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Switch branches/tags

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39 lines (35 sloc) 1.28 KB
'use strict';
var whichBoxedPrimitive = require('which-boxed-primitive');
var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound');
var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')();
var hasBigInts = require('has-bigints')();
var stringToString = callBound('String.prototype.toString');
var numberValueOf = callBound('Number.prototype.valueOf');
var booleanValueOf = callBound('Boolean.prototype.valueOf');
var symbolValueOf = hasSymbols && callBound('Symbol.prototype.valueOf');
var bigIntValueOf = hasBigInts && callBound('BigInt.prototype.valueOf');
module.exports = function unboxPrimitive(value) {
var which = whichBoxedPrimitive(value);
if (typeof which !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError(which === null ? 'value is an unboxed primitive' : 'value is a non-boxed-primitive object');
if (which === 'String') {
return stringToString(value);
if (which === 'Number') {
return numberValueOf(value);
if (which === 'Boolean') {
return booleanValueOf(value);
if (which === 'Symbol') {
if (!hasSymbols) {
throw new EvalError('somehow this environment does not have Symbols, but you have a boxed Symbol value. Please report this!');
return symbolValueOf(value);
if (which === 'BigInt') {
return bigIntValueOf(value);
throw new RangeError('unknown boxed primitive found: ' + which);