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github-actions[bot] Update checked-in dependencies
Latest commit 40a500c Jul 13, 2023 History
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697 lines (627 sloc) 20.4 KB
'use strict'
const debug = require('debug')('nock.common')
const isPlainObject = require('lodash/isPlainObject')
const set = require('lodash/set')
const timers = require('timers')
const url = require('url')
const util = require('util')
* Normalizes the request options so that it always has `host` property.
* @param {Object} options - a parsed options object of the request
function normalizeRequestOptions(options) {
options.proto = options.proto || 'http'
options.port = options.port || (options.proto === 'http' ? 80 : 443)
if ( {
if (!options.hostname) {
if (':').length === 2) {
options.hostname =':')[0]
} else {
options.hostname =
debug('options.hostname in the end: %j', options.hostname) = `${options.hostname || 'localhost'}:${options.port}`
debug(' in the end: %j',
/// lowercase host names
;['hostname', 'host'].forEach(function (attr) {
if (options[attr]) {
options[attr] = options[attr].toLowerCase()
return options
* Returns true if the data contained in buffer can be reconstructed
* from its utf8 representation.
* @param {Object} buffer - a Buffer object
* @returns {boolean}
function isUtf8Representable(buffer) {
const utfEncodedBuffer = buffer.toString('utf8')
const reconstructedBuffer = Buffer.from(utfEncodedBuffer, 'utf8')
return reconstructedBuffer.equals(buffer)
// Array where all information about all the overridden requests are held.
let requestOverrides = {}
* Overrides the current `request` function of `http` and `https` modules with
* our own version which intercepts issues HTTP/HTTPS requests and forwards them
* to the given `newRequest` function.
* @param {Function} newRequest - a function handling requests; it accepts four arguments:
* - proto - a string with the overridden module's protocol name (either `http` or `https`)
* - overriddenRequest - the overridden module's request function already bound to module's object
* - options - the options of the issued request
* - callback - the callback of the issued request
function overrideRequests(newRequest) {
debug('overriding requests')
;['http', 'https'].forEach(function (proto) {
debug('- overriding request for', proto)
const moduleName = proto // 1 to 1 match of protocol and module is fortunate :)
const module = {
http: require('http'),
https: require('https'),
const overriddenRequest = module.request
const overriddenGet = module.get
if (requestOverrides[moduleName]) {
throw new Error(
`Module's request already overridden for ${moduleName} protocol.`
// Store the properties of the overridden request so that it can be restored later on.
requestOverrides[moduleName] = {
request: overriddenRequest,
get: overriddenGet,
module.request = function (input, options, callback) {
return newRequest(proto, overriddenRequest.bind(module), [
module.get = function (input, options, callback) {
const req = newRequest(proto, overriddenGet.bind(module), [
return req
debug('- overridden request for', proto)
* Restores `request` function of `http` and `https` modules to values they
* held before they were overridden by us.
function restoreOverriddenRequests() {
debug('restoring requests')
([proto, { module, request, get }]) => {
debug('- restoring request for', proto)
module.request = request
module.get = get
debug('- restored request for', proto)
requestOverrides = {}
* In WHATWG URL vernacular, this returns the origin portion of a URL.
* However, the port is not included if it's standard and not already present on the host.
function normalizeOrigin(proto, host, port) {
const hostHasPort = host.includes(':')
const portIsStandard =
(proto === 'http' && (port === 80 || port === '80')) ||
(proto === 'https' && (port === 443 || port === '443'))
const portStr = hostHasPort || portIsStandard ? '' : `:${port}`
return `${proto}://${host}${portStr}`
* Get high level information about request as string
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.method
* @param {number|string} options.port
* @param {string} options.proto Set internally. always http or https
* @param {string} options.hostname
* @param {string} options.path
* @param {Object} options.headers
* @param {string} body
* @return {string}
function stringifyRequest(options, body) {
const { method = 'GET', path = '', port } = options
const origin = normalizeOrigin(options.proto, options.hostname, port)
const log = {
url: `${origin}${path}`,
headers: options.headers,
if (body) {
log.body = body
return JSON.stringify(log, null, 2)
function isContentEncoded(headers) {
const contentEncoding = headers['content-encoding']
return typeof contentEncoding === 'string' && contentEncoding !== ''
function contentEncoding(headers, encoder) {
const contentEncoding = headers['content-encoding']
return contentEncoding !== undefined && contentEncoding.toString() === encoder
function isJSONContent(headers) {
const contentType = String(headers['content-type'] || '').toLowerCase()
return contentType.startsWith('application/json')
* Return a new object with all field names of the headers lower-cased.
* Duplicates throw an error.
function headersFieldNamesToLowerCase(headers, throwOnDuplicate) {
if (!isPlainObject(headers)) {
throw Error('Headers must be provided as an object')
const lowerCaseHeaders = {}
Object.entries(headers).forEach(([fieldName, fieldValue]) => {
const key = fieldName.toLowerCase()
if (lowerCaseHeaders[key] !== undefined) {
if (throwOnDuplicate) {
throw Error(
`Failed to convert header keys to lower case due to field name conflict: ${key}`
} else {
`Duplicate header provided in request: ${key}. Only the last value can be matched.`
lowerCaseHeaders[key] = fieldValue
return lowerCaseHeaders
const headersFieldsArrayToLowerCase = headers => [ Set( => fieldName.toLowerCase())),
* Converts the various accepted formats of headers into a flat array representing "raw headers".
* Nock allows headers to be provided as a raw array, a plain object, or a Map.
* While all the header names are expected to be strings, the values are left intact as they can
* be functions, strings, or arrays of strings.
function headersInputToRawArray(headers) {
if (headers === undefined) {
return []
if (Array.isArray(headers)) {
// If the input is an array, assume it's already in the raw format and simply return a copy
// but throw an error if there aren't an even number of items in the array
if (headers.length % 2) {
throw new Error(
`Raw headers must be provided as an array with an even number of items. [fieldName, value, ...]`
return [...headers]
// [].concat(...) is used instead of Array.flat until v11 is the minimum Node version
if (util.types.isMap(headers)) {
return [].concat(...Array.from(headers, ([k, v]) => [k.toString(), v]))
if (isPlainObject(headers)) {
return [].concat(...Object.entries(headers))
throw new Error(
`Headers must be provided as an array of raw values, a Map, or a plain Object. ${headers}`
* Converts an array of raw headers to an object, using the same rules as Nodes `http.IncomingMessage.headers`.
* Header names/keys are lower-cased.
function headersArrayToObject(rawHeaders) {
if (!Array.isArray(rawHeaders)) {
throw Error('Expected a header array')
const accumulator = {}
forEachHeader(rawHeaders, (value, fieldName) => {
addHeaderLine(accumulator, fieldName, value)
return accumulator
const noDuplicatesHeaders = new Set([
* Set key/value data in accordance with Node's logic for folding duplicate headers.
* The `value` param should be a function, string, or array of strings.
* Node's docs and source:
* Header names are lower-cased.
* Duplicates in raw headers are handled in the following ways, depending on the header name:
* - Duplicates of field names listed in `noDuplicatesHeaders` (above) are discarded.
* - `set-cookie` is always an array. Duplicates are added to the array.
* - For duplicate `cookie` headers, the values are joined together with '; '.
* - For all other headers, the values are joined together with ', '.
* Node's implementation is larger because it highly optimizes for not having to call `toLowerCase()`.
* We've opted to always call `toLowerCase` in exchange for a more concise function.
* While Node has the luxury of knowing `value` is always a string, we do an extra step of coercion at the top.
function addHeaderLine(headers, name, value) {
let values // code below expects `values` to be an array of strings
if (typeof value === 'function') {
// Function values are evaluated towards the end of the response, before that we use a placeholder
// string just to designate that the header exists. Useful when `Content-Type` is set with a function.
values = []
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
values =
} else {
values = [String(value)]
const key = name.toLowerCase()
if (key === 'set-cookie') {
// Array header -- only Set-Cookie at the moment
if (headers['set-cookie'] === undefined) {
headers['set-cookie'] = values
} else {
} else if (noDuplicatesHeaders.has(key)) {
if (headers[key] === undefined) {
// Drop duplicates
headers[key] = values[0]
} else {
if (headers[key] !== undefined) {
values = [headers[key], ...values]
const separator = key === 'cookie' ? '; ' : ', '
headers[key] = values.join(separator)
* Deletes the given `fieldName` property from `headers` object by performing
* case-insensitive search through keys.
* @headers {Object} headers - object of header field names and values
* @fieldName {String} field name - string with the case-insensitive field name
function deleteHeadersField(headers, fieldNameToDelete) {
if (!isPlainObject(headers)) {
throw Error('headers must be an object')
if (typeof fieldNameToDelete !== 'string') {
throw Error('field name must be a string')
const lowerCaseFieldNameToDelete = fieldNameToDelete.toLowerCase()
// Search through the headers and delete all values whose field name matches the given field name.
.filter(fieldName => fieldName.toLowerCase() === lowerCaseFieldNameToDelete)
.forEach(fieldName => delete headers[fieldName])
* Utility for iterating over a raw headers array.
* The callback is called with:
* - The header value. string, array of strings, or a function
* - The header field name. string
* - Index of the header field in the raw header array.
function forEachHeader(rawHeaders, callback) {
for (let i = 0; i < rawHeaders.length; i += 2) {
callback(rawHeaders[i + 1], rawHeaders[i], i)
function percentDecode(str) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/\+/g, ' '))
} catch (e) {
return str
* URI encode the provided string, stringently adhering to RFC 3986.
* RFC 3986 reserves !, ', (, ), and * but encodeURIComponent does not encode them so we do it manually.
function percentEncode(str) {
return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function (c) {
return `%${c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`
function matchStringOrRegexp(target, pattern) {
const targetStr =
target === undefined || target === null ? '' : String(target)
if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
// if the regexp happens to have a global flag, we want to ensure we test the entire target
pattern.lastIndex = 0
return pattern.test(targetStr)
return targetStr === String(pattern)
* Formats a query parameter.
* @param key The key of the query parameter to format.
* @param value The value of the query parameter to format.
* @param stringFormattingFn The function used to format string values. Can
* be used to encode or decode the query value.
* @returns *[] the formatted [key, value] pair.
function formatQueryValue(key, value, stringFormattingFn) {
// TODO: Probably refactor code to replace `switch(true)` with `if`/`else`.
switch (true) {
case typeof value === 'number': // fall-through
case typeof value === 'boolean':
value = value.toString()
case value === null:
case value === undefined:
value = ''
case typeof value === 'string':
if (stringFormattingFn) {
value = stringFormattingFn(value)
case value instanceof RegExp:
case Array.isArray(value): {
value = (val, idx) {
return formatQueryValue(idx, val, stringFormattingFn)[1]
case typeof value === 'object': {
value = Object.entries(value).reduce(function (acc, [subKey, subVal]) {
const subPair = formatQueryValue(subKey, subVal, stringFormattingFn)
acc[subPair[0]] = subPair[1]
return acc
}, {})
if (stringFormattingFn) key = stringFormattingFn(key)
return [key, value]
function isStream(obj) {
return (
obj &&
typeof obj !== 'string' &&
!Buffer.isBuffer(obj) &&
typeof obj.setEncoding === 'function'
* Converts the arguments from the various signatures of http[s].request into a standard
* options object and an optional callback function.
* Taken from the beginning of the native `ClientRequest`.
function normalizeClientRequestArgs(input, options, cb) {
if (typeof input === 'string') {
input = urlToOptions(new url.URL(input))
} else if (input instanceof url.URL) {
input = urlToOptions(input)
} else {
cb = options
options = input
input = null
if (typeof options === 'function') {
cb = options
options = input || {}
} else {
options = Object.assign(input || {}, options)
return { options, callback: cb }
* Utility function that converts a URL object into an ordinary
* options object as expected by the http.request and https.request APIs.
* This was copied from Node's source
function urlToOptions(url) {
const options = {
protocol: url.protocol,
typeof url.hostname === 'string' && url.hostname.startsWith('[')
? url.hostname.slice(1, -1)
: url.hostname,
hash: url.hash,
pathname: url.pathname,
path: `${url.pathname}${ || ''}`,
href: url.href,
if (url.port !== '') {
options.port = Number(url.port)
if (url.username || url.password) {
options.auth = `${url.username}:${url.password}`
return options
* Determines if request data matches the expected schema.
* Used for comparing decoded search parameters, request body JSON objects,
* and URL decoded request form bodies.
* Performs a general recursive strict comparison with two caveats:
* - The expected data can use regexp to compare values
* - JSON path notation and nested objects are considered equal
const dataEqual = (expected, actual) => {
if (isPlainObject(expected)) {
expected = expand(expected)
if (isPlainObject(actual)) {
actual = expand(actual)
return deepEqual(expected, actual)
* Converts flat objects whose keys use JSON path notation to nested objects.
* The input object is not mutated.
* @example
* { 'foo[bar][0]': 'baz' } -> { foo: { bar: [ 'baz' ] } }
const expand = input =>
Object.entries(input).reduce((acc, [k, v]) => set(acc, k, v), {})
* Performs a recursive strict comparison between two values.
* Expected values or leaf nodes of expected object values that are RegExp use test() for comparison.
function deepEqual(expected, actual) {
debug('deepEqual comparing', typeof expected, expected, typeof actual, actual)
if (expected instanceof RegExp) {
return expected.test(actual)
if (Array.isArray(expected) && Array.isArray(actual)) {
if (expected.length !== actual.length) {
return false
return expected.every((expVal, idx) => deepEqual(expVal, actual[idx]))
if (isPlainObject(expected) && isPlainObject(actual)) {
const allKeys = Array.from(
new Set(Object.keys(expected).concat(Object.keys(actual)))
return allKeys.every(key => deepEqual(expected[key], actual[key]))
return expected === actual
const timeouts = []
const intervals = []
const immediates = []
const wrapTimer =
(timer, ids) =>
(...args) => {
const id = timer(...args)
return id
const setTimeout = wrapTimer(timers.setTimeout, timeouts)
const setInterval = wrapTimer(timers.setInterval, intervals)
const setImmediate = wrapTimer(timers.setImmediate, immediates)
function clearTimer(clear, ids) {
while (ids.length) {
function removeAllTimers() {
clearTimer(clearTimeout, timeouts)
clearTimer(clearInterval, intervals)
clearTimer(clearImmediate, immediates)
* Check if the Client Request has been cancelled.
* Until Node 14 is the minimum, we need to look at both flags to see if the request has been cancelled.
* The two flags have the same purpose, but the Node maintainers are migrating from `abort(ed)` to
* `destroy(ed)` terminology, to be more consistent with `stream.Writable`.
* In Node 14.x+, Calling `abort()` will set both `aborted` and `destroyed` to true, however,
* calling `destroy()` will only set `destroyed` to true.
* Falling back on checking if the socket is destroyed to cover the case of Node <14.x where
* `destroy()` is called, but `destroyed` is undefined.
* Node Client Request history:
* - `request.abort()`: Added in: v0.3.8, Deprecated since: v14.1.0, v13.14.0
* - `request.aborted`: Added in: v0.11.14, Became a boolean instead of a timestamp: v11.0.0, Not deprecated (yet)
* - `request.destroy()`: Added in: v0.3.0
* - `request.destroyed`: Added in: v14.1.0, v13.14.0
* @param {ClientRequest} req
* @returns {boolean}
function isRequestDestroyed(req) {
return !!(
req.destroyed === true ||
req.aborted ||
(req.socket && req.socket.destroyed)
module.exports = {