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208 lines (177 sloc) 6.86 KB
var isCore = require('is-core-module');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var getHomedir = require('./homedir');
var caller = require('./caller');
var nodeModulesPaths = require('./node-modules-paths');
var normalizeOptions = require('./normalize-options');
var realpathFS = process.platform !== 'win32' && fs.realpathSync && typeof fs.realpathSync.native === 'function' ? fs.realpathSync.native : fs.realpathSync;
var homedir = getHomedir();
var defaultPaths = function () {
return [
path.join(homedir, '.node_modules'),
path.join(homedir, '.node_libraries')
var defaultIsFile = function isFile(file) {
try {
var stat = fs.statSync(file, { throwIfNoEntry: false });
} catch (e) {
if (e && (e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'ENOTDIR')) return false;
throw e;
return !!stat && (stat.isFile() || stat.isFIFO());
var defaultIsDir = function isDirectory(dir) {
try {
var stat = fs.statSync(dir, { throwIfNoEntry: false });
} catch (e) {
if (e && (e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'ENOTDIR')) return false;
throw e;
return !!stat && stat.isDirectory();
var defaultRealpathSync = function realpathSync(x) {
try {
return realpathFS(x);
} catch (realpathErr) {
if (realpathErr.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw realpathErr;
return x;
var maybeRealpathSync = function maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, x, opts) {
if (opts && opts.preserveSymlinks === false) {
return realpathSync(x);
return x;
var defaultReadPackageSync = function defaultReadPackageSync(readFileSync, pkgfile) {
var body = readFileSync(pkgfile);
try {
var pkg = JSON.parse(body);
return pkg;
} catch (jsonErr) {}
var getPackageCandidates = function getPackageCandidates(x, start, opts) {
var dirs = nodeModulesPaths(start, opts, x);
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
dirs[i] = path.join(dirs[i], x);
return dirs;
module.exports = function resolveSync(x, options) {
if (typeof x !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Path must be a string.');
var opts = normalizeOptions(x, options);
var isFile = opts.isFile || defaultIsFile;
var readFileSync = opts.readFileSync || fs.readFileSync;
var isDirectory = opts.isDirectory || defaultIsDir;
var realpathSync = opts.realpathSync || defaultRealpathSync;
var readPackageSync = opts.readPackageSync || defaultReadPackageSync;
if (opts.readFileSync && opts.readPackageSync) {
throw new TypeError('`readFileSync` and `readPackageSync` are mutually exclusive.');
var packageIterator = opts.packageIterator;
var extensions = opts.extensions || ['.js'];
var includeCoreModules = opts.includeCoreModules !== false;
var basedir = opts.basedir || path.dirname(caller());
var parent = opts.filename || basedir;
opts.paths = opts.paths || defaultPaths();
// ensure that `basedir` is an absolute path at this point, resolving against the process' current working directory
var absoluteStart = maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, path.resolve(basedir), opts);
if ((/^(?:\.\.?(?:\/|$)|\/|([A-Za-z]:)?[/\\])/).test(x)) {
var res = path.resolve(absoluteStart, x);
if (x === '.' || x === '..' || x.slice(-1) === '/') res += '/';
var m = loadAsFileSync(res) || loadAsDirectorySync(res);
if (m) return maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, m, opts);
} else if (includeCoreModules && isCore(x)) {
return x;
} else {
var n = loadNodeModulesSync(x, absoluteStart);
if (n) return maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, n, opts);
var err = new Error("Cannot find module '" + x + "' from '" + parent + "'");
err.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';
throw err;
function loadAsFileSync(x) {
var pkg = loadpkg(path.dirname(x));
if (pkg && pkg.dir && pkg.pkg && opts.pathFilter) {
var rfile = path.relative(pkg.dir, x);
var r = opts.pathFilter(pkg.pkg, x, rfile);
if (r) {
x = path.resolve(pkg.dir, r); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
if (isFile(x)) {
return x;
for (var i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
var file = x + extensions[i];
if (isFile(file)) {
return file;
function loadpkg(dir) {
if (dir === '' || dir === '/') return;
if (process.platform === 'win32' && (/^\w:[/\\]*$/).test(dir)) {
if ((/[/\\]node_modules[/\\]*$/).test(dir)) return;
var pkgfile = path.join(maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, dir, opts), 'package.json');
if (!isFile(pkgfile)) {
return loadpkg(path.dirname(dir));
var pkg = readPackageSync(readFileSync, pkgfile);
if (pkg && opts.packageFilter) {
// v2 will pass pkgfile
pkg = opts.packageFilter(pkg, /*pkgfile,*/ dir); // eslint-disable-line spaced-comment
return { pkg: pkg, dir: dir };
function loadAsDirectorySync(x) {
var pkgfile = path.join(maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, x, opts), '/package.json');
if (isFile(pkgfile)) {
try {
var pkg = readPackageSync(readFileSync, pkgfile);
} catch (e) {}
if (pkg && opts.packageFilter) {
// v2 will pass pkgfile
pkg = opts.packageFilter(pkg, /*pkgfile,*/ x); // eslint-disable-line spaced-comment
if (pkg && pkg.main) {
if (typeof pkg.main !== 'string') {
var mainError = new TypeError('package “' + + '” `main` must be a string');
mainError.code = 'INVALID_PACKAGE_MAIN';
throw mainError;
if (pkg.main === '.' || pkg.main === './') {
pkg.main = 'index';
try {
var m = loadAsFileSync(path.resolve(x, pkg.main));
if (m) return m;
var n = loadAsDirectorySync(path.resolve(x, pkg.main));
if (n) return n;
} catch (e) {}
return loadAsFileSync(path.join(x, '/index'));
function loadNodeModulesSync(x, start) {
var thunk = function () { return getPackageCandidates(x, start, opts); };
var dirs = packageIterator ? packageIterator(x, start, thunk, opts) : thunk();
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
var dir = dirs[i];
if (isDirectory(path.dirname(dir))) {
var m = loadAsFileSync(dir);
if (m) return m;
var n = loadAsDirectorySync(dir);
if (n) return n;