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322 lines (311 sloc) 7.88 KB
import process from 'node:process';
import escapeStringRegexp from 'escape-string-regexp';
import isUnicodeSupported from 'is-unicode-supported';
const {platform} = process;
const common = {
square: '█',
squareDarkShade: '▓',
squareMediumShade: '▒',
squareLightShade: '░',
squareTop: '▀',
squareBottom: '▄',
squareLeft: '▌',
squareRight: '▐',
squareCenter: '■',
bullet: '●',
dot: '․',
ellipsis: '…',
pointerSmall: '›',
triangleUp: '▲',
triangleUpSmall: '▴',
triangleDown: '▼',
triangleDownSmall: '▾',
triangleLeftSmall: '◂',
triangleRightSmall: '▸',
home: '⌂',
heart: '♥',
musicNote: '♪',
musicNoteBeamed: '♫',
arrowUp: '↑',
arrowDown: '↓',
arrowLeft: '←',
arrowRight: '→',
arrowLeftRight: '↔',
arrowUpDown: '↕',
almostEqual: '≈',
notEqual: '≠',
lessOrEqual: '≤',
greaterOrEqual: '≥',
identical: '≡',
infinity: '∞',
subscriptZero: '₀',
subscriptOne: '₁',
subscriptTwo: '₂',
subscriptThree: '₃',
subscriptFour: '₄',
subscriptFive: '₅',
subscriptSix: '₆',
subscriptSeven: '₇',
subscriptEight: '₈',
subscriptNine: '₉',
oneHalf: '½',
oneThird: '⅓',
oneQuarter: '¼',
oneFifth: '⅕',
oneSixth: '⅙',
oneEighth: '⅛',
twoThirds: '⅔',
twoFifths: '⅖',
threeQuarters: '¾',
threeFifths: '⅗',
threeEighths: '⅜',
fourFifths: '⅘',
fiveSixths: '⅚',
fiveEighths: '⅝',
sevenEighths: '⅞',
line: '─',
lineBold: '━',
lineDouble: '═',
lineDashed0: '┄',
lineDashed1: '┅',
lineDashed2: '┈',
lineDashed3: '┉',
lineDashed4: '╌',
lineDashed5: '╍',
lineDashed6: '╴',
lineDashed7: '╶',
lineDashed8: '╸',
lineDashed9: '╺',
lineDashed10: '╼',
lineDashed11: '╾',
lineDashed12: '−',
lineDashed13: '–',
lineDashed14: '‐',
lineDashed15: '⁃',
lineVertical: '│',
lineVerticalBold: '┃',
lineVerticalDouble: '║',
lineVerticalDashed0: '┆',
lineVerticalDashed1: '┇',
lineVerticalDashed2: '┊',
lineVerticalDashed3: '┋',
lineVerticalDashed4: '╎',
lineVerticalDashed5: '╏',
lineVerticalDashed6: '╵',
lineVerticalDashed7: '╷',
lineVerticalDashed8: '╹',
lineVerticalDashed9: '╻',
lineVerticalDashed10: '╽',
lineVerticalDashed11: '╿',
lineDownLeft: '┐',
lineDownLeftArc: '╮',
lineDownBoldLeftBold: '┓',
lineDownBoldLeft: '┒',
lineDownLeftBold: '┑',
lineDownDoubleLeftDouble: '╗',
lineDownDoubleLeft: '╖',
lineDownLeftDouble: '╕',
lineDownRight: '┌',
lineDownRightArc: '╭',
lineDownBoldRightBold: '┏',
lineDownBoldRight: '┎',
lineDownRightBold: '┍',
lineDownDoubleRightDouble: '╔',
lineDownDoubleRight: '╓',
lineDownRightDouble: '╒',
lineUpLeft: '┘',
lineUpLeftArc: '╯',
lineUpBoldLeftBold: '┛',
lineUpBoldLeft: '┚',
lineUpLeftBold: '┙',
lineUpDoubleLeftDouble: '╝',
lineUpDoubleLeft: '╜',
lineUpLeftDouble: '╛',
lineUpRight: '└',
lineUpRightArc: '╰',
lineUpBoldRightBold: '┗',
lineUpBoldRight: '┖',
lineUpRightBold: '┕',
lineUpDoubleRightDouble: '╚',
lineUpDoubleRight: '╙',
lineUpRightDouble: '╘',
lineUpDownLeft: '┤',
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBold: '┫',
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeft: '┨',
lineUpDownLeftBold: '┥',
lineUpBoldDownLeftBold: '┩',
lineUpDownBoldLeftBold: '┪',
lineUpDownBoldLeft: '┧',
lineUpBoldDownLeft: '┦',
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDouble: '╣',
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeft: '╢',
lineUpDownLeftDouble: '╡',
lineUpDownRight: '├',
lineUpBoldDownBoldRightBold: '┣',
lineUpBoldDownBoldRight: '┠',
lineUpDownRightBold: '┝',
lineUpBoldDownRightBold: '┡',
lineUpDownBoldRightBold: '┢',
lineUpDownBoldRight: '┟',
lineUpBoldDownRight: '┞',
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRightDouble: '╠',
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRight: '╟',
lineUpDownRightDouble: '╞',
lineDownLeftRight: '┬',
lineDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: '┳',
lineDownLeftBoldRightBold: '┯',
lineDownBoldLeftRight: '┰',
lineDownBoldLeftBoldRight: '┱',
lineDownBoldLeftRightBold: '┲',
lineDownLeftRightBold: '┮',
lineDownLeftBoldRight: '┭',
lineDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: '╦',
lineDownDoubleLeftRight: '╥',
lineDownLeftDoubleRightDouble: '╤',
lineUpLeftRight: '┴',
lineUpBoldLeftBoldRightBold: '┻',
lineUpLeftBoldRightBold: '┷',
lineUpBoldLeftRight: '┸',
lineUpBoldLeftBoldRight: '┹',
lineUpBoldLeftRightBold: '┺',
lineUpLeftRightBold: '┶',
lineUpLeftBoldRight: '┵',
lineUpDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: '╩',
lineUpDoubleLeftRight: '╨',
lineUpLeftDoubleRightDouble: '╧',
lineUpDownLeftRight: '┼',
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: '╋',
lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: '╈',
lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRightBold: '╇',
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRightBold: '╊',
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRight: '╉',
lineUpBoldDownLeftRight: '╀',
lineUpDownBoldLeftRight: '╁',
lineUpDownLeftBoldRight: '┽',
lineUpDownLeftRightBold: '┾',
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRight: '╂',
lineUpDownLeftBoldRightBold: '┿',
lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRight: '╃',
lineUpBoldDownLeftRightBold: '╄',
lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRight: '╅',
lineUpDownBoldLeftRightBold: '╆',
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: '╬',
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftRight: '╫',
lineUpDownLeftDoubleRightDouble: '╪',
lineCross: '╳',
lineBackslash: '╲',
lineSlash: '╱',
export const mainSymbols = {
// The main symbols for those do not look that good on Ubuntu.
platform === 'linux'
? {
circleQuestionMark: '?⃝',
questionMarkPrefix: '?⃝',
: {
circleQuestionMark: '?',
questionMarkPrefix: '?',
tick: '✔',
info: 'ℹ',
warning: '⚠',
cross: '✘',
squareSmall: '◻',
squareSmallFilled: '◼',
circle: '◯',
circleFilled: '◉',
circleDotted: '◌',
circleDouble: '◎',
circleCircle: 'ⓞ',
circleCross: 'ⓧ',
circlePipe: 'Ⓘ',
radioOn: '◉',
radioOff: '◯',
checkboxOn: '☒',
checkboxOff: '☐',
checkboxCircleOn: 'ⓧ',
checkboxCircleOff: 'Ⓘ',
pointer: '❯',
triangleUpOutline: '△',
triangleLeft: '◀',
triangleRight: '▶',
lozenge: '◆',
lozengeOutline: '◇',
hamburger: '☰',
smiley: '㋡',
mustache: '෴',
star: '★',
play: '▶',
nodejs: '⬢',
oneSeventh: '⅐',
oneNinth: '⅑',
oneTenth: '⅒',
export const fallbackSymbols = {
tick: '√',
info: 'i',
warning: '‼',
cross: '×',
squareSmall: '□',
squareSmallFilled: '■',
circle: '( )',
circleFilled: '(*)',
circleDotted: '( )',
circleDouble: '( )',
circleCircle: '(○)',
circleCross: '(×)',
circlePipe: '(│)',
circleQuestionMark: '(?)',
radioOn: '(*)',
radioOff: '( )',
checkboxOn: '[×]',
checkboxOff: '[ ]',
checkboxCircleOn: '(×)',
checkboxCircleOff: '( )',
questionMarkPrefix: '?',
pointer: '>',
triangleUpOutline: '∆',
triangleLeft: '◄',
triangleRight: '►',
lozenge: '♦',
lozengeOutline: '◊',
hamburger: '≡',
smiley: '☺',
mustache: '┌─┐',
star: '✶',
play: '►',
nodejs: '♦',
oneSeventh: '1/7',
oneNinth: '1/9',
oneTenth: '1/10',
const shouldUseMain = isUnicodeSupported();
const figures = shouldUseMain ? mainSymbols : fallbackSymbols;
export default figures;
const isFallbackSymbol = (key, mainSymbol) => fallbackSymbols[key] !== mainSymbol;
const getFigureRegExp = (key, mainSymbol) => [new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(mainSymbol), 'g'), fallbackSymbols[key]];
let replacements = [];
const getReplacements = () => {
if (replacements.length > 0) {
return replacements;
replacements = Object.entries(mainSymbols)
.filter(([key, mainSymbol]) => isFallbackSymbol(key, mainSymbol))
.map(([key, mainSymbol]) => getFigureRegExp(key, mainSymbol));
return replacements;
// On terminals which do not support Unicode symbols, substitute them to other symbols
export const replaceSymbols = string => {
if (shouldUseMain) {
return string;
for (const [figureRegExp, fallbackSymbol] of getReplacements()) {
string = string.replace(figureRegExp, fallbackSymbol);
return string;