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1126 lines (954 sloc) 43.6 KB
* @fileoverview This option sets a specific tab width for your code
* This rule has been ported and modified from nodeca.
* @author Vitaly Puzrin
* @author Gyandeep Singh
* @deprecated in ESLint v4.0.0
"use strict";
// Requirements
const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils");
// Rule Definition
// this rule has known coverage issues, but it's deprecated and shouldn't be updated in the future anyway.
/* c8 ignore next */
/** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */
module.exports = {
meta: {
type: "layout",
docs: {
description: "Enforce consistent indentation",
recommended: false,
url: ""
deprecated: true,
replacedBy: ["indent"],
fixable: "whitespace",
schema: [
oneOf: [
enum: ["tab"]
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
type: "object",
properties: {
SwitchCase: {
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
VariableDeclarator: {
oneOf: [
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
type: "object",
properties: {
var: {
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
let: {
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
const: {
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
outerIIFEBody: {
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
MemberExpression: {
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
FunctionDeclaration: {
type: "object",
properties: {
parameters: {
oneOf: [
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
enum: ["first"]
body: {
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
FunctionExpression: {
type: "object",
properties: {
parameters: {
oneOf: [
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
enum: ["first"]
body: {
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
CallExpression: {
type: "object",
properties: {
parameters: {
oneOf: [
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
enum: ["first"]
ArrayExpression: {
oneOf: [
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
enum: ["first"]
ObjectExpression: {
oneOf: [
type: "integer",
minimum: 0
enum: ["first"]
additionalProperties: false
messages: {
expected: "Expected indentation of {{expected}} but found {{actual}}."
create(context) {
const DEFAULT_PARAMETER_INDENT = null; // For backwards compatibility, don't check parameter indentation unless specified in the config
let indentType = "space";
let indentSize = 4;
const options = {
SwitchCase: 0,
VariableDeclarator: {
outerIIFEBody: null,
FunctionDeclaration: {
FunctionExpression: {
CallExpression: {
ArrayExpression: 1,
ObjectExpression: 1
const sourceCode = context.sourceCode;
if (context.options.length) {
if (context.options[0] === "tab") {
indentSize = 1;
indentType = "tab";
} else /* c8 ignore start */ if (typeof context.options[0] === "number") {
indentSize = context.options[0];
indentType = "space";
}/* c8 ignore stop */
if (context.options[1]) {
const opts = context.options[1];
options.SwitchCase = opts.SwitchCase || 0;
const variableDeclaratorRules = opts.VariableDeclarator;
if (typeof variableDeclaratorRules === "number") {
options.VariableDeclarator = {
var: variableDeclaratorRules,
let: variableDeclaratorRules,
const: variableDeclaratorRules
} else if (typeof variableDeclaratorRules === "object") {
Object.assign(options.VariableDeclarator, variableDeclaratorRules);
if (typeof opts.outerIIFEBody === "number") {
options.outerIIFEBody = opts.outerIIFEBody;
if (typeof opts.MemberExpression === "number") {
options.MemberExpression = opts.MemberExpression;
if (typeof opts.FunctionDeclaration === "object") {
Object.assign(options.FunctionDeclaration, opts.FunctionDeclaration);
if (typeof opts.FunctionExpression === "object") {
Object.assign(options.FunctionExpression, opts.FunctionExpression);
if (typeof opts.CallExpression === "object") {
Object.assign(options.CallExpression, opts.CallExpression);
if (typeof opts.ArrayExpression === "number" || typeof opts.ArrayExpression === "string") {
options.ArrayExpression = opts.ArrayExpression;
if (typeof opts.ObjectExpression === "number" || typeof opts.ObjectExpression === "string") {
options.ObjectExpression = opts.ObjectExpression;
const caseIndentStore = {};
* Creates an error message for a line, given the expected/actual indentation.
* @param {int} expectedAmount The expected amount of indentation characters for this line
* @param {int} actualSpaces The actual number of indentation spaces that were found on this line
* @param {int} actualTabs The actual number of indentation tabs that were found on this line
* @returns {string} An error message for this line
function createErrorMessageData(expectedAmount, actualSpaces, actualTabs) {
const expectedStatement = `${expectedAmount} ${indentType}${expectedAmount === 1 ? "" : "s"}`; // e.g. "2 tabs"
const foundSpacesWord = `space${actualSpaces === 1 ? "" : "s"}`; // e.g. "space"
const foundTabsWord = `tab${actualTabs === 1 ? "" : "s"}`; // e.g. "tabs"
let foundStatement;
if (actualSpaces > 0 && actualTabs > 0) {
foundStatement = `${actualSpaces} ${foundSpacesWord} and ${actualTabs} ${foundTabsWord}`; // e.g. "1 space and 2 tabs"
} else if (actualSpaces > 0) {
* Abbreviate the message if the expected indentation is also spaces.
* e.g. 'Expected 4 spaces but found 2' rather than 'Expected 4 spaces but found 2 spaces'
foundStatement = indentType === "space" ? actualSpaces : `${actualSpaces} ${foundSpacesWord}`;
} else if (actualTabs > 0) {
foundStatement = indentType === "tab" ? actualTabs : `${actualTabs} ${foundTabsWord}`;
} else {
foundStatement = "0";
return {
expected: expectedStatement,
actual: foundStatement
* Reports a given indent violation
* @param {ASTNode} node Node violating the indent rule
* @param {int} needed Expected indentation character count
* @param {int} gottenSpaces Indentation space count in the actual node/code
* @param {int} gottenTabs Indentation tab count in the actual node/code
* @param {Object} [loc] Error line and column location
* @param {boolean} isLastNodeCheck Is the error for last node check
* @returns {void}
function report(node, needed, gottenSpaces, gottenTabs, loc, isLastNodeCheck) {
if (gottenSpaces && gottenTabs) {
// To avoid conflicts with `no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs`, don't report lines that have both spaces and tabs.
const desiredIndent = (indentType === "space" ? " " : "\t").repeat(needed);
const textRange = isLastNodeCheck
? [node.range[1] - node.loc.end.column, node.range[1] - node.loc.end.column + gottenSpaces + gottenTabs]
: [node.range[0] - node.loc.start.column, node.range[0] - node.loc.start.column + gottenSpaces + gottenTabs];{
messageId: "expected",
data: createErrorMessageData(needed, gottenSpaces, gottenTabs),
fix: fixer => fixer.replaceTextRange(textRange, desiredIndent)
* Get the actual indent of node
* @param {ASTNode|Token} node Node to examine
* @param {boolean} [byLastLine=false] get indent of node's last line
* @returns {Object} The node's indent. Contains keys `space` and `tab`, representing the indent of each character. Also
* contains keys `goodChar` and `badChar`, where `goodChar` is the amount of the user's desired indentation character, and
* `badChar` is the amount of the other indentation character.
function getNodeIndent(node, byLastLine) {
const token = byLastLine ? sourceCode.getLastToken(node) : sourceCode.getFirstToken(node);
const srcCharsBeforeNode = sourceCode.getText(token, token.loc.start.column).split("");
const indentChars = srcCharsBeforeNode.slice(0, srcCharsBeforeNode.findIndex(char => char !== " " && char !== "\t"));
const spaces = indentChars.filter(char => char === " ").length;
const tabs = indentChars.filter(char => char === "\t").length;
return {
space: spaces,
tab: tabs,
goodChar: indentType === "space" ? spaces : tabs,
badChar: indentType === "space" ? tabs : spaces
* Checks node is the first in its own start line. By default it looks by start line.
* @param {ASTNode} node The node to check
* @param {boolean} [byEndLocation=false] Lookup based on start position or end
* @returns {boolean} true if its the first in the its start line
function isNodeFirstInLine(node, byEndLocation) {
const firstToken = byEndLocation === true ? sourceCode.getLastToken(node, 1) : sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node),
startLine = byEndLocation === true ? node.loc.end.line : node.loc.start.line,
endLine = firstToken ? firstToken.loc.end.line : -1;
return startLine !== endLine;
* Check indent for node
* @param {ASTNode} node Node to check
* @param {int} neededIndent needed indent
* @returns {void}
function checkNodeIndent(node, neededIndent) {
const actualIndent = getNodeIndent(node, false);
if (
node.type !== "ArrayExpression" &&
node.type !== "ObjectExpression" &&
(actualIndent.goodChar !== neededIndent || actualIndent.badChar !== 0) &&
) {
report(node, neededIndent,,;
if (node.type === "IfStatement" && node.alternate) {
const elseToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node.alternate);
checkNodeIndent(elseToken, neededIndent);
if (!isNodeFirstInLine(node.alternate)) {
checkNodeIndent(node.alternate, neededIndent);
if (node.type === "TryStatement" && node.handler) {
const catchToken = sourceCode.getFirstToken(node.handler);
checkNodeIndent(catchToken, neededIndent);
if (node.type === "TryStatement" && node.finalizer) {
const finallyToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node.finalizer);
checkNodeIndent(finallyToken, neededIndent);
if (node.type === "DoWhileStatement") {
const whileToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node.body);
checkNodeIndent(whileToken, neededIndent);
* Check indent for nodes list
* @param {ASTNode[]} nodes list of node objects
* @param {int} indent needed indent
* @returns {void}
function checkNodesIndent(nodes, indent) {
nodes.forEach(node => checkNodeIndent(node, indent));
* Check last node line indent this detects, that block closed correctly
* @param {ASTNode} node Node to examine
* @param {int} lastLineIndent needed indent
* @returns {void}
function checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, lastLineIndent) {
const lastToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(node);
const endIndent = getNodeIndent(lastToken, true);
if ((endIndent.goodChar !== lastLineIndent || endIndent.badChar !== 0) && isNodeFirstInLine(node, true)) {
{ line: lastToken.loc.start.line, column: lastToken.loc.start.column },
* Check last node line indent this detects, that block closed correctly
* This function for more complicated return statement case, where closing parenthesis may be followed by ';'
* @param {ASTNode} node Node to examine
* @param {int} firstLineIndent first line needed indent
* @returns {void}
function checkLastReturnStatementLineIndent(node, firstLineIndent) {
* in case if return statement ends with ');' we have traverse back to ')'
* otherwise we'll measure indent for ';' and replace ')'
const lastToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(node, astUtils.isClosingParenToken);
const textBeforeClosingParenthesis = sourceCode.getText(lastToken, lastToken.loc.start.column).slice(0, -1);
if (textBeforeClosingParenthesis.trim()) {
// There are tokens before the closing paren, don't report this case
const endIndent = getNodeIndent(lastToken, true);
if (endIndent.goodChar !== firstLineIndent) {
{ line: lastToken.loc.start.line, column: lastToken.loc.start.column },
* Check first node line indent is correct
* @param {ASTNode} node Node to examine
* @param {int} firstLineIndent needed indent
* @returns {void}
function checkFirstNodeLineIndent(node, firstLineIndent) {
const startIndent = getNodeIndent(node, false);
if ((startIndent.goodChar !== firstLineIndent || startIndent.badChar !== 0) && isNodeFirstInLine(node)) {
{ line: node.loc.start.line, column: node.loc.start.column }
* Returns a parent node of given node based on a specified type
* if not present then return null
* @param {ASTNode} node node to examine
* @param {string} type type that is being looked for
* @param {string} stopAtList end points for the evaluating code
* @returns {ASTNode|void} if found then node otherwise null
function getParentNodeByType(node, type, stopAtList) {
let parent = node.parent;
const stopAtSet = new Set(stopAtList || ["Program"]);
while (parent.type !== type && !stopAtSet.has(parent.type) && parent.type !== "Program") {
parent = parent.parent;
return parent.type === type ? parent : null;
* Returns the VariableDeclarator based on the current node
* if not present then return null
* @param {ASTNode} node node to examine
* @returns {ASTNode|void} if found then node otherwise null
function getVariableDeclaratorNode(node) {
return getParentNodeByType(node, "VariableDeclarator");
* Check to see if the node is part of the multi-line variable declaration.
* Also if its on the same line as the varNode
* @param {ASTNode} node node to check
* @param {ASTNode} varNode variable declaration node to check against
* @returns {boolean} True if all the above condition satisfy
function isNodeInVarOnTop(node, varNode) {
return varNode &&
varNode.parent.loc.start.line === node.loc.start.line &&
varNode.parent.declarations.length > 1;
* Check to see if the argument before the callee node is multi-line and
* there should only be 1 argument before the callee node
* @param {ASTNode} node node to check
* @returns {boolean} True if arguments are multi-line
function isArgBeforeCalleeNodeMultiline(node) {
const parent = node.parent;
if (parent.arguments.length >= 2 && parent.arguments[1] === node) {
return parent.arguments[0].loc.end.line > parent.arguments[0].loc.start.line;
return false;
* Check to see if the node is a file level IIFE
* @param {ASTNode} node The function node to check.
* @returns {boolean} True if the node is the outer IIFE
function isOuterIIFE(node) {
const parent = node.parent;
let stmt = parent.parent;
* Verify that the node is an IIEF
if (
parent.type !== "CallExpression" ||
parent.callee !== node) {
return false;
* Navigate legal ancestors to determine whether this IIEF is outer
while (
stmt.type === "UnaryExpression" && (
stmt.operator === "!" ||
stmt.operator === "~" ||
stmt.operator === "+" ||
stmt.operator === "-") ||
stmt.type === "AssignmentExpression" ||
stmt.type === "LogicalExpression" ||
stmt.type === "SequenceExpression" ||
stmt.type === "VariableDeclarator") {
stmt = stmt.parent;
return ((
stmt.type === "ExpressionStatement" ||
stmt.type === "VariableDeclaration") &&
stmt.parent && stmt.parent.type === "Program"
* Check indent for function block content
* @param {ASTNode} node A BlockStatement node that is inside of a function.
* @returns {void}
function checkIndentInFunctionBlock(node) {
* Search first caller in chain.
* Ex.:
* Models <- Identifier
* .User
* .find()
* .exec(function() {
* // function body
* });
* Looks for 'Models'
const calleeNode = node.parent; // FunctionExpression
let indent;
if (calleeNode.parent &&
(calleeNode.parent.type === "Property" ||
calleeNode.parent.type === "ArrayExpression")) {
// If function is part of array or object, comma can be put at left
indent = getNodeIndent(calleeNode, false).goodChar;
} else {
// If function is standalone, simple calculate indent
indent = getNodeIndent(calleeNode).goodChar;
if (calleeNode.parent.type === "CallExpression") {
const calleeParent = calleeNode.parent;
if (calleeNode.type !== "FunctionExpression" && calleeNode.type !== "ArrowFunctionExpression") {
if (calleeParent && calleeParent.loc.start.line < node.loc.start.line) {
indent = getNodeIndent(calleeParent).goodChar;
} else {
if (isArgBeforeCalleeNodeMultiline(calleeNode) &&
calleeParent.callee.loc.start.line === calleeParent.callee.loc.end.line &&
!isNodeFirstInLine(calleeNode)) {
indent = getNodeIndent(calleeParent).goodChar;
* function body indent should be indent + indent size, unless this
* is a FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, or outer IIFE and the corresponding options are enabled.
let functionOffset = indentSize;
if (options.outerIIFEBody !== null && isOuterIIFE(calleeNode)) {
functionOffset = options.outerIIFEBody * indentSize;
} else if (calleeNode.type === "FunctionExpression") {
functionOffset = options.FunctionExpression.body * indentSize;
} else if (calleeNode.type === "FunctionDeclaration") {
functionOffset = options.FunctionDeclaration.body * indentSize;
indent += functionOffset;
// check if the node is inside a variable
const parentVarNode = getVariableDeclaratorNode(node);
if (parentVarNode && isNodeInVarOnTop(node, parentVarNode)) {
indent += indentSize * options.VariableDeclarator[parentVarNode.parent.kind];
if (node.body.length > 0) {
checkNodesIndent(node.body, indent);
checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, indent - functionOffset);
* Checks if the given node starts and ends on the same line
* @param {ASTNode} node The node to check
* @returns {boolean} Whether or not the block starts and ends on the same line.
function isSingleLineNode(node) {
const lastToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(node),
startLine = node.loc.start.line,
endLine = lastToken.loc.end.line;
return startLine === endLine;
* Check indent for array block content or object block content
* @param {ASTNode} node node to examine
* @returns {void}
function checkIndentInArrayOrObjectBlock(node) {
// Skip inline
if (isSingleLineNode(node)) {
let elements = (node.type === "ArrayExpression") ? node.elements :;
// filter out empty elements example would be [ , 2] so remove first element as espree considers it as null
elements = elements.filter(elem => elem !== null);
let nodeIndent;
let elementsIndent;
const parentVarNode = getVariableDeclaratorNode(node);
// TODO - come up with a better strategy in future
if (isNodeFirstInLine(node)) {
const parent = node.parent;
nodeIndent = getNodeIndent(parent).goodChar;
if (!parentVarNode || parentVarNode.loc.start.line !== node.loc.start.line) {
if (parent.type !== "VariableDeclarator" || parentVarNode === parentVarNode.parent.declarations[0]) {
if (parent.type === "VariableDeclarator" && parentVarNode.loc.start.line === parent.loc.start.line) {
nodeIndent += (indentSize * options.VariableDeclarator[parentVarNode.parent.kind]);
} else if (parent.type === "ObjectExpression" || parent.type === "ArrayExpression") {
const parentElements = node.parent.type === "ObjectExpression" ? : node.parent.elements;
if (parentElements[0] &&
parentElements[0].loc.start.line === parent.loc.start.line &&
parentElements[0].loc.end.line !== parent.loc.start.line) {
* If the first element of the array spans multiple lines, don't increase the expected indentation of the rest.
* e.g. [{
* foo: 1
* },
* {
* bar: 1
* }]
* the second object is not indented.
} else if (typeof options[parent.type] === "number") {
nodeIndent += options[parent.type] * indentSize;
} else {
nodeIndent = parentElements[0].loc.start.column;
} else if (parent.type === "CallExpression" || parent.type === "NewExpression") {
if (typeof options.CallExpression.arguments === "number") {
nodeIndent += options.CallExpression.arguments * indentSize;
} else if (options.CallExpression.arguments === "first") {
if (parent.arguments.includes(node)) {
nodeIndent = parent.arguments[0].loc.start.column;
} else {
nodeIndent += indentSize;
} else if (parent.type === "LogicalExpression" || parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression") {
nodeIndent += indentSize;
checkFirstNodeLineIndent(node, nodeIndent);
} else {
nodeIndent = getNodeIndent(node).goodChar;
if (options[node.type] === "first") {
elementsIndent = elements.length ? elements[0].loc.start.column : 0; // If there are no elements, elementsIndent doesn't matter.
} else {
elementsIndent = nodeIndent + indentSize * options[node.type];
* Check if the node is a multiple variable declaration; if so, then
* make sure indentation takes that into account.
if (isNodeInVarOnTop(node, parentVarNode)) {
elementsIndent += indentSize * options.VariableDeclarator[parentVarNode.parent.kind];
checkNodesIndent(elements, elementsIndent);
if (elements.length > 0) {
// Skip last block line check if last item in same line
if (elements[elements.length - 1].loc.end.line === node.loc.end.line) {
checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, nodeIndent +
(isNodeInVarOnTop(node, parentVarNode) ? options.VariableDeclarator[parentVarNode.parent.kind] * indentSize : 0));
* Check if the node or node body is a BlockStatement or not
* @param {ASTNode} node node to test
* @returns {boolean} True if it or its body is a block statement
function isNodeBodyBlock(node) {
return node.type === "BlockStatement" || node.type === "ClassBody" || (node.body && node.body.type === "BlockStatement") ||
(node.consequent && node.consequent.type === "BlockStatement");
* Check indentation for blocks
* @param {ASTNode} node node to check
* @returns {void}
function blockIndentationCheck(node) {
// Skip inline blocks
if (isSingleLineNode(node)) {
if (node.parent && (
node.parent.type === "FunctionExpression" ||
node.parent.type === "FunctionDeclaration" ||
node.parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression")
) {
let indent;
let nodesToCheck = [];
* For this statements we should check indent from statement beginning,
* not from the beginning of the block.
const statementsWithProperties = [
"IfStatement", "WhileStatement", "ForStatement", "ForInStatement", "ForOfStatement", "DoWhileStatement", "ClassDeclaration", "TryStatement"
if (node.parent && statementsWithProperties.includes(node.parent.type) && isNodeBodyBlock(node)) {
indent = getNodeIndent(node.parent).goodChar;
} else if (node.parent && node.parent.type === "CatchClause") {
indent = getNodeIndent(node.parent.parent).goodChar;
} else {
indent = getNodeIndent(node).goodChar;
if (node.type === "IfStatement" && node.consequent.type !== "BlockStatement") {
nodesToCheck = [node.consequent];
} else if (Array.isArray(node.body)) {
nodesToCheck = node.body;
} else {
nodesToCheck = [node.body];
if (nodesToCheck.length > 0) {
checkNodesIndent(nodesToCheck, indent + indentSize);
if (node.type === "BlockStatement") {
checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, indent);
* Filter out the elements which are on the same line of each other or the node.
* basically have only 1 elements from each line except the variable declaration line.
* @param {ASTNode} node Variable declaration node
* @returns {ASTNode[]} Filtered elements
function filterOutSameLineVars(node) {
return node.declarations.reduce((finalCollection, elem) => {
const lastElem = finalCollection[finalCollection.length - 1];
if ((elem.loc.start.line !== node.loc.start.line && !lastElem) ||
(lastElem && lastElem.loc.start.line !== elem.loc.start.line)) {
return finalCollection;
}, []);
* Check indentation for variable declarations
* @param {ASTNode} node node to examine
* @returns {void}
function checkIndentInVariableDeclarations(node) {
const elements = filterOutSameLineVars(node);
const nodeIndent = getNodeIndent(node).goodChar;
const lastElement = elements[elements.length - 1];
const elementsIndent = nodeIndent + indentSize * options.VariableDeclarator[node.kind];
checkNodesIndent(elements, elementsIndent);
// Only check the last line if there is any token after the last item
if (sourceCode.getLastToken(node).loc.end.line <= lastElement.loc.end.line) {
const tokenBeforeLastElement = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(lastElement);
if (tokenBeforeLastElement.value === ",") {
// Special case for comma-first syntax where the semicolon is indented
checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, getNodeIndent(tokenBeforeLastElement).goodChar);
} else {
checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, elementsIndent - indentSize);
* Check and decide whether to check for indentation for blockless nodes
* Scenarios are for or while statements without braces around them
* @param {ASTNode} node node to examine
* @returns {void}
function blockLessNodes(node) {
if (node.body.type !== "BlockStatement") {
* Returns the expected indentation for the case statement
* @param {ASTNode} node node to examine
* @param {int} [providedSwitchIndent] indent for switch statement
* @returns {int} indent size
function expectedCaseIndent(node, providedSwitchIndent) {
const switchNode = (node.type === "SwitchStatement") ? node : node.parent;
const switchIndent = typeof providedSwitchIndent === "undefined"
? getNodeIndent(switchNode).goodChar
: providedSwitchIndent;
let caseIndent;
if (caseIndentStore[switchNode.loc.start.line]) {
return caseIndentStore[switchNode.loc.start.line];
if (switchNode.cases.length > 0 && options.SwitchCase === 0) {
caseIndent = switchIndent;
} else {
caseIndent = switchIndent + (indentSize * options.SwitchCase);
caseIndentStore[switchNode.loc.start.line] = caseIndent;
return caseIndent;
* Checks whether a return statement is wrapped in ()
* @param {ASTNode} node node to examine
* @returns {boolean} the result
function isWrappedInParenthesis(node) {
const regex = /^return\s*?\(\s*?\);*?/u;
const statementWithoutArgument = sourceCode.getText(node).replace(
sourceCode.getText(node.argument), ""
return regex.test(statementWithoutArgument);
return {
Program(node) {
if (node.body.length > 0) {
// Root nodes should have no indent
checkNodesIndent(node.body, getNodeIndent(node).goodChar);
ClassBody: blockIndentationCheck,
BlockStatement: blockIndentationCheck,
WhileStatement: blockLessNodes,
ForStatement: blockLessNodes,
ForInStatement: blockLessNodes,
ForOfStatement: blockLessNodes,
DoWhileStatement: blockLessNodes,
IfStatement(node) {
if (node.consequent.type !== "BlockStatement" && node.consequent.loc.start.line > node.loc.start.line) {
VariableDeclaration(node) {
if (node.declarations[node.declarations.length - 1].loc.start.line > node.declarations[0].loc.start.line) {
ObjectExpression(node) {
ArrayExpression(node) {
MemberExpression(node) {
if (typeof options.MemberExpression === "undefined") {
if (isSingleLineNode(node)) {
* The typical layout of variable declarations and assignments
* alter the expectation of correct indentation. Skip them.
* TODO: Add appropriate configuration options for variable
* declarations and assignments.
if (getParentNodeByType(node, "VariableDeclarator", ["FunctionExpression", "ArrowFunctionExpression"])) {
if (getParentNodeByType(node, "AssignmentExpression", ["FunctionExpression"])) {
const propertyIndent = getNodeIndent(node).goodChar + indentSize * options.MemberExpression;
const checkNodes = [];
const dot = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(;
if (dot.type === "Punctuator" && dot.value === ".") {
checkNodesIndent(checkNodes, propertyIndent);
SwitchStatement(node) {
// Switch is not a 'BlockStatement'
const switchIndent = getNodeIndent(node).goodChar;
const caseIndent = expectedCaseIndent(node, switchIndent);
checkNodesIndent(node.cases, caseIndent);
checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, switchIndent);
SwitchCase(node) {
// Skip inline cases
if (isSingleLineNode(node)) {
const caseIndent = expectedCaseIndent(node);
checkNodesIndent(node.consequent, caseIndent + indentSize);
FunctionDeclaration(node) {
if (isSingleLineNode(node)) {
if (options.FunctionDeclaration.parameters === "first" && node.params.length) {
checkNodesIndent(node.params.slice(1), node.params[0].loc.start.column);
} else if (options.FunctionDeclaration.parameters !== null) {
checkNodesIndent(node.params, getNodeIndent(node).goodChar + indentSize * options.FunctionDeclaration.parameters);
FunctionExpression(node) {
if (isSingleLineNode(node)) {
if (options.FunctionExpression.parameters === "first" && node.params.length) {
checkNodesIndent(node.params.slice(1), node.params[0].loc.start.column);
} else if (options.FunctionExpression.parameters !== null) {
checkNodesIndent(node.params, getNodeIndent(node).goodChar + indentSize * options.FunctionExpression.parameters);
ReturnStatement(node) {
if (isSingleLineNode(node)) {
const firstLineIndent = getNodeIndent(node).goodChar;
// in case if return statement is wrapped in parenthesis
if (isWrappedInParenthesis(node)) {
checkLastReturnStatementLineIndent(node, firstLineIndent);
} else {
checkNodeIndent(node, firstLineIndent);
CallExpression(node) {
if (isSingleLineNode(node)) {
if (options.CallExpression.arguments === "first" && node.arguments.length) {
checkNodesIndent(node.arguments.slice(1), node.arguments[0].loc.start.column);
} else if (options.CallExpression.arguments !== null) {
checkNodesIndent(node.arguments, getNodeIndent(node).goodChar + indentSize * options.CallExpression.arguments);