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Switch branches/tags

Name already in use

A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?
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344 lines (277 sloc) 7.77 KB
'use strict';
const escapeStringRegexp = require('escape-string-regexp');
const cwd = typeof process === 'object' && process && typeof process.cwd === 'function'
? process.cwd()
: '.'
const natives = [].concat(
).map(n => new RegExp(`(?:\\((?:node:)?${n}(?:\\.js)?:\\d+:\\d+\\)$|^\\s*at (?:node:)?${n}(?:\\.js)?:\\d+:\\d+$)`));
/\s*at (?:node:)?internal\/[^:]+:\d+:\d+$/,
class StackUtils {
constructor (opts) {
opts = {
ignoredPackages: [],
if ('internals' in opts === false) {
opts.internals = StackUtils.nodeInternals();
if ('cwd' in opts === false) {
opts.cwd = cwd
this._cwd = opts.cwd.replace(/\\/g, '/');
this._internals = [].concat(
this._wrapCallSite = opts.wrapCallSite || false;
static nodeInternals () {
return [...natives];
clean (stack, indent = 0) {
indent = ' '.repeat(indent);
if (!Array.isArray(stack)) {
stack = stack.split('\n');
if (!(/^\s*at /.test(stack[0])) && (/^\s*at /.test(stack[1]))) {
stack = stack.slice(1);
let outdent = false;
let lastNonAtLine = null;
const result = [];
stack.forEach(st => {
st = st.replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (this._internals.some(internal => internal.test(st))) {
const isAtLine = /^\s*at /.test(st);
if (outdent) {
st = st.trimEnd().replace(/^(\s+)at /, '$1');
} else {
st = st.trim();
if (isAtLine) {
st = st.slice(3);
st = st.replace(`${this._cwd}/`, '');
if (st) {
if (isAtLine) {
if (lastNonAtLine) {
lastNonAtLine = null;
} else {
outdent = true;
lastNonAtLine = st;
return => `${indent}${line}\n`).join('');
captureString (limit, fn = this.captureString) {
if (typeof limit === 'function') {
fn = limit;
limit = Infinity;
const {stackTraceLimit} = Error;
if (limit) {
Error.stackTraceLimit = limit;
const obj = {};
Error.captureStackTrace(obj, fn);
const {stack} = obj;
Error.stackTraceLimit = stackTraceLimit;
return this.clean(stack);
capture (limit, fn = this.capture) {
if (typeof limit === 'function') {
fn = limit;
limit = Infinity;
const {prepareStackTrace, stackTraceLimit} = Error;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (obj, site) => {
if (this._wrapCallSite) {
return site;
if (limit) {
Error.stackTraceLimit = limit;
const obj = {};
Error.captureStackTrace(obj, fn);
const { stack } = obj;
Object.assign(Error, {prepareStackTrace, stackTraceLimit});
return stack;
at (fn = {
const [site] = this.capture(1, fn);
if (!site) {
return {};
const res = {
line: site.getLineNumber(),
column: site.getColumnNumber()
setFile(res, site.getFileName(), this._cwd);
if (site.isConstructor()) {
Object.defineProperty(res, 'constructor', {
value: true,
configurable: true,
if (site.isEval()) {
res.evalOrigin = site.getEvalOrigin();
// Node v10 stopped with the isNative() on callsites, apparently
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (site.isNative()) {
res.native = true;
let typename;
try {
typename = site.getTypeName();
} catch (_) {
if (typename && typename !== 'Object' && typename !== '[object Object]') {
res.type = typename;
const fname = site.getFunctionName();
if (fname) {
res.function = fname;
const meth = site.getMethodName();
if (meth && fname !== meth) {
res.method = meth;
return res;
parseLine (line) {
const match = line && line.match(re);
if (!match) {
return null;
const ctor = match[1] === 'new';
let fname = match[2];
const evalOrigin = match[3];
const evalFile = match[4];
const evalLine = Number(match[5]);
const evalCol = Number(match[6]);
let file = match[7];
const lnum = match[8];
const col = match[9];
const native = match[10] === 'native';
const closeParen = match[11] === ')';
let method;
const res = {};
if (lnum) {
res.line = Number(lnum);
if (col) {
res.column = Number(col);
if (closeParen && file) {
// make sure parens are balanced
// if we have a file like "asdf) [as foo] (xyz.js", then odds are
// that the fname should be += " (asdf) [as foo]" and the file
// should be just "xyz.js"
// walk backwards from the end to find the last unbalanced (
let closes = 0;
for (let i = file.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (file.charAt(i) === ')') {
} else if (file.charAt(i) === '(' && file.charAt(i - 1) === ' ') {
if (closes === -1 && file.charAt(i - 1) === ' ') {
const before = file.slice(0, i - 1);
const after = file.slice(i + 1);
file = after;
fname += ` (${before}`;
if (fname) {
const methodMatch = fname.match(methodRe);
if (methodMatch) {
fname = methodMatch[1];
method = methodMatch[2];
setFile(res, file, this._cwd);
if (ctor) {
Object.defineProperty(res, 'constructor', {
value: true,
configurable: true,
if (evalOrigin) {
res.evalOrigin = evalOrigin;
res.evalLine = evalLine;
res.evalColumn = evalCol;
res.evalFile = evalFile && evalFile.replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (native) {
res.native = true;
if (fname) {
res.function = fname;
if (method && fname !== method) {
res.method = method;
return res;
function setFile (result, filename, cwd) {
if (filename) {
filename = filename.replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (filename.startsWith(`${cwd}/`)) {
filename = filename.slice(cwd.length + 1);
result.file = filename;
function ignoredPackagesRegExp(ignoredPackages) {
if (ignoredPackages.length === 0) {
return [];
const packages = => escapeStringRegexp(mod));
return new RegExp(`[\/\\\\]node_modules[\/\\\\](?:${packages.join('|')})[\/\\\\][^:]+:\\d+:\\d+`)
const re = new RegExp(
'^' +
// Sometimes we strip out the ' at' because it's noisy
'(?:\\s*at )?' +
// $1 = ctor if 'new'
'(?:(new) )?' +
// $2 = function name (can be literally anything)
// May contain method at the end as [as xyz]
'(?:(.*?) \\()?' +
// (eval at <anonymous> (file.js:1:1),
// $3 = eval origin
// $4:$5:$6 are eval file/line/col, but not normally reported
'(?:eval at ([^ ]+) \\((.+?):(\\d+):(\\d+)\\), )?' +
// file:line:col
// $7:$8:$9
// $10 = 'native' if native
'(?:(.+?):(\\d+):(\\d+)|(native))' +
// maybe close the paren, then end
// if $11 is ), then we only allow balanced parens in the filename
// any imbalance is placed on the fname. This is a heuristic, and
// bound to be incorrect in some edge cases. The bet is that
// having weird characters in method names is more common than
// having weird characters in filenames, which seems reasonable.
const methodRe = /^(.*?) \[as (.*?)\]$/;
module.exports = StackUtils;