can use the configuration
* files to determine target files.
* @example
* const enumerator = new FileEnumerator();
* const linter = new Linter();
* for (const { config, filePath } of enumerator.iterateFiles(["*.js"])) {
* const code = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8");
* const messages = linter.verify(code, config, filePath);
* console.log(messages);
* }
* @author Toru Nagashima <>
"use strict";
// Requirements
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const getGlobParent = require("glob-parent");
const isGlob = require("is-glob");
const escapeRegExp = require("escape-string-regexp");
const { Minimatch } = require("minimatch");
const {
Legacy: {
} = require("@eslint/eslintrc");
const debug = require("debug")("eslint:file-enumerator");
// Helpers
const minimatchOpts = { dot: true, matchBase: true };
const dotfilesPattern = /(?:(?:^\.)|(?:[/\\]\.))[^/\\.].*/u;
const NONE = 0;
const IGNORED = 2;
// For VSCode intellisense
/** @typedef {ReturnType<CascadingConfigArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile>} ConfigArray */
* @typedef {Object} FileEnumeratorOptions
* @property {CascadingConfigArrayFactory} [configArrayFactory] The factory for config arrays.
* @property {string} [cwd] The base directory to start lookup.
* @property {string[]} [extensions] The extensions to match files for directory patterns.
* @property {boolean} [globInputPaths] Set to false to skip glob resolution of input file paths to lint (default: true). If false, each input file paths is assumed to be a non-glob path to an existing file.
* @property {boolean} [ignore] The flag to check ignored files.
* @property {string[]} [rulePaths] The value of `--rulesdir` option.
* @typedef {Object} FileAndConfig
* @property {string} filePath The path to a target file.
* @property {ConfigArray} config The config entries of that file.
* @property {boolean} ignored If `true` then this file should be ignored and warned because it was directly specified.
* @typedef {Object} FileEntry
* @property {string} filePath The path to a target file.
* @property {ConfigArray} config The config entries of that file.
* @property {NONE|IGNORED_SILENTLY|IGNORED} flag The flag.
* - `NONE` means the file is a target file.
* - `IGNORED_SILENTLY` means the file should be ignored silently.
* - `IGNORED` means the file should be ignored and warned because it was directly specified.
* @typedef {Object} FileEnumeratorInternalSlots
* @property {CascadingConfigArrayFactory} configArrayFactory The factory for config arrays.
* @property {string} cwd The base directory to start lookup.
* @property {RegExp|null} extensionRegExp The RegExp to test if a string ends with specific file extensions.
* @property {boolean} globInputPaths Set to false to skip glob resolution of input file paths to lint (default: true). If false, each input file paths is assumed to be a non-glob path to an existing file.
* @property {boolean} ignoreFlag The flag to check ignored files.
* @property {(filePath:string, dot:boolean) => boolean} defaultIgnores The default predicate function to ignore files.
/** @type {WeakMap<FileEnumerator, FileEnumeratorInternalSlots>} */
const internalSlotsMap = new WeakMap();
* Check if a string is a glob pattern or not.
* @param {string} pattern A glob pattern.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the string is a glob pattern.
function isGlobPattern(pattern) {
return isGlob(path.sep === "\\" ? pattern.replace(/\\/gu, "/") : pattern);
* Get stats of a given path.
* @param {string} filePath The path to target file.
* @throws {Error} As may be thrown by `fs.statSync`.
* @returns {fs.Stats|null} The stats.
* @private
function statSafeSync(filePath) {
try {
return fs.statSync(filePath);
} catch (error) {
/* c8 ignore next */
if (error.code !== "ENOENT") {
throw error;
return null;
* Get filenames in a given path to a directory.
* @param {string} directoryPath The path to target directory.
* @throws {Error} As may be thrown by `fs.readdirSync`.
* @returns {import("fs").Dirent[]} The filenames.
* @private
function readdirSafeSync(directoryPath) {
try {
return fs.readdirSync(directoryPath, { withFileTypes: true });
} catch (error) {
/* c8 ignore next */
if (error.code !== "ENOENT") {
throw error;
return [];
* Create a `RegExp` object to detect extensions.
* @param {string[] | null} extensions The extensions to create.
* @returns {RegExp | null} The created `RegExp` object or null.
function createExtensionRegExp(extensions) {
if (extensions) {
const normalizedExts = => escapeRegExp(
? ext.slice(1)
: ext
return new RegExp(
return null;
* The error type when no files match a glob.
class NoFilesFoundError extends Error {
* @param {string} pattern The glob pattern which was not found.
* @param {boolean} globDisabled If `true` then the pattern was a glob pattern, but glob was disabled.
constructor(pattern, globDisabled) {
super(`No files matching '${pattern}' were found${globDisabled ? " (glob was disabled)" : ""}.`);
this.messageTemplate = "file-not-found";
this.messageData = { pattern, globDisabled };
* The error type when there are files matched by a glob, but all of them have been ignored.
class AllFilesIgnoredError extends Error {
* @param {string} pattern The glob pattern which was not found.
constructor(pattern) {
super(`All files matched by '${pattern}' are ignored.`);
this.messageTemplate = "all-files-ignored";
this.messageData = { pattern };
* This class provides the functionality that enumerates every file which is
* matched by given glob patterns and that configuration.
class FileEnumerator {
* Initialize this enumerator.
* @param {FileEnumeratorOptions} options The options.
cwd = process.cwd(),
configArrayFactory = new CascadingConfigArrayFactory({
getEslintRecommendedConfig: () => require("@eslint/js").configs.recommended,
getEslintAllConfig: () => require("@eslint/js").configs.all
extensions = null,
globInputPaths = true,
errorOnUnmatchedPattern = true,
ignore = true
} = {}) {
internalSlotsMap.set(this, {
defaultIgnores: IgnorePattern.createDefaultIgnore(cwd),
extensionRegExp: createExtensionRegExp(extensions),
ignoreFlag: ignore
* Check if a given file is target or not.
* @param {string} filePath The path to a candidate file.
* @param {ConfigArray} [providedConfig] Optional. The configuration for the file.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the file is a target.
isTargetPath(filePath, providedConfig) {
const {
} = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
// If `--ext` option is present, use it.
if (extensionRegExp) {
return extensionRegExp.test(filePath);
// `.js` file is target by default.
if (filePath.endsWith(".js")) {
return true;
// use `overrides[].files` to check additional targets.
const config =
providedConfig ||
{ ignoreNotFoundError: true }
return config.isAdditionalTargetPath(filePath);
* Iterate files which are matched by given glob patterns.
* @param {string|string[]} patternOrPatterns The glob patterns to iterate files.
* @throws {NoFilesFoundError|AllFilesIgnoredError} On an unmatched pattern.
* @returns {IterableIterator<FileAndConfig>} The found files.
*iterateFiles(patternOrPatterns) {
const { globInputPaths, errorOnUnmatchedPattern } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
const patterns = Array.isArray(patternOrPatterns)
? patternOrPatterns
: [patternOrPatterns];
debug("Start to iterate files: %o", patterns);
// The set of paths to remove duplicate.
const set = new Set();
for (const pattern of patterns) {
let foundRegardlessOfIgnored = false;
let found = false;
// Skip empty string.
if (!pattern) {
// Iterate files of this pattern.
for (const { config, filePath, flag } of this._iterateFiles(pattern)) {
foundRegardlessOfIgnored = true;
if (flag === IGNORED_SILENTLY) {
found = true;
// Remove duplicate paths while yielding paths.
if (!set.has(filePath)) {
yield {
ignored: flag === IGNORED
// Raise an error if any files were not found.
if (errorOnUnmatchedPattern) {
if (!foundRegardlessOfIgnored) {
throw new NoFilesFoundError(
!globInputPaths && isGlob(pattern)
if (!found) {
throw new AllFilesIgnoredError(pattern);
debug(`Complete iterating files: ${JSON.stringify(patterns)}`);
* Iterate files which are matched by a given glob pattern.
* @param {string} pattern The glob pattern to iterate files.
* @returns {IterableIterator<FileEntry>} The found files.
_iterateFiles(pattern) {
const { cwd, globInputPaths } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
const absolutePath = path.resolve(cwd, pattern);
const isDot = dotfilesPattern.test(pattern);
const stat = statSafeSync(absolutePath);
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
return this._iterateFilesWithDirectory(absolutePath, isDot);
if (stat && stat.isFile()) {
return this._iterateFilesWithFile(absolutePath);
if (globInputPaths && isGlobPattern(pattern)) {
return this._iterateFilesWithGlob(pattern, isDot);
return [];
* Iterate a file which is matched by a given path.
* @param {string} filePath The path to the target file.
* @returns {IterableIterator<FileEntry>} The found files.
* @private
_iterateFilesWithFile(filePath) {
debug(`File: ${filePath}`);
const { configArrayFactory } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
const config = configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile(filePath);
const ignored = this._isIgnoredFile(filePath, { config, direct: true });
const flag = ignored ? IGNORED : NONE;
return [{ config, filePath, flag }];
* Iterate files in a given path.
* @param {string} directoryPath The path to the target directory.
* @param {boolean} dotfiles If `true` then it doesn't skip dot files by default.
* @returns {IterableIterator<FileEntry>} The found files.
* @private
_iterateFilesWithDirectory(directoryPath, dotfiles) {
debug(`Directory: ${directoryPath}`);
return this._iterateFilesRecursive(
{ dotfiles, recursive: true, selector: null }
* Iterate files which are matched by a given glob pattern.
* @param {string} pattern The glob pattern to iterate files.
* @param {boolean} dotfiles If `true` then it doesn't skip dot files by default.
* @returns {IterableIterator<FileEntry>} The found files.
* @private
_iterateFilesWithGlob(pattern, dotfiles) {
debug(`Glob: ${pattern}`);
const { cwd } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
const directoryPath = path.resolve(cwd, getGlobParent(pattern));
const absolutePath = path.resolve(cwd, pattern);
const globPart = absolutePath.slice(directoryPath.length + 1);
* recursive if there are `**` or path separators in the glob part.
* Otherwise, patterns such as `src/*.js`, it doesn't need recursive.
const recursive = /\*\*|\/|\\/u.test(globPart);
const selector = new Minimatch(absolutePath, minimatchOpts);
debug(`recursive? ${recursive}`);
return this._iterateFilesRecursive(
{ dotfiles, recursive, selector }
* Iterate files in a given path.
* @param {string} directoryPath The path to the target directory.
* @param {Object} options The options to iterate files.
* @param {boolean} [options.dotfiles] If `true` then it doesn't skip dot files by default.
* @param {boolean} [options.recursive] If `true` then it dives into sub directories.
* @param {InstanceType<Minimatch>} [options.selector] The matcher to choose files.
* @returns {IterableIterator<FileEntry>} The found files.
* @private
*_iterateFilesRecursive(directoryPath, options) {
debug(`Enter the directory: ${directoryPath}`);
const { configArrayFactory } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
/** @type {ConfigArray|null} */
let config = null;
// Enumerate the files of this directory.
for (const entry of readdirSafeSync(directoryPath)) {
const filePath = path.join(directoryPath,;
const fileInfo = entry.isSymbolicLink() ? statSafeSync(filePath) : entry;
if (!fileInfo) {
// Check if the file is matched.
if (fileInfo.isFile()) {
if (!config) {
config = configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile(
* We must ignore `ConfigurationNotFoundError` at this
* point because we don't know if target files exist in
* this directory.
{ ignoreNotFoundError: true }
const matched = options.selector
// Started with a glob pattern; choose by the pattern.
? options.selector.match(filePath)
// Started with a directory path; choose by file extensions.
: this.isTargetPath(filePath, config);
if (matched) {
const ignored = this._isIgnoredFile(filePath, { ...options, config });
const flag = ignored ? IGNORED_SILENTLY : NONE;
debug(`Yield: ${}${ignored ? " but ignored" : ""}`);
yield {
config: configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile(filePath),
} else {
debug(`Didn't match: ${}`);
// Dive into the sub directory.
} else if (options.recursive && fileInfo.isDirectory()) {
if (!config) {
config = configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile(
{ ignoreNotFoundError: true }
const ignored = this._isIgnoredFile(
filePath + path.sep,
{ ...options, config }
if (!ignored) {
yield* this._iterateFilesRecursive(filePath, options);
debug(`Leave the directory: ${directoryPath}`);
* Check if a given file should be ignored.
* @param {string} filePath The path to a file to check.
* @param {Object} options Options
* @param {ConfigArray} [options.config] The config for this file.
* @param {boolean} [options.dotfiles] If `true` then this is not ignore dot files by default.
* @param {boolean} [] If `true` then this is a direct specified file.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the file should be ignored.
* @private
_isIgnoredFile(filePath, {
config: providedConfig,
dotfiles = false,
direct = false
}) {
const {
} = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
if (ignoreFlag) {
const config =
providedConfig ||
{ ignoreNotFoundError: true }
const ignores =
config.extractConfig(filePath).ignores || defaultIgnores;
return ignores(filePath, dotfiles);
return !direct && defaultIgnores(filePath, dotfiles);
// Public Interface
module.exports = { FileEnumerator };