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Switch branches/tags

Name already in use

A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?
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94 lines (83 sloc) 2.58 KB
/*! (c) 2020 Andrea Giammarchi */
const {parse: $parse, stringify: $stringify} = JSON;
const {keys} = Object;
const Primitive = String; // it could be Number
const primitive = 'string'; // it could be 'number'
const ignore = {};
const object = 'object';
const noop = (_, value) => value;
const primitives = value => (
value instanceof Primitive ? Primitive(value) : value
const Primitives = (_, value) => (
typeof value === primitive ? new Primitive(value) : value
const revive = (input, parsed, output, $) => {
const lazy = [];
for (let ke = keys(output), {length} = ke, y = 0; y < length; y++) {
const k = ke[y];
const value = output[k];
if (value instanceof Primitive) {
const tmp = input[value];
if (typeof tmp === object && !parsed.has(tmp)) {
output[k] = ignore;
lazy.push({k, a: [input, parsed, tmp, $]});
output[k] = $.call(output, k, tmp);
else if (output[k] !== ignore)
output[k] = $.call(output, k, value);
for (let {length} = lazy, i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const {k, a} = lazy[i];
output[k] = $.call(output, k, revive.apply(null, a));
return output;
const set = (known, input, value) => {
const index = Primitive(input.push(value) - 1);
known.set(value, index);
return index;
export const parse = (text, reviver) => {
const input = $parse(text, Primitives).map(primitives);
const value = input[0];
const $ = reviver || noop;
const tmp = typeof value === object && value ?
revive(input, new Set, value, $) :
return $.call({'': tmp}, '', tmp);
export const stringify = (value, replacer, space) => {
const $ = replacer && typeof replacer === object ?
(k, v) => (k === '' || -1 < replacer.indexOf(k) ? v : void 0) :
(replacer || noop);
const known = new Map;
const input = [];
const output = [];
let i = +set(known, input, $.call({'': value}, '', value));
let firstRun = !i;
while (i < input.length) {
firstRun = true;
output[i] = $stringify(input[i++], replace, space);
return '[' + output.join(',') + ']';
function replace(key, value) {
if (firstRun) {
firstRun = !firstRun;
return value;
const after = $.call(this, key, value);
switch (typeof after) {
case object:
if (after === null) return after;
case primitive:
return known.get(after) || set(known, input, after);
return after;
export const toJSON = any => $parse(stringify(any));
export const fromJSON = any => parse($stringify(any));