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Switch branches/tags

Name already in use

A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?
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385 lines (365 sloc) 12.8 KB
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7
(function() {
"use strict";
var bom, defaults, events, isEmpty, processItem, processors, sax, setImmediate,
bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
sax = require('sax');
events = require('events');
bom = require('./bom');
processors = require('./processors');
setImmediate = require('timers').setImmediate;
defaults = require('./defaults').defaults;
isEmpty = function(thing) {
return typeof thing === "object" && (thing != null) && Object.keys(thing).length === 0;
processItem = function(processors, item, key) {
var i, len, process;
for (i = 0, len = processors.length; i < len; i++) {
process = processors[i];
item = process(item, key);
return item;
exports.Parser = (function(superClass) {
extend(Parser, superClass);
function Parser(opts) {
this.parseStringPromise = bind(this.parseStringPromise, this);
this.parseString = bind(this.parseString, this);
this.reset = bind(this.reset, this);
this.assignOrPush = bind(this.assignOrPush, this);
this.processAsync = bind(this.processAsync, this);
var key, ref, value;
if (!(this instanceof exports.Parser)) {
return new exports.Parser(opts);
this.options = {};
ref = defaults["0.2"];
for (key in ref) {
if (!, key)) continue;
value = ref[key];
this.options[key] = value;
for (key in opts) {
if (!, key)) continue;
value = opts[key];
this.options[key] = value;
if (this.options.xmlns) {
this.options.xmlnskey = this.options.attrkey + "ns";
if (this.options.normalizeTags) {
if (!this.options.tagNameProcessors) {
this.options.tagNameProcessors = [];
Parser.prototype.processAsync = function() {
var chunk, err;
try {
if (this.remaining.length <= this.options.chunkSize) {
chunk = this.remaining;
this.remaining = '';
this.saxParser = this.saxParser.write(chunk);
return this.saxParser.close();
} else {
chunk = this.remaining.substr(0, this.options.chunkSize);
this.remaining = this.remaining.substr(this.options.chunkSize, this.remaining.length);
this.saxParser = this.saxParser.write(chunk);
return setImmediate(this.processAsync);
} catch (error1) {
err = error1;
if (!this.saxParser.errThrown) {
this.saxParser.errThrown = true;
return this.emit(err);
Parser.prototype.assignOrPush = function(obj, key, newValue) {
if (!(key in obj)) {
if (!this.options.explicitArray) {
return obj[key] = newValue;
} else {
return obj[key] = [newValue];
} else {
if (!(obj[key] instanceof Array)) {
obj[key] = [obj[key]];
return obj[key].push(newValue);
Parser.prototype.reset = function() {
var attrkey, charkey, ontext, stack;
this.saxParser = sax.parser(this.options.strict, {
trim: false,
normalize: false,
xmlns: this.options.xmlns
this.saxParser.errThrown = false;
this.saxParser.onerror = (function(_this) {
return function(error) {
if (!_this.saxParser.errThrown) {
_this.saxParser.errThrown = true;
return _this.emit("error", error);
this.saxParser.onend = (function(_this) {
return function() {
if (!_this.saxParser.ended) {
_this.saxParser.ended = true;
return _this.emit("end", _this.resultObject);
this.saxParser.ended = false;
this.EXPLICIT_CHARKEY = this.options.explicitCharkey;
this.resultObject = null;
stack = [];
attrkey = this.options.attrkey;
charkey = this.options.charkey;
this.saxParser.onopentag = (function(_this) {
return function(node) {
var key, newValue, obj, processedKey, ref;
obj = Object.create(null);
obj[charkey] = "";
if (!_this.options.ignoreAttrs) {
ref = node.attributes;
for (key in ref) {
if (!, key)) continue;
if (!(attrkey in obj) && !_this.options.mergeAttrs) {
obj[attrkey] = Object.create(null);
newValue = _this.options.attrValueProcessors ? processItem(_this.options.attrValueProcessors, node.attributes[key], key) : node.attributes[key];
processedKey = _this.options.attrNameProcessors ? processItem(_this.options.attrNameProcessors, key) : key;
if (_this.options.mergeAttrs) {
_this.assignOrPush(obj, processedKey, newValue);
} else {
obj[attrkey][processedKey] = newValue;
obj["#name"] = _this.options.tagNameProcessors ? processItem(_this.options.tagNameProcessors, :;
if (_this.options.xmlns) {
obj[_this.options.xmlnskey] = {
uri: node.uri,
local: node.local
return stack.push(obj);
this.saxParser.onclosetag = (function(_this) {
return function() {
var cdata, emptyStr, key, node, nodeName, obj, objClone, old, s, xpath;
obj = stack.pop();
nodeName = obj["#name"];
if (!_this.options.explicitChildren || !_this.options.preserveChildrenOrder) {
delete obj["#name"];
if (obj.cdata === true) {
cdata = obj.cdata;
delete obj.cdata;
s = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (obj[charkey].match(/^\s*$/) && !cdata) {
emptyStr = obj[charkey];
delete obj[charkey];
} else {
if (_this.options.trim) {
obj[charkey] = obj[charkey].trim();
if (_this.options.normalize) {
obj[charkey] = obj[charkey].replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ").trim();
obj[charkey] = _this.options.valueProcessors ? processItem(_this.options.valueProcessors, obj[charkey], nodeName) : obj[charkey];
if (Object.keys(obj).length === 1 && charkey in obj && !_this.EXPLICIT_CHARKEY) {
obj = obj[charkey];
if (isEmpty(obj)) {
if (typeof _this.options.emptyTag === 'function') {
obj = _this.options.emptyTag();
} else {
obj = _this.options.emptyTag !== '' ? _this.options.emptyTag : emptyStr;
if (_this.options.validator != null) {
xpath = "/" + ((function() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = stack.length; i < len; i++) {
node = stack[i];
return results;
(function() {
var err;
try {
return obj = _this.options.validator(xpath, s && s[nodeName], obj);
} catch (error1) {
err = error1;
return _this.emit("error", err);
if (_this.options.explicitChildren && !_this.options.mergeAttrs && typeof obj === 'object') {
if (!_this.options.preserveChildrenOrder) {
node = Object.create(null);
if (_this.options.attrkey in obj) {
node[_this.options.attrkey] = obj[_this.options.attrkey];
delete obj[_this.options.attrkey];
if (!_this.options.charsAsChildren && _this.options.charkey in obj) {
node[_this.options.charkey] = obj[_this.options.charkey];
delete obj[_this.options.charkey];
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length > 0) {
node[_this.options.childkey] = obj;
obj = node;
} else if (s) {
s[_this.options.childkey] = s[_this.options.childkey] || [];
objClone = Object.create(null);
for (key in obj) {
if (!, key)) continue;
objClone[key] = obj[key];
delete obj["#name"];
if (Object.keys(obj).length === 1 && charkey in obj && !_this.EXPLICIT_CHARKEY) {
obj = obj[charkey];
if (stack.length > 0) {
return _this.assignOrPush(s, nodeName, obj);
} else {
if (_this.options.explicitRoot) {
old = obj;
obj = Object.create(null);
obj[nodeName] = old;
_this.resultObject = obj;
_this.saxParser.ended = true;
return _this.emit("end", _this.resultObject);
ontext = (function(_this) {
return function(text) {
var charChild, s;
s = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (s) {
s[charkey] += text;
if (_this.options.explicitChildren && _this.options.preserveChildrenOrder && _this.options.charsAsChildren && (_this.options.includeWhiteChars || text.replace(/\\n/g, '').trim() !== '')) {
s[_this.options.childkey] = s[_this.options.childkey] || [];
charChild = {
'#name': '__text__'
charChild[charkey] = text;
if (_this.options.normalize) {
charChild[charkey] = charChild[charkey].replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ").trim();
return s;
this.saxParser.ontext = ontext;
return this.saxParser.oncdata = (function(_this) {
return function(text) {
var s;
s = ontext(text);
if (s) {
return s.cdata = true;
Parser.prototype.parseString = function(str, cb) {
var err;
if ((cb != null) && typeof cb === "function") {
this.on("end", function(result) {
return cb(null, result);
this.on("error", function(err) {
return cb(err);
try {
str = str.toString();
if (str.trim() === '') {
this.emit("end", null);
return true;
str = bom.stripBOM(str);
if (this.options.async) {
this.remaining = str;
return this.saxParser;
return this.saxParser.write(str).close();
} catch (error1) {
err = error1;
if (!(this.saxParser.errThrown || this.saxParser.ended)) {
this.emit('error', err);
return this.saxParser.errThrown = true;
} else if (this.saxParser.ended) {
throw err;
Parser.prototype.parseStringPromise = function(str) {
return new Promise((function(_this) {
return function(resolve, reject) {
return _this.parseString(str, function(err, value) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
} else {
return resolve(value);
return Parser;
exports.parseString = function(str, a, b) {
var cb, options, parser;
if (b != null) {
if (typeof b === 'function') {
cb = b;
if (typeof a === 'object') {
options = a;
} else {
if (typeof a === 'function') {
cb = a;
options = {};
parser = new exports.Parser(options);
return parser.parseString(str, cb);
exports.parseStringPromise = function(str, a) {
var options, parser;
if (typeof a === 'object') {
options = a;
parser = new exports.Parser(options);
return parser.parseStringPromise(str);