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Latest commit c96f843 Sep 14, 2020 History
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190 lines (156 sloc) 6.63 KB
* @fileoverview Disallow trailing spaces at the end of lines.
* @author Nodeca Team <>
"use strict";
// Requirements
const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils");
// Rule Definition
module.exports = {
meta: {
type: "layout",
docs: {
description: "disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines",
category: "Stylistic Issues",
recommended: false,
url: ""
fixable: "whitespace",
schema: [
type: "object",
properties: {
skipBlankLines: {
type: "boolean",
default: false
ignoreComments: {
type: "boolean",
default: false
additionalProperties: false
messages: {
trailingSpace: "Trailing spaces not allowed."
create(context) {
const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
const BLANK_CLASS = "[ \t\u00a0\u2000-\u200b\u3000]",
const options = context.options[0] || {},
skipBlankLines = options.skipBlankLines || false,
ignoreComments = options.ignoreComments || false;
* Report the error message
* @param {ASTNode} node node to report
* @param {int[]} location range information
* @param {int[]} fixRange Range based on the whole program
* @returns {void}
function report(node, location, fixRange) {
* Passing node is a bit dirty, because message data will contain big
* text in `source`. But... who cares :) ?
* One more kludge will not make worse the bloody wizardry of this
* plugin.
loc: location,
messageId: "trailingSpace",
fix(fixer) {
return fixer.removeRange(fixRange);
* Given a list of comment nodes, return the line numbers for those comments.
* @param {Array} comments An array of comment nodes.
* @returns {number[]} An array of line numbers containing comments.
function getCommentLineNumbers(comments) {
const lines = new Set();
comments.forEach(comment => {
const endLine = comment.type === "Block"
? comment.loc.end.line - 1
: comment.loc.end.line;
for (let i = comment.loc.start.line; i <= endLine; i++) {
return lines;
// Public
return {
Program: function checkTrailingSpaces(node) {
* Let's hack. Since Espree does not return whitespace nodes,
* fetch the source code and do matching via regexps.
const re = new RegExp(NONBLANK, "u"),
skipMatch = new RegExp(SKIP_BLANK, "u"),
lines = sourceCode.lines,
linebreaks = sourceCode.getText().match(astUtils.createGlobalLinebreakMatcher()),
comments = sourceCode.getAllComments(),
commentLineNumbers = getCommentLineNumbers(comments);
let totalLength = 0,
fixRange = [];
for (let i = 0, ii = lines.length; i < ii; i++) {
const lineNumber = i + 1;
* Always add linebreak length to line length to accommodate for line break (\n or \r\n)
* Because during the fix time they also reserve one spot in the array.
* Usually linebreak length is 2 for \r\n (CRLF) and 1 for \n (LF)
const linebreakLength = linebreaks && linebreaks[i] ? linebreaks[i].length : 1;
const lineLength = lines[i].length + linebreakLength;
const matches = re.exec(lines[i]);
if (matches) {
const location = {
start: {
line: lineNumber,
column: matches.index
end: {
line: lineNumber,
column: lineLength - linebreakLength
const rangeStart = totalLength + location.start.column;
const rangeEnd = totalLength + location.end.column;
const containingNode = sourceCode.getNodeByRangeIndex(rangeStart);
if (containingNode && containingNode.type === "TemplateElement" &&
rangeStart > containingNode.parent.range[0] &&
rangeEnd < containingNode.parent.range[1]) {
totalLength += lineLength;
* If the line has only whitespace, and skipBlankLines
* is true, don't report it
if (skipBlankLines && skipMatch.test(lines[i])) {
totalLength += lineLength;
fixRange = [rangeStart, rangeEnd];
if (!ignoreComments || !commentLineNumbers.has(lineNumber)) {
report(node, location, fixRange);
totalLength += lineLength;