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import parseMilliseconds from 'parse-ms';
const pluralize = (word, count) => count === 1 ? word : `${word}s`;
const SECOND_ROUNDING_EPSILON = 0.000_000_1;
export default function prettyMilliseconds(milliseconds, options = {}) {
if (!Number.isFinite(milliseconds)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected a finite number');
if (options.colonNotation) {
options.compact = false;
options.formatSubMilliseconds = false;
options.separateMilliseconds = false;
options.verbose = false;
if (options.compact) {
options.secondsDecimalDigits = 0;
options.millisecondsDecimalDigits = 0;
const result = [];
const floorDecimals = (value, decimalDigits) => {
const flooredInterimValue = Math.floor((value * (10 ** decimalDigits)) + SECOND_ROUNDING_EPSILON);
const flooredValue = Math.round(flooredInterimValue) / (10 ** decimalDigits);
return flooredValue.toFixed(decimalDigits);
const add = (value, long, short, valueString) => {
if ((result.length === 0 || !options.colonNotation) && value === 0 && !(options.colonNotation && short === 'm')) {
valueString = (valueString || value || '0').toString();
let prefix;
let suffix;
if (options.colonNotation) {
prefix = result.length > 0 ? ':' : '';
suffix = '';
const wholeDigits = valueString.includes('.') ? valueString.split('.')[0].length : valueString.length;
const minLength = result.length > 0 ? 2 : 1;
valueString = '0'.repeat(Math.max(0, minLength - wholeDigits)) + valueString;
} else {
prefix = '';
suffix = options.verbose ? ' ' + pluralize(long, value) : short;
result.push(prefix + valueString + suffix);
const parsed = parseMilliseconds(milliseconds);
add(Math.trunc(parsed.days / 365), 'year', 'y');
add(parsed.days % 365, 'day', 'd');
add(parsed.hours, 'hour', 'h');
add(parsed.minutes, 'minute', 'm');
if (
|| options.formatSubMilliseconds
|| (!options.colonNotation && milliseconds < 1000)
) {
add(parsed.seconds, 'second', 's');
if (options.formatSubMilliseconds) {
add(parsed.milliseconds, 'millisecond', 'ms');
add(parsed.microseconds, 'microsecond', 'µs');
add(parsed.nanoseconds, 'nanosecond', 'ns');
} else {
const millisecondsAndBelow
= parsed.milliseconds
+ (parsed.microseconds / 1000)
+ (parsed.nanoseconds / 1e6);
const millisecondsDecimalDigits
= typeof options.millisecondsDecimalDigits === 'number'
? options.millisecondsDecimalDigits
: 0;
const roundedMiliseconds = millisecondsAndBelow >= 1
? Math.round(millisecondsAndBelow)
: Math.ceil(millisecondsAndBelow);
const millisecondsString = millisecondsDecimalDigits
? millisecondsAndBelow.toFixed(millisecondsDecimalDigits)
: roundedMiliseconds;
} else {
const seconds = (milliseconds / 1000) % 60;
const secondsDecimalDigits
= typeof options.secondsDecimalDigits === 'number'
? options.secondsDecimalDigits
: 1;
const secondsFixed = floorDecimals(seconds, secondsDecimalDigits);
const secondsString = options.keepDecimalsOnWholeSeconds
? secondsFixed
: secondsFixed.replace(/\.0+$/, '');
add(Number.parseFloat(secondsString), 'second', 's', secondsString);
if (result.length === 0) {
return '0' + (options.verbose ? ' milliseconds' : 'ms');
if (options.compact) {
return result[0];
if (typeof options.unitCount === 'number') {
const separator = options.colonNotation ? '' : ' ';
return result.slice(0, Math.max(options.unitCount, 1)).join(separator);
return options.colonNotation ? result.join('') : result.join(' ');