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1050 lines (902 sloc) 41 KB
* @fileoverview Mocha/Jest test wrapper
* @author Ilya Volodin
"use strict";
/* globals describe, it -- Mocha globals */
// Requirements
assert = require("assert"),
util = require("util"),
equal = require("fast-deep-equal"),
Traverser = require("../shared/traverser"),
{ getRuleOptionsSchema } = require("../config/flat-config-helpers"),
{ Linter, SourceCodeFixer, interpolate } = require("../linter");
const { FlatConfigArray } = require("../config/flat-config-array");
const { defaultConfig } = require("../config/default-config");
const ajv = require("../shared/ajv")({ strictDefaults: true });
const parserSymbol = Symbol.for("eslint.RuleTester.parser");
const { SourceCode } = require("../source-code");
const { ConfigArraySymbol } = require("@humanwhocodes/config-array");
// Typedefs
/** @typedef {import("../shared/types").Parser} Parser */
/** @typedef {import("../shared/types").LanguageOptions} LanguageOptions */
/** @typedef {import("../shared/types").Rule} Rule */
* A test case that is expected to pass lint.
* @typedef {Object} ValidTestCase
* @property {string} [name] Name for the test case.
* @property {string} code Code for the test case.
* @property {any[]} [options] Options for the test case.
* @property {LanguageOptions} [languageOptions] The language options to use in the test case.
* @property {{ [name: string]: any }} [settings] Settings for the test case.
* @property {string} [filename] The fake filename for the test case. Useful for rules that make assertion about filenames.
* @property {boolean} [only] Run only this test case or the subset of test cases with this property.
* A test case that is expected to fail lint.
* @typedef {Object} InvalidTestCase
* @property {string} [name] Name for the test case.
* @property {string} code Code for the test case.
* @property {number | Array<TestCaseError | string | RegExp>} errors Expected errors.
* @property {string | null} [output] The expected code after autofixes are applied. If set to `null`, the test runner will assert that no autofix is suggested.
* @property {any[]} [options] Options for the test case.
* @property {{ [name: string]: any }} [settings] Settings for the test case.
* @property {string} [filename] The fake filename for the test case. Useful for rules that make assertion about filenames.
* @property {LanguageOptions} [languageOptions] The language options to use in the test case.
* @property {boolean} [only] Run only this test case or the subset of test cases with this property.
* A description of a reported error used in a rule tester test.
* @typedef {Object} TestCaseError
* @property {string | RegExp} [message] Message.
* @property {string} [messageId] Message ID.
* @property {string} [type] The type of the reported AST node.
* @property {{ [name: string]: string }} [data] The data used to fill the message template.
* @property {number} [line] The 1-based line number of the reported start location.
* @property {number} [column] The 1-based column number of the reported start location.
* @property {number} [endLine] The 1-based line number of the reported end location.
* @property {number} [endColumn] The 1-based column number of the reported end location.
// Private Members
* testerDefaultConfig must not be modified as it allows to reset the tester to
* the initial default configuration
const testerDefaultConfig = { rules: {} };
* RuleTester uses this config as its default. This can be overwritten via
* setDefaultConfig().
let sharedDefaultConfig = { rules: {} };
* List every parameters possible on a test case that are not related to eslint
* configuration
const RuleTesterParameters = [
* All allowed property names in error objects.
const errorObjectParameters = new Set([
const friendlyErrorObjectParameterList = `[${[...errorObjectParameters].map(key => `'${key}'`).join(", ")}]`;
* All allowed property names in suggestion objects.
const suggestionObjectParameters = new Set([
const friendlySuggestionObjectParameterList = `[${[...suggestionObjectParameters].map(key => `'${key}'`).join(", ")}]`;
const hasOwnProperty =;
* Clones a given value deeply.
* Note: This ignores `parent` property.
* @param {any} x A value to clone.
* @returns {any} A cloned value.
function cloneDeeplyExcludesParent(x) {
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null) {
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
const retv = {};
for (const key in x) {
if (key !== "parent" && hasOwnProperty(x, key)) {
retv[key] = cloneDeeplyExcludesParent(x[key]);
return retv;
return x;
* Freezes a given value deeply.
* @param {any} x A value to freeze.
* @returns {void}
function freezeDeeply(x) {
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null) {
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
} else {
for (const key in x) {
if (key !== "parent" && hasOwnProperty(x, key)) {
* Replace control characters by `\u00xx` form.
* @param {string} text The text to sanitize.
* @returns {string} The sanitized text.
function sanitize(text) {
if (typeof text !== "string") {
return "";
return text.replace(
/[\u0000-\u0009\u000b-\u001a]/gu, // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex -- Escaping controls
c => `\\u${c.codePointAt(0).toString(16).padStart(4, "0")}`
* Define `start`/`end` properties as throwing error.
* @param {string} objName Object name used for error messages.
* @param {ASTNode} node The node to define.
* @returns {void}
function defineStartEndAsError(objName, node) {
Object.defineProperties(node, {
start: {
get() {
throw new Error(`Use ${objName}.range[0] instead of ${objName}.start`);
configurable: true,
enumerable: false
end: {
get() {
throw new Error(`Use ${objName}.range[1] instead of ${objName}.end`);
configurable: true,
enumerable: false
* Define `start`/`end` properties of all nodes of the given AST as throwing error.
* @param {ASTNode} ast The root node to errorize `start`/`end` properties.
* @param {Object} [visitorKeys] Visitor keys to be used for traversing the given ast.
* @returns {void}
function defineStartEndAsErrorInTree(ast, visitorKeys) {
Traverser.traverse(ast, { visitorKeys, enter: defineStartEndAsError.bind(null, "node") });
ast.tokens.forEach(defineStartEndAsError.bind(null, "token"));
ast.comments.forEach(defineStartEndAsError.bind(null, "token"));
* Wraps the given parser in order to intercept and modify return values from the `parse` and `parseForESLint` methods, for test purposes.
* In particular, to modify ast nodes, tokens and comments to throw on access to their `start` and `end` properties.
* @param {Parser} parser Parser object.
* @returns {Parser} Wrapped parser object.
function wrapParser(parser) {
if (typeof parser.parseForESLint === "function") {
return {
[parserSymbol]: parser,
parseForESLint(...args) {
const ret = parser.parseForESLint(...args);
defineStartEndAsErrorInTree(ret.ast, ret.visitorKeys);
return ret;
return {
[parserSymbol]: parser,
parse(...args) {
const ast = parser.parse(...args);
return ast;
* Function to replace `SourceCode.prototype.getComments`.
* @returns {void}
* @throws {Error} Deprecation message.
function getCommentsDeprecation() {
throw new Error(
"`SourceCode#getComments()` is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version. Use `getCommentsBefore()`, `getCommentsAfter()`, and `getCommentsInside()` instead."
// Public Interface
// default separators for testing
const DESCRIBE = Symbol("describe");
const IT = Symbol("it");
const IT_ONLY = Symbol("itOnly");
* This is `it` default handler if `it` don't exist.
* @this {Mocha}
* @param {string} text The description of the test case.
* @param {Function} method The logic of the test case.
* @throws {Error} Any error upon execution of `method`.
* @returns {any} Returned value of `method`.
function itDefaultHandler(text, method) {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof assert.AssertionError) {
err.message += ` (${util.inspect(err.actual)} ${err.operator} ${util.inspect(err.expected)})`;
throw err;
* This is `describe` default handler if `describe` don't exist.
* @this {Mocha}
* @param {string} text The description of the test case.
* @param {Function} method The logic of the test case.
* @returns {any} Returned value of `method`.
function describeDefaultHandler(text, method) {
* Mocha test wrapper.
class FlatRuleTester {
* Creates a new instance of RuleTester.
* @param {Object} [testerConfig] Optional, extra configuration for the tester
constructor(testerConfig = {}) {
* The configuration to use for this tester. Combination of the tester
* configuration and the default configuration.
* @type {Object}
this.testerConfig = [
{ rules: { "rule-tester/validate-ast": "error" } }
this.linter = new Linter({ configType: "flat" });
* Set the configuration to use for all future tests
* @param {Object} config the configuration to use.
* @throws {TypeError} If non-object config.
* @returns {void}
static setDefaultConfig(config) {
if (typeof config !== "object" || config === null) {
throw new TypeError("FlatRuleTester.setDefaultConfig: config must be an object");
sharedDefaultConfig = config;
// Make sure the rules object exists since it is assumed to exist later
sharedDefaultConfig.rules = sharedDefaultConfig.rules || {};
* Get the current configuration used for all tests
* @returns {Object} the current configuration
static getDefaultConfig() {
return sharedDefaultConfig;
* Reset the configuration to the initial configuration of the tester removing
* any changes made until now.
* @returns {void}
static resetDefaultConfig() {
sharedDefaultConfig = {
rules: {
* If people use `mocha test.js --watch` command, `describe` and `it` function
* instances are different for each execution. So `describe` and `it` should get fresh instance
* always.
static get describe() {
return (
this[DESCRIBE] ||
(typeof describe === "function" ? describe : describeDefaultHandler)
static set describe(value) {
this[DESCRIBE] = value;
static get it() {
return (
this[IT] ||
(typeof it === "function" ? it : itDefaultHandler)
static set it(value) {
this[IT] = value;
* Adds the `only` property to a test to run it in isolation.
* @param {string | ValidTestCase | InvalidTestCase} item A single test to run by itself.
* @returns {ValidTestCase | InvalidTestCase} The test with `only` set.
static only(item) {
if (typeof item === "string") {
return { code: item, only: true };
return { ...item, only: true };
static get itOnly() {
if (typeof this[IT_ONLY] === "function") {
return this[IT_ONLY];
if (typeof this[IT] === "function" && typeof this[IT].only === "function") {
return[IT].only, this[IT]);
if (typeof it === "function" && typeof it.only === "function") {
return, it);
if (typeof this[DESCRIBE] === "function" || typeof this[IT] === "function") {
throw new Error(
"Set `RuleTester.itOnly` to use `only` with a custom test framework.\n" +
"See for more."
if (typeof it === "function") {
throw new Error("The current test framework does not support exclusive tests with `only`.");
throw new Error("To use `only`, use RuleTester with a test framework that provides `it.only()` like Mocha.");
static set itOnly(value) {
this[IT_ONLY] = value;
* Adds a new rule test to execute.
* @param {string} ruleName The name of the rule to run.
* @param {Function | Rule} rule The rule to test.
* @param {{
* valid: (ValidTestCase | string)[],
* invalid: InvalidTestCase[]
* }} test The collection of tests to run.
* @throws {TypeError|Error} If non-object `test`, or if a required
* scenario of the given type is missing.
* @returns {void}
run(ruleName, rule, test) {
const testerConfig = this.testerConfig,
requiredScenarios = ["valid", "invalid"],
scenarioErrors = [],
linter = this.linter,
ruleId = `rule-to-test/${ruleName}`;
if (!test || typeof test !== "object") {
throw new TypeError(`Test Scenarios for rule ${ruleName} : Could not find test scenario object`);
requiredScenarios.forEach(scenarioType => {
if (!test[scenarioType]) {
scenarioErrors.push(`Could not find any ${scenarioType} test scenarios`);
if (scenarioErrors.length > 0) {
throw new Error([
`Test Scenarios for rule ${ruleName} is invalid:`
const baseConfig = [
plugins: {
// copy root plugin over
"@": {
* Parsers are wrapped to detect more errors, so this needs
* to be a new object for each call to run(), otherwise the
* parsers will be wrapped multiple times.
parsers: {
* The rules key on the default plugin is a proxy to lazy-load
* just the rules that are needed. So, don't create a new object
* here, just use the default one to keep that performance
* enhancement.
rules: defaultConfig[0].plugins["@"].rules
"rule-to-test": {
rules: {
[ruleName]: Object.assign({}, rule, {
// Create a wrapper rule that freezes the `context` properties.
create(context) {
// freezeDeeply(context.languageOptions);
return (typeof rule === "function" ? rule : rule.create)(context);
languageOptions: {
* Run the rule for the given item
* @param {string|Object} item Item to run the rule against
* @throws {Error} If an invalid schema.
* @returns {Object} Eslint run result
* @private
function runRuleForItem(item) {
const configs = new FlatConfigArray(testerConfig, { baseConfig });
* Modify the returned config so that the parser is wrapped to catch
* access of the start/end properties. This method is called just
* once per code snippet being tested, so each test case gets a clean
* parser.
configs[ConfigArraySymbol.finalizeConfig] = function(...args) {
// can't do super here :(
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
const calculatedConfig = proto[ConfigArraySymbol.finalizeConfig].apply(this, args);
// wrap the parser to catch start/end property access
calculatedConfig.languageOptions.parser = wrapParser(calculatedConfig.languageOptions.parser);
return calculatedConfig;
let code, filename, output, beforeAST, afterAST;
if (typeof item === "string") {
code = item;
} else {
code = item.code;
* Assumes everything on the item is a config except for the
* parameters used by this tester
const itemConfig = { ...item };
for (const parameter of RuleTesterParameters) {
delete itemConfig[parameter];
// wrap any parsers
if (itemConfig.languageOptions && itemConfig.languageOptions.parser) {
const parser = itemConfig.languageOptions.parser;
if (parser && typeof parser !== "object") {
throw new Error("Parser must be an object with a parse() or parseForESLint() method.");
* Create the config object from the tester config and this item
* specific configurations.
if (item.filename) {
filename = item.filename;
let ruleConfig = 1;
if (hasOwnProperty(item, "options")) {
assert(Array.isArray(item.options), "options must be an array");
ruleConfig = [1, ...item.options];
rules: {
[ruleId]: ruleConfig
const schema = getRuleOptionsSchema(rule);
* Setup AST getters.
* The goal is to check whether or not AST was modified when
* running the rule under test.
plugins: {
"rule-tester": {
rules: {
"validate-ast": {
create() {
return {
Program(node) {
beforeAST = cloneDeeplyExcludesParent(node);
"Program:exit"(node) {
afterAST = node;
if (schema) {
if (ajv.errors) {
const errors = => {
const field = error.dataPath[0] === "." ? error.dataPath.slice(1) : error.dataPath;
return `\t${field}: ${error.message}`;
throw new Error([`Schema for rule ${ruleName} is invalid:`, errors]);
* `ajv.validateSchema` checks for errors in the structure of the schema (by comparing the schema against a "meta-schema"),
* and it reports those errors individually. However, there are other types of schema errors that only occur when compiling
* the schema (e.g. using invalid defaults in a schema), and only one of these errors can be reported at a time. As a result,
* the schema is compiled here separately from checking for `validateSchema` errors.
try {
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Schema for rule ${ruleName} is invalid: ${err.message}`);
// Verify the code.
const { getComments } = SourceCode.prototype;
let messages;
// check for validation errors
try {
} catch (error) {
error.message = `ESLint configuration in rule-tester is invalid: ${error.message}`;
throw error;
try {
SourceCode.prototype.getComments = getCommentsDeprecation;
messages = linter.verify(code, configs, filename);
} finally {
SourceCode.prototype.getComments = getComments;
const fatalErrorMessage = messages.find(m => m.fatal);
assert(!fatalErrorMessage, `A fatal parsing error occurred: ${fatalErrorMessage && fatalErrorMessage.message}`);
// Verify if autofix makes a syntax error or not.
if (messages.some(m => m.fix)) {
output = SourceCodeFixer.applyFixes(code, messages).output;
const errorMessageInFix = linter.verify(output, configs, filename).find(m => m.fatal);
assert(!errorMessageInFix, [
"A fatal parsing error occurred in autofix.",
`Error: ${errorMessageInFix && errorMessageInFix.message}`,
"Autofix output:",
} else {
output = code;
return {
afterAST: cloneDeeplyExcludesParent(afterAST)
* Check if the AST was changed
* @param {ASTNode} beforeAST AST node before running
* @param {ASTNode} afterAST AST node after running
* @returns {void}
* @private
function assertASTDidntChange(beforeAST, afterAST) {
if (!equal(beforeAST, afterAST)) {"Rule should not modify AST.");
* Check if the template is valid or not
* all valid cases go through this
* @param {string|Object} item Item to run the rule against
* @returns {void}
* @private
function testValidTemplate(item) {
const code = typeof item === "object" ? item.code : item;
assert.ok(typeof code === "string", "Test case must specify a string value for 'code'");
if ( {
assert.ok(typeof === "string", "Optional test case property 'name' must be a string");
const result = runRuleForItem(item);
const messages = result.messages;
assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 0, util.format("Should have no errors but had %d: %s",
assertASTDidntChange(result.beforeAST, result.afterAST);
* Asserts that the message matches its expected value. If the expected
* value is a regular expression, it is checked against the actual
* value.
* @param {string} actual Actual value
* @param {string|RegExp} expected Expected value
* @returns {void}
* @private
function assertMessageMatches(actual, expected) {
if (expected instanceof RegExp) {
// assert.js doesn't have a built-in RegExp match function
`Expected '${actual}' to match ${expected}`
} else {
assert.strictEqual(actual, expected);
* Check if the template is invalid or not
* all invalid cases go through this.
* @param {string|Object} item Item to run the rule against
* @returns {void}
* @private
function testInvalidTemplate(item) {
assert.ok(typeof item.code === "string", "Test case must specify a string value for 'code'");
if ( {
assert.ok(typeof === "string", "Optional test case property 'name' must be a string");
assert.ok(item.errors || item.errors === 0,
`Did not specify errors for an invalid test of ${ruleName}`);
if (Array.isArray(item.errors) && item.errors.length === 0) {"Invalid cases must have at least one error");
const ruleHasMetaMessages = hasOwnProperty(rule, "meta") && hasOwnProperty(rule.meta, "messages");
const friendlyIDList = ruleHasMetaMessages ? `[${Object.keys(rule.meta.messages).map(key => `'${key}'`).join(", ")}]` : null;
const result = runRuleForItem(item);
const messages = result.messages;
if (typeof item.errors === "number") {
if (item.errors === 0) {"Invalid cases must have 'error' value greater than 0");
assert.strictEqual(messages.length, item.errors, util.format("Should have %d error%s but had %d: %s",
item.errors === 1 ? "" : "s",
} else {
messages.length, item.errors.length, util.format(
"Should have %d error%s but had %d: %s",
item.errors.length === 1 ? "" : "s",
const hasMessageOfThisRule = messages.some(m => m.ruleId === ruleId);
for (let i = 0, l = item.errors.length; i < l; i++) {
const error = item.errors[i];
const message = messages[i];
assert(hasMessageOfThisRule, "Error rule name should be the same as the name of the rule being tested");
if (typeof error === "string" || error instanceof RegExp) {
// Just an error message.
assertMessageMatches(message.message, error);
} else if (typeof error === "object" && error !== null) {
* Error object.
* This may have a message, messageId, data, node type, line, and/or
* column.
Object.keys(error).forEach(propertyName => {
`Invalid error property name '${propertyName}'. Expected one of ${friendlyErrorObjectParameterList}.`
if (hasOwnProperty(error, "message")) {
assert.ok(!hasOwnProperty(error, "messageId"), "Error should not specify both 'message' and a 'messageId'.");
assert.ok(!hasOwnProperty(error, "data"), "Error should not specify both 'data' and 'message'.");
assertMessageMatches(message.message, error.message);
} else if (hasOwnProperty(error, "messageId")) {
"Error can not use 'messageId' if rule under test doesn't define 'meta.messages'."
if (!hasOwnProperty(rule.meta.messages, error.messageId)) {
assert(false, `Invalid messageId '${error.messageId}'. Expected one of ${friendlyIDList}.`);
`messageId '${message.messageId}' does not match expected messageId '${error.messageId}'.`
if (hasOwnProperty(error, "data")) {
* if data was provided, then directly compare the returned message to a synthetic
* interpolated message using the same message ID and data provided in the test.
* See for context.
const unformattedOriginalMessage = rule.meta.messages[error.messageId];
const rehydratedMessage = interpolate(unformattedOriginalMessage,;
`Hydrated message "${rehydratedMessage}" does not match "${message.message}"`
hasOwnProperty(error, "data") ? hasOwnProperty(error, "messageId") : true,
"Error must specify 'messageId' if 'data' is used."
if (error.type) {
assert.strictEqual(message.nodeType, error.type, `Error type should be ${error.type}, found ${message.nodeType}`);
if (hasOwnProperty(error, "line")) {
assert.strictEqual(message.line, error.line, `Error line should be ${error.line}`);
if (hasOwnProperty(error, "column")) {
assert.strictEqual(message.column, error.column, `Error column should be ${error.column}`);
if (hasOwnProperty(error, "endLine")) {
assert.strictEqual(message.endLine, error.endLine, `Error endLine should be ${error.endLine}`);
if (hasOwnProperty(error, "endColumn")) {
assert.strictEqual(message.endColumn, error.endColumn, `Error endColumn should be ${error.endColumn}`);
if (hasOwnProperty(error, "suggestions")) {
// Support asserting there are no suggestions
if (!error.suggestions || (Array.isArray(error.suggestions) && error.suggestions.length === 0)) {
if (Array.isArray(message.suggestions) && message.suggestions.length > 0) {`Error should have no suggestions on error with message: "${message.message}"`);
} else {
assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(message.suggestions), true, `Error should have an array of suggestions. Instead received "${message.suggestions}" on error with message: "${message.message}"`);
assert.strictEqual(message.suggestions.length, error.suggestions.length, `Error should have ${error.suggestions.length} suggestions. Instead found ${message.suggestions.length} suggestions`);
error.suggestions.forEach((expectedSuggestion, index) => {
typeof expectedSuggestion === "object" && expectedSuggestion !== null,
"Test suggestion in 'suggestions' array must be an object."
Object.keys(expectedSuggestion).forEach(propertyName => {
`Invalid suggestion property name '${propertyName}'. Expected one of ${friendlySuggestionObjectParameterList}.`
const actualSuggestion = message.suggestions[index];
const suggestionPrefix = `Error Suggestion at index ${index} :`;
if (hasOwnProperty(expectedSuggestion, "desc")) {
!hasOwnProperty(expectedSuggestion, "data"),
`${suggestionPrefix} Test should not specify both 'desc' and 'data'.`
`${suggestionPrefix} desc should be "${expectedSuggestion.desc}" but got "${actualSuggestion.desc}" instead.`
if (hasOwnProperty(expectedSuggestion, "messageId")) {
`${suggestionPrefix} Test can not use 'messageId' if rule under test doesn't define 'meta.messages'.`
hasOwnProperty(rule.meta.messages, expectedSuggestion.messageId),
`${suggestionPrefix} Test has invalid messageId '${expectedSuggestion.messageId}', the rule under test allows only one of ${friendlyIDList}.`
`${suggestionPrefix} messageId should be '${expectedSuggestion.messageId}' but got '${actualSuggestion.messageId}' instead.`
if (hasOwnProperty(expectedSuggestion, "data")) {
const unformattedMetaMessage = rule.meta.messages[expectedSuggestion.messageId];
const rehydratedDesc = interpolate(unformattedMetaMessage,;
`${suggestionPrefix} Hydrated test desc "${rehydratedDesc}" does not match received desc "${actualSuggestion.desc}".`
} else {
!hasOwnProperty(expectedSuggestion, "data"),
`${suggestionPrefix} Test must specify 'messageId' if 'data' is used.`
if (hasOwnProperty(expectedSuggestion, "output")) {
const codeWithAppliedSuggestion = SourceCodeFixer.applyFixes(item.code, [actualSuggestion]).output;
assert.strictEqual(codeWithAppliedSuggestion, expectedSuggestion.output, `Expected the applied suggestion fix to match the test suggestion output for suggestion at index: ${index} on error with message: "${message.message}"`);
} else {
// Message was an unexpected type`Error should be a string, object, or RegExp, but found (${util.inspect(message)})`);
if (hasOwnProperty(item, "output")) {
if (item.output === null) {
"Expected no autofixes to be suggested"
} else {
assert.strictEqual(result.output, item.output, "Output is incorrect.");
} else {
"The rule fixed the code. Please add 'output' property."
assertASTDidntChange(result.beforeAST, result.afterAST);
* This creates a mocha test suite and pipes all supplied info through
* one of the templates above.
* The test suites for valid/invalid are created conditionally as
* test runners (eg. vitest) fail for empty test suites.
this.constructor.describe(ruleName, () => {
if (test.valid.length > 0) {
this.constructor.describe("valid", () => {
test.valid.forEach(valid => {
this.constructor[valid.only ? "itOnly" : "it"](
sanitize(typeof valid === "object" ? || valid.code : valid),
() => {
if (test.invalid.length > 0) {
this.constructor.describe("invalid", () => {
test.invalid.forEach(invalid => {
this.constructor[invalid.only ? "itOnly" : "it"](
sanitize( || invalid.code),
() => {
FlatRuleTester[DESCRIBE] = FlatRuleTester[IT] = FlatRuleTester[IT_ONLY] = null;
module.exports = FlatRuleTester;