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Latest commit c96f843 Sep 14, 2020 History
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247 lines (206 sloc) 9.63 KB
* @fileoverview Operator linebreak - enforces operator linebreak style of two types: after and before
* @author Benoît Zugmeyer
"use strict";
// Requirements
const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils");
// Rule Definition
module.exports = {
meta: {
type: "layout",
docs: {
description: "enforce consistent linebreak style for operators",
category: "Stylistic Issues",
recommended: false,
url: ""
schema: [
enum: ["after", "before", "none", null]
type: "object",
properties: {
overrides: {
type: "object",
additionalProperties: {
enum: ["after", "before", "none", "ignore"]
additionalProperties: false
fixable: "code",
messages: {
operatorAtBeginning: "'{{operator}}' should be placed at the beginning of the line.",
operatorAtEnd: "'{{operator}}' should be placed at the end of the line.",
badLinebreak: "Bad line breaking before and after '{{operator}}'.",
noLinebreak: "There should be no line break before or after '{{operator}}'."
create(context) {
const usedDefaultGlobal = !context.options[0];
const globalStyle = context.options[0] || "after";
const options = context.options[1] || {};
const styleOverrides = options.overrides ? Object.assign({}, options.overrides) : {};
if (usedDefaultGlobal && !styleOverrides["?"]) {
styleOverrides["?"] = "before";
if (usedDefaultGlobal && !styleOverrides[":"]) {
styleOverrides[":"] = "before";
const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
// Helpers
* Gets a fixer function to fix rule issues
* @param {Token} operatorToken The operator token of an expression
* @param {string} desiredStyle The style for the rule. One of 'before', 'after', 'none'
* @returns {Function} A fixer function
function getFixer(operatorToken, desiredStyle) {
return fixer => {
const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(operatorToken);
const tokenAfter = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(operatorToken);
const textBefore = sourceCode.text.slice(tokenBefore.range[1], operatorToken.range[0]);
const textAfter = sourceCode.text.slice(operatorToken.range[1], tokenAfter.range[0]);
const hasLinebreakBefore = !astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(tokenBefore, operatorToken);
const hasLinebreakAfter = !astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(operatorToken, tokenAfter);
let newTextBefore, newTextAfter;
if (hasLinebreakBefore !== hasLinebreakAfter && desiredStyle !== "none") {
// If there is a comment before and after the operator, don't do a fix.
if (sourceCode.getTokenBefore(operatorToken, { includeComments: true }) !== tokenBefore &&
sourceCode.getTokenAfter(operatorToken, { includeComments: true }) !== tokenAfter) {
return null;
* If there is only one linebreak and it's on the wrong side of the operator, swap the text before and after the operator.
* foo &&
* bar
* would get fixed to
* foo
* && bar
newTextBefore = textAfter;
newTextAfter = textBefore;
} else {
const LINEBREAK_REGEX = astUtils.createGlobalLinebreakMatcher();
// Otherwise, if no linebreak is desired and no comments interfere, replace the linebreaks with empty strings.
newTextBefore = desiredStyle === "before" || textBefore.trim() ? textBefore : textBefore.replace(LINEBREAK_REGEX, "");
newTextAfter = desiredStyle === "after" || textAfter.trim() ? textAfter : textAfter.replace(LINEBREAK_REGEX, "");
// If there was no change (due to interfering comments), don't output a fix.
if (newTextBefore === textBefore && newTextAfter === textAfter) {
return null;
if (newTextAfter === "" && tokenAfter.type === "Punctuator" && "+-".includes(operatorToken.value) && tokenAfter.value === operatorToken.value) {
// To avoid accidentally creating a ++ or -- operator, insert a space if the operator is a +/- and the following token is a unary +/-.
newTextAfter += " ";
return fixer.replaceTextRange([tokenBefore.range[1], tokenAfter.range[0]], newTextBefore + operatorToken.value + newTextAfter);
* Checks the operator placement
* @param {ASTNode} node The node to check
* @param {ASTNode} leftSide The node that comes before the operator in `node`
* @private
* @returns {void}
function validateNode(node, leftSide) {
* When the left part of a binary expression is a single expression wrapped in
* parentheses (ex: `(a) + b`), leftToken will be the last token of the expression
* and operatorToken will be the closing parenthesis.
* The leftToken should be the last closing parenthesis, and the operatorToken
* should be the token right after that.
const operatorToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(leftSide, astUtils.isNotClosingParenToken);
const leftToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(operatorToken);
const rightToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(operatorToken);
const operator = operatorToken.value;
const operatorStyleOverride = styleOverrides[operator];
const style = operatorStyleOverride || globalStyle;
const fix = getFixer(operatorToken, style);
// if single line
if (astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(leftToken, operatorToken) &&
astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(operatorToken, rightToken)) {
// do nothing.
} else if (operatorStyleOverride !== "ignore" && !astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(leftToken, operatorToken) &&
!astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(operatorToken, rightToken)) {
// lone operator{
loc: operatorToken.loc,
messageId: "badLinebreak",
data: {
} else if (style === "before" && astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(leftToken, operatorToken)) {{
loc: operatorToken.loc,
messageId: "operatorAtBeginning",
data: {
} else if (style === "after" && astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(operatorToken, rightToken)) {{
loc: operatorToken.loc,
messageId: "operatorAtEnd",
data: {
} else if (style === "none") {{
loc: operatorToken.loc,
messageId: "noLinebreak",
data: {
* Validates a binary expression using `validateNode`
* @param {BinaryExpression|LogicalExpression|AssignmentExpression} node node to be validated
* @returns {void}
function validateBinaryExpression(node) {
validateNode(node, node.left);
// Public
return {
BinaryExpression: validateBinaryExpression,
LogicalExpression: validateBinaryExpression,
AssignmentExpression: validateBinaryExpression,
VariableDeclarator(node) {
if (node.init) {
ConditionalExpression(node) {
validateNode(node, node.test);
validateNode(node, node.consequent);