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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const boundaries_1 = require("./boundaries");
// BreakTypes
// @type {BreakType}
const NotBreak = 0;
const BreakStart = 1;
const Break = 2;
const BreakLastRegional = 3;
const BreakPenultimateRegional = 4;
class GraphemerHelper {
* Check if the the character at the position {pos} of the string is surrogate
* @param str {string}
* @param pos {number}
* @returns {boolean}
static isSurrogate(str, pos) {
return (0xd800 <= str.charCodeAt(pos) &&
str.charCodeAt(pos) <= 0xdbff &&
0xdc00 <= str.charCodeAt(pos + 1) &&
str.charCodeAt(pos + 1) <= 0xdfff);
* The String.prototype.codePointAt polyfill
* Private function, gets a Unicode code point from a JavaScript UTF-16 string
* handling surrogate pairs appropriately
* @param str {string}
* @param idx {number}
* @returns {number}
static codePointAt(str, idx) {
if (idx === undefined) {
idx = 0;
const code = str.charCodeAt(idx);
// if a high surrogate
if (0xd800 <= code && code <= 0xdbff && idx < str.length - 1) {
const hi = code;
const low = str.charCodeAt(idx + 1);
if (0xdc00 <= low && low <= 0xdfff) {
return (hi - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (low - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
return hi;
// if a low surrogate
if (0xdc00 <= code && code <= 0xdfff && idx >= 1) {
const hi = str.charCodeAt(idx - 1);
const low = code;
if (0xd800 <= hi && hi <= 0xdbff) {
return (hi - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (low - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
return low;
// just return the char if an unmatched surrogate half or a
// single-char codepoint
return code;
* Private function, returns whether a break is allowed between the two given grapheme breaking classes
* Implemented the UAX #29 3.1.1 Grapheme Cluster Boundary Rules on extended grapheme clusters
* @param start {number}
* @param mid {Array<number>}
* @param end {number}
* @param startEmoji {number}
* @param midEmoji {Array<number>}
* @param endEmoji {number}
* @returns {number}
static shouldBreak(start, mid, end, startEmoji, midEmoji, endEmoji) {
const all = [start].concat(mid).concat([end]);
const allEmoji = [startEmoji].concat(midEmoji).concat([endEmoji]);
const previous = all[all.length - 2];
const next = end;
const nextEmoji = endEmoji;
// Lookahead terminator for:
// GB12. ^ (RI RI)* RI ? RI
// GB13. [^RI] (RI RI)* RI ? RI
const rIIndex = all.lastIndexOf(boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.REGIONAL_INDICATOR);
if (rIIndex > 0 &&
all.slice(1, rIIndex).every(function (c) {
return c === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.REGIONAL_INDICATOR;
}) &&
[boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.PREPEND, boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.REGIONAL_INDICATOR].indexOf(previous) === -1) {
if (all.filter(function (c) {
return c === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.REGIONAL_INDICATOR;
}).length %
2 ===
1) {
return BreakLastRegional;
else {
return BreakPenultimateRegional;
// GB3. CR × LF
if (previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.CR && next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.LF) {
return NotBreak;
// GB4. (Control|CR|LF) ÷
else if (previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.CONTROL ||
previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.CR ||
previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.LF) {
return BreakStart;
// GB5. ÷ (Control|CR|LF)
else if (next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.CONTROL ||
next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.CR ||
next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.LF) {
return BreakStart;
// GB6. L × (L|V|LV|LVT)
else if (previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.L &&
(next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.L ||
next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.V ||
next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.LV ||
next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.LVT)) {
return NotBreak;
// GB7. (LV|V) × (V|T)
else if ((previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.LV || previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.V) &&
(next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.V || next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.T)) {
return NotBreak;
// GB8. (LVT|T) × (T)
else if ((previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.LVT || previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.T) &&
next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.T) {
return NotBreak;
// GB9. × (Extend|ZWJ)
else if (next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.EXTEND || next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.ZWJ) {
return NotBreak;
// GB9a. × SpacingMark
else if (next === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.SPACINGMARK) {
return NotBreak;
// GB9b. Prepend ×
else if (previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.PREPEND) {
return NotBreak;
// GB11. \p{Extended_Pictographic} Extend* ZWJ × \p{Extended_Pictographic}
const previousNonExtendIndex = allEmoji
.slice(0, -1)
if (previousNonExtendIndex !== -1 &&
allEmoji[previousNonExtendIndex] === boundaries_1.EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC &&
all.slice(previousNonExtendIndex + 1, -2).every(function (c) {
return c === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.EXTEND;
}) &&
previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.ZWJ &&
nextEmoji === boundaries_1.EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC) {
return NotBreak;
// GB12. ^ (RI RI)* RI × RI
// GB13. [^RI] (RI RI)* RI × RI
if (mid.indexOf(boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.REGIONAL_INDICATOR) !== -1) {
return Break;
if (previous === boundaries_1.CLUSTER_BREAK.REGIONAL_INDICATOR &&
return NotBreak;
// GB999. Any ? Any
return BreakStart;
exports.default = GraphemerHelper;