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82 lines (66 sloc) 2.68 KB
* @fileoverview jUnit Reporter
* @author Jamund Ferguson
"use strict";
const xmlEscape = require("../xml-escape");
const path = require("path");
// Helper Functions
* Returns the severity of warning or error
* @param {Object} message message object to examine
* @returns {string} severity level
* @private
function getMessageType(message) {
if (message.fatal || message.severity === 2) {
return "Error";
return "Warning";
* Returns a full file path without extension
* @param {string} filePath input file path
* @returns {string} file path without extension
* @private
function pathWithoutExt(filePath) {
return path.join(path.dirname(filePath), path.basename(filePath, path.extname(filePath)));
// Public Interface
module.exports = function(results) {
let output = "";
output += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
output += "<testsuites>\n";
results.forEach(result => {
const messages = result.messages;
const classname = pathWithoutExt(result.filePath);
if (messages.length > 0) {
output += `<testsuite package="org.eslint" time="0" tests="${messages.length}" errors="${messages.length}" name="${result.filePath}">\n`;
messages.forEach(message => {
const type = message.fatal ? "error" : "failure";
output += `<testcase time="0" name="org.eslint.${message.ruleId || "unknown"}" classname="${classname}">`;
output += `<${type} message="${xmlEscape(message.message || "")}">`;
output += "<![CDATA[";
output += `line ${message.line || 0}, col `;
output += `${message.column || 0}, ${getMessageType(message)}`;
output += ` - ${xmlEscape(message.message || "")}`;
output += (message.ruleId ? ` (${message.ruleId})` : "");
output += "]]>";
output += `</${type}>`;
output += "</testcase>\n";
output += "</testsuite>\n";
} else {
output += `<testsuite package="org.eslint" time="0" tests="1" errors="0" name="${result.filePath}">\n`;
output += `<testcase time="0" name="${result.filePath}" classname="${classname}" />\n`;
output += "</testsuite>\n";
output += "</testsuites>\n";
return output;