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260 lines (260 sloc) 10.9 KB
// Generated by LiveScript 1.6.0
var ref$, id, find, sort, min, max, map, unlines, nameToRaw, dasherize, naturalJoin, wordWrap, wordwrap, getPreText, setHelpStyleDefaults, generateHelpForOption, generateHelp;
ref$ = require('prelude-ls'), id = ref$.id, find = ref$.find, sort = ref$.sort, min = ref$.min, max = ref$.max, map = ref$.map, unlines = ref$.unlines;
ref$ = require('./util'), nameToRaw = ref$.nameToRaw, dasherize = ref$.dasherize, naturalJoin = ref$.naturalJoin;
wordWrap = require('@aashutoshrathi/word-wrap');
wordwrap = function(a, b){
var ref$, indent, width;
ref$ = b === undefined
? ['', a - 1]
: [repeatString$(' ', a), b - a - 1], indent = ref$[0], width = ref$[1];
return function(text){
return wordWrap(text, {
indent: indent,
width: width,
trim: true
getPreText = function(option, arg$, maxWidth){
var mainName, shortNames, ref$, longNames, type, description, aliasSeparator, typeSeparator, initialIndent, names, namesString, namesStringLen, typeSeparatorString, typeSeparatorStringLen, wrap;
mainName = option.option, shortNames = (ref$ = option.shortNames) != null
? ref$
: [], longNames = (ref$ = option.longNames) != null
? ref$
: [], type = option.type, description = option.description;
aliasSeparator = arg$.aliasSeparator, typeSeparator = arg$.typeSeparator, initialIndent = arg$.initialIndent;
if (option.negateName) {
mainName = "no-" + mainName;
if (longNames) {
longNames = map(function(it){
return "no-" + it;
}, longNames);
names = mainName.length === 1
? [mainName].concat(shortNames, longNames)
: shortNames.concat([mainName], longNames);
namesString = map(nameToRaw, names).join(aliasSeparator);
namesStringLen = namesString.length;
typeSeparatorString = mainName === 'NUM' ? '::' : typeSeparator;
typeSeparatorStringLen = typeSeparatorString.length;
if (maxWidth != null && !option.boolean && initialIndent + namesStringLen + typeSeparatorStringLen + type.length > maxWidth) {
wrap = wordwrap(initialIndent + namesStringLen + typeSeparatorStringLen, maxWidth);
return namesString + "" + typeSeparatorString + wrap(type).replace(/^\s+/, '');
} else {
return namesString + "" + (option.boolean
? ''
: typeSeparatorString + "" + type);
setHelpStyleDefaults = function(helpStyle){
helpStyle.aliasSeparator == null && (helpStyle.aliasSeparator = ', ');
helpStyle.typeSeparator == null && (helpStyle.typeSeparator = ' ');
helpStyle.descriptionSeparator == null && (helpStyle.descriptionSeparator = ' ');
helpStyle.initialIndent == null && (helpStyle.initialIndent = 2);
helpStyle.secondaryIndent == null && (helpStyle.secondaryIndent = 4);
helpStyle.maxPadFactor == null && (helpStyle.maxPadFactor = 1.5);
generateHelpForOption = function(getOption, arg$){
var stdout, helpStyle, ref$;
stdout = arg$.stdout, helpStyle = (ref$ = arg$.helpStyle) != null
? ref$
: {};
return function(optionName){
var maxWidth, wrap, option, e, pre, defaultString, restPositionalString, description, fullDescription, that, preDescription, descriptionString, exampleString, examples, seperator;
maxWidth = stdout != null && stdout.isTTY ? stdout.columns - 1 : null;
wrap = maxWidth ? wordwrap(maxWidth) : id;
try {
option = getOption(dasherize(optionName));
} catch (e$) {
e = e$;
return e.message;
pre = getPreText(option, helpStyle);
defaultString = option['default'] && !option.negateName ? "\ndefault: " + option['default'] : '';
restPositionalString = option.restPositional ? 'Everything after this option is considered a positional argument, even if it looks like an option.' : '';
description = option.longDescription || option.description && sentencize(option.description);
fullDescription = description && restPositionalString
? description + " " + restPositionalString
: (that = description || restPositionalString) ? that : '';
preDescription = 'description:';
descriptionString = !fullDescription
? ''
: maxWidth && fullDescription.length - 1 - preDescription.length > maxWidth
? "\n" + preDescription + "\n" + wrap(fullDescription)
: "\n" + preDescription + " " + fullDescription;
exampleString = (that = option.example) ? (examples = [].concat(that), examples.length > 1
? "\nexamples:\n" + unlines(examples)
: "\nexample: " + examples[0]) : '';
seperator = defaultString || descriptionString || exampleString ? "\n" + repeatString$('=', pre.length) : '';
return pre + "" + seperator + defaultString + descriptionString + exampleString;
generateHelp = function(arg$){
var options, prepend, append, helpStyle, ref$, stdout, aliasSeparator, typeSeparator, descriptionSeparator, maxPadFactor, initialIndent, secondaryIndent;
options = arg$.options, prepend = arg$.prepend, append = arg$.append, helpStyle = (ref$ = arg$.helpStyle) != null
? ref$
: {}, stdout = arg$.stdout;
aliasSeparator = helpStyle.aliasSeparator, typeSeparator = helpStyle.typeSeparator, descriptionSeparator = helpStyle.descriptionSeparator, maxPadFactor = helpStyle.maxPadFactor, initialIndent = helpStyle.initialIndent, secondaryIndent = helpStyle.secondaryIndent;
return function(arg$){
var ref$, showHidden, interpolate, maxWidth, output, out, data, optionCount, totalPreLen, preLens, i$, len$, item, that, pre, descParts, desc, preLen, sortedPreLens, maxPreLen, preLenMean, x, padAmount, descSepLen, fullWrapCount, partialWrapCount, descLen, totalLen, initialSpace, wrapAllFull, i, wrap;
ref$ = arg$ != null
? arg$
: {}, showHidden = ref$.showHidden, interpolate = ref$.interpolate;
maxWidth = stdout != null && stdout.isTTY ? stdout.columns - 1 : null;
output = [];
out = function(it){
return output.push(it != null ? it : '');
if (prepend) {
out(interpolate ? interp(prepend, interpolate) : prepend);
data = [];
optionCount = 0;
totalPreLen = 0;
preLens = [];
for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = options).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
item = ref$[i$];
if (showHidden || !item.hidden) {
if (that = item.heading) {
type: 'heading',
value: that
} else {
pre = getPreText(item, helpStyle, maxWidth);
descParts = [];
if ((that = item.description) != null) {
if (that = item['enum']) {
descParts.push("either: " + naturalJoin(that));
if (item['default'] && !item.negateName) {
descParts.push("default: " + item['default']);
desc = descParts.join(' - ');
type: 'option',
pre: pre,
desc: desc,
descLen: desc.length
preLen = pre.length;
totalPreLen += preLen;
sortedPreLens = sort(preLens);
maxPreLen = sortedPreLens[sortedPreLens.length - 1];
preLenMean = initialIndent + totalPreLen / optionCount;
x = optionCount > 2 ? min(preLenMean * maxPadFactor, maxPreLen) : maxPreLen;
for (i$ = sortedPreLens.length - 1; i$ >= 0; --i$) {
preLen = sortedPreLens[i$];
if (preLen <= x) {
padAmount = preLen;
descSepLen = descriptionSeparator.length;
if (maxWidth != null) {
fullWrapCount = 0;
partialWrapCount = 0;
for (i$ = 0, len$ = data.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
item = data[i$];
if (item.type === 'option') {
pre = item.pre, desc = item.desc, descLen = item.descLen;
if (descLen === 0) {
item.wrap = 'none';
} else {
preLen = max(padAmount, pre.length) + initialIndent + descSepLen;
totalLen = preLen + descLen;
if (totalLen > maxWidth) {
if (descLen / 2.5 > maxWidth - preLen) {
item.wrap = 'full';
} else {
item.wrap = 'partial';
} else {
item.wrap = 'none';
initialSpace = repeatString$(' ', initialIndent);
wrapAllFull = optionCount > 1 && fullWrapCount + partialWrapCount * 0.5 > optionCount * 0.5;
for (i$ = 0, len$ = data.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
i = i$;
item = data[i$];
if (item.type === 'heading') {
if (i !== 0) {
out(item.value + ":");
} else {
pre = item.pre, desc = item.desc, descLen = item.descLen, wrap = item.wrap;
if (maxWidth != null) {
if (wrapAllFull || wrap === 'full') {
wrap = wordwrap(initialIndent + secondaryIndent, maxWidth);
out(initialSpace + "" + pre + "\n" + wrap(desc));
} else if (wrap === 'partial') {
wrap = wordwrap(initialIndent + descSepLen + max(padAmount, pre.length), maxWidth);
out(initialSpace + "" + pad(pre, padAmount) + descriptionSeparator + wrap(desc).replace(/^\s+/, ''));
if (descLen === 0) {
out(initialSpace + "" + pre);
} else {
out(initialSpace + "" + pad(pre, padAmount) + descriptionSeparator + desc);
if (append) {
out(interpolate ? interp(append, interpolate) : append);
return unlines(output);
function pad(str, num){
var len, padAmount;
len = str.length;
padAmount = num - len;
return str + "" + repeatString$(' ', padAmount > 0 ? padAmount : 0);
function sentencize(str){
var first, rest, period;
first = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
rest = str.slice(1);
period = /[\.!\?]$/.test(str) ? '' : '.';
return first + "" + rest + period;
function interp(string, object){
return string.replace(/{{([a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_0-9]*)}}/g, function(arg$, key){
var ref$;
return (ref$ = object[key]) != null
? ref$
: "{{" + key + "}}";
module.exports = {
generateHelp: generateHelp,
generateHelpForOption: generateHelpForOption
function repeatString$(str, n){
for (var r = ''; n > 0; (n >>= 1) && (str += str)) if (n & 1) r += str;
return r;