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171 lines (149 sloc) 7.54 KB
* @fileoverview Enforce newlines between operands of ternary expressions
* @author Kai Cataldo
"use strict";
const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils");
// Rule Definition
module.exports = {
meta: {
type: "layout",
docs: {
description: "enforce newlines between operands of ternary expressions",
category: "Stylistic Issues",
recommended: false,
url: ""
schema: [
enum: ["always", "always-multiline", "never"]
messages: {
expectedTestCons: "Expected newline between test and consequent of ternary expression.",
expectedConsAlt: "Expected newline between consequent and alternate of ternary expression.",
unexpectedTestCons: "Unexpected newline between test and consequent of ternary expression.",
unexpectedConsAlt: "Unexpected newline between consequent and alternate of ternary expression."
fixable: "whitespace"
create(context) {
const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
const option = context.options[0];
const multiline = option !== "never";
const allowSingleLine = option === "always-multiline";
// Public
return {
ConditionalExpression(node) {
const questionToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node.test, astUtils.isNotClosingParenToken);
const colonToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node.consequent, astUtils.isNotClosingParenToken);
const firstTokenOfTest = sourceCode.getFirstToken(node);
const lastTokenOfTest = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(questionToken);
const firstTokenOfConsequent = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(questionToken);
const lastTokenOfConsequent = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(colonToken);
const firstTokenOfAlternate = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(colonToken);
const areTestAndConsequentOnSameLine = astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(lastTokenOfTest, firstTokenOfConsequent);
const areConsequentAndAlternateOnSameLine = astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(lastTokenOfConsequent, firstTokenOfAlternate);
const hasComments = !!sourceCode.getCommentsInside(node).length;
if (!multiline) {
if (!areTestAndConsequentOnSameLine) {{
node: node.test,
loc: {
start: firstTokenOfTest.loc.start,
end: lastTokenOfTest.loc.end
messageId: "unexpectedTestCons",
fix: fixer => {
if (hasComments) {
return null;
const fixers = [];
const areTestAndQuestionOnSameLine = astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(lastTokenOfTest, questionToken);
const areQuestionAndConsOnSameLine = astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(questionToken, firstTokenOfConsequent);
if (!areTestAndQuestionOnSameLine) {
fixers.push(fixer.removeRange([lastTokenOfTest.range[1], questionToken.range[0]]));
if (!areQuestionAndConsOnSameLine) {
fixers.push(fixer.removeRange([questionToken.range[1], firstTokenOfConsequent.range[0]]));
return fixers;
if (!areConsequentAndAlternateOnSameLine) {{
node: node.consequent,
loc: {
start: firstTokenOfConsequent.loc.start,
end: lastTokenOfConsequent.loc.end
messageId: "unexpectedConsAlt",
fix: fixer => {
if (hasComments) {
return null;
const fixers = [];
const areConsAndColonOnSameLine = astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(lastTokenOfConsequent, colonToken);
const areColonAndAltOnSameLine = astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(colonToken, firstTokenOfAlternate);
if (!areConsAndColonOnSameLine) {
fixers.push(fixer.removeRange([lastTokenOfConsequent.range[1], colonToken.range[0]]));
if (!areColonAndAltOnSameLine) {
fixers.push(fixer.removeRange([colonToken.range[1], firstTokenOfAlternate.range[0]]));
return fixers;
} else {
if (allowSingleLine && node.loc.start.line === node.loc.end.line) {
if (areTestAndConsequentOnSameLine) {{
node: node.test,
loc: {
start: firstTokenOfTest.loc.start,
end: lastTokenOfTest.loc.end
messageId: "expectedTestCons",
fix: fixer => (hasComments ? null : (
if (areConsequentAndAlternateOnSameLine) {{
node: node.consequent,
loc: {
start: firstTokenOfConsequent.loc.start,
end: lastTokenOfConsequent.loc.end
messageId: "expectedConsAlt",
fix: (fixer => (hasComments ? null : (