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246 lines (246 sloc) 10.6 KB
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var tsconfig_loader_1 = require("../tsconfig-loader");
var path_1 = require("path");
describe("tsconfig-loader", function () {
it("should find tsconfig in cwd", function () {
var result = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.tsConfigLoader)({
cwd: "/foo/bar",
getEnv: function (_) { return undefined; },
loadSync: function (cwd) {
return {
tsConfigPath: "".concat(cwd, "/tsconfig.json"),
baseUrl: "./",
paths: {},
// assert.equal(result.tsConfigPath, "/foo/bar/tsconfig.json");
it("should return loaderResult.tsConfigPath as undefined when not found", function () {
var result = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.tsConfigLoader)({
cwd: "/foo/bar",
getEnv: function (_) { return undefined; },
loadSync: function (_) {
return {
tsConfigPath: undefined,
baseUrl: "./",
paths: {},
// assert.isUndefined(result.tsConfigPath);
it("should use TS_NODE_PROJECT env if exists", function () {
var result = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.tsConfigLoader)({
cwd: "/foo/bar",
getEnv: function (key) {
return key === "TS_NODE_PROJECT" ? "/foo/baz" : undefined;
loadSync: function (cwd, fileName) {
if (cwd === "/foo/bar" && fileName === "/foo/baz") {
return {
tsConfigPath: "/foo/baz/tsconfig.json",
baseUrl: "./",
paths: {},
return {
tsConfigPath: undefined,
baseUrl: "./",
paths: {},
// assert.equal(result.tsConfigPath, "/foo/baz/tsconfig.json");
it("should use TS_NODE_BASEURL env if exists", function () {
var result = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.tsConfigLoader)({
cwd: "/foo/bar",
getEnv: function (key) {
return key === "TS_NODE_BASEURL" ? "SOME_BASEURL" : undefined;
loadSync: function (_0, _1, baseUrl) {
return {
tsConfigPath: undefined,
baseUrl: baseUrl,
paths: {},
// assert.equal(result.baseUrl, "SOME_BASEURL");
it("should not use TS_NODE_BASEURL env if it does not exist", function () {
var result = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.tsConfigLoader)({
cwd: "/foo/bar",
getEnv: function (_) {
return undefined;
loadSync: function (_0, _1, baseUrl) {
return {
tsConfigPath: undefined,
baseUrl: baseUrl,
paths: {},
// assert.equal(result.baseUrl, undefined);
describe("walkForTsConfig", function () {
it("should find tsconfig in starting directory", function () {
var pathToTsconfig = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "tsconfig.json");
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.walkForTsConfig)((0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1"), function (path) { return path === pathToTsconfig; });
// assert.equal(res, pathToTsconfig);
it("should find tsconfig in parent directory", function () {
var pathToTsconfig = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "tsconfig.json");
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.walkForTsConfig)((0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1"), function (path) { return path === pathToTsconfig; });
// assert.equal(res, pathToTsconfig);
it("should return undefined when reaching the top", function () {
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.walkForTsConfig)((0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "kalle"), function () { return false; });
// assert.equal(res, undefined);
describe("loadConfig", function () {
it("It should load a config", function () {
var config = { compilerOptions: { baseUrl: "hej" } };
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.loadTsconfig)("/root/dir1/tsconfig.json", function (path) { return path === "/root/dir1/tsconfig.json"; }, function (_) { return JSON.stringify(config); });
// assert.deepEqual(res, config);
it("It should load a config with comments", function () {
var config = { compilerOptions: { baseUrl: "hej" } };
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.loadTsconfig)("/root/dir1/tsconfig.json", function (path) { return path === "/root/dir1/tsconfig.json"; }, function (_) { return "{\n // my comment\n \"compilerOptions\": { \n \"baseUrl\": \"hej\"\n }\n }"; });
// assert.deepEqual(res, config);
it("It should load a config with trailing commas", function () {
var config = { compilerOptions: { baseUrl: "hej" } };
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.loadTsconfig)("/root/dir1/tsconfig.json", function (path) { return path === "/root/dir1/tsconfig.json"; }, function (_) { return "{\n \"compilerOptions\": { \n \"baseUrl\": \"hej\",\n },\n }"; });
// assert.deepEqual(res, config);
it("It should load a config with extends and overwrite all options", function () {
var firstConfig = {
extends: "../base-config.json",
compilerOptions: { baseUrl: "kalle", paths: { foo: ["bar2"] } },
var firstConfigPath = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "tsconfig.json");
var baseConfig = {
compilerOptions: {
baseUrl: "olle",
paths: { foo: ["bar1"] },
strict: true,
var baseConfigPath = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "base-config.json");
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.loadTsconfig)((0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "tsconfig.json"), function (path) { return path === firstConfigPath || path === baseConfigPath; }, function (path) {
if (path === firstConfigPath) {
return JSON.stringify(firstConfig);
if (path === baseConfigPath) {
return JSON.stringify(baseConfig);
return "";
// assert.deepEqual(res, {
// extends: "../base-config.json",
// compilerOptions: {
// baseUrl: "kalle",
// paths: { foo: ["bar2"] },
// strict: true,
// },
// });
extends: "../base-config.json",
compilerOptions: {
baseUrl: "kalle",
paths: { foo: ["bar2"] },
strict: true,
it("It should load a config with extends from node_modules and overwrite all options", function () {
var firstConfig = {
extends: "my-package/base-config.json",
compilerOptions: { baseUrl: "kalle", paths: { foo: ["bar2"] } },
var firstConfigPath = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "tsconfig.json");
var baseConfig = {
compilerOptions: {
baseUrl: "olle",
paths: { foo: ["bar1"] },
strict: true,
var baseConfigPath = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "node_modules", "my-package", "base-config.json");
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.loadTsconfig)((0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "tsconfig.json"), function (path) { return path === firstConfigPath || path === baseConfigPath; }, function (path) {
if (path === firstConfigPath) {
return JSON.stringify(firstConfig);
if (path === baseConfigPath) {
return JSON.stringify(baseConfig);
return "";
// assert.deepEqual(res, {
// extends: "my-package/base-config.json",
// compilerOptions: {
// baseUrl: "kalle",
// paths: { foo: ["bar2"] },
// strict: true,
// },
// });
extends: "my-package/base-config.json",
compilerOptions: {
baseUrl: "kalle",
paths: { foo: ["bar2"] },
strict: true,
it("Should use baseUrl relative to location of extended tsconfig", function () {
var firstConfig = { compilerOptions: { baseUrl: "." } };
var firstConfigPath = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "first-config.json");
var secondConfig = { extends: "../first-config.json" };
var secondConfigPath = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "second-config.json");
var thirdConfig = { extends: "../second-config.json" };
var thirdConfigPath = (0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "dir2", "third-config.json");
var res = (0, tsconfig_loader_1.loadTsconfig)((0, path_1.join)("/root", "dir1", "dir2", "third-config.json"), function (path) {
return path === firstConfigPath ||
path === secondConfigPath ||
path === thirdConfigPath;
}, function (path) {
if (path === firstConfigPath) {
return JSON.stringify(firstConfig);
if (path === secondConfigPath) {
return JSON.stringify(secondConfig);
if (path === thirdConfigPath) {
return JSON.stringify(thirdConfig);
return "";
// assert.deepEqual(res, {
// extends: "../second-config.json",
// compilerOptions: { baseUrl: join("..", "..") },
// });
extends: "../second-config.json",
compilerOptions: { baseUrl: (0, path_1.join)("..", "..") },