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831 lines (831 sloc) 38.2 KB
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getConfig = exports.getPathToParsedConfigFile = exports.initConfig = exports.parsePacks = exports.parsePacksFromConfig = exports.getDefaultConfig = exports.getUnknownLanguagesError = exports.getNoLanguagesError = exports.getConfigFileDirectoryGivenMessage = exports.getConfigFileFormatInvalidMessage = exports.getConfigFileRepoFormatInvalidMessage = exports.getConfigFileDoesNotExistErrorMessage = exports.getConfigFileOutsideWorkspaceErrorMessage = exports.getLocalPathDoesNotExist = exports.getLocalPathOutsideOfRepository = exports.getPacksStrInvalid = exports.getPacksInvalid = exports.getPacksInvalidSplit = exports.getPacksRequireLanguage = exports.getPathsInvalid = exports.getPathsIgnoreInvalid = exports.getQueryUsesInvalid = exports.getQueriesInvalid = exports.getDisableDefaultQueriesInvalid = exports.getNameInvalid = exports.validateAndSanitisePath = void 0;
const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
const path = __importStar(require("path"));
const yaml = __importStar(require("js-yaml"));
const semver = __importStar(require("semver"));
const api = __importStar(require("./api-client"));
const codeql_1 = require("./codeql");
const externalQueries = __importStar(require("./external-queries"));
const feature_flags_1 = require("./feature-flags");
const languages_1 = require("./languages");
const util_1 = require("./util");
// Property names from the user-supplied config file.
const NAME_PROPERTY = "name";
const DISABLE_DEFAULT_QUERIES_PROPERTY = "disable-default-queries";
const QUERIES_PROPERTY = "queries";
const PATHS_IGNORE_PROPERTY = "paths-ignore";
const PATHS_PROPERTY = "paths";
const PACKS_PROPERTY = "packs";
* A list of queries from that
* we don't want to run. Disabling them here is a quicker alternative to
* disabling them in the code scanning query suites. Queries should also
* be disabled in the suites, and removed from this list here once the
* bundle is updated to make those suite changes live.
* Format is a map from language to an array of path suffixes of .ql files.
csharp: [
"ql/src/Security Features/CWE-937/VulnerablePackage.ql",
"ql/src/Security Features/CWE-451/MissingXFrameOptions.ql",
function queryIsDisabled(language, query) {
return (DISABLED_BUILTIN_QUERIES[language] || []).some((disabledQuery) => query.endsWith(disabledQuery));
* Asserts that the noDeclaredLanguage and multipleDeclaredLanguages fields are
* both empty and errors if they are not.
function validateQueries(resolvedQueries) {
const noDeclaredLanguage = resolvedQueries.noDeclaredLanguage;
const noDeclaredLanguageQueries = Object.keys(noDeclaredLanguage);
if (noDeclaredLanguageQueries.length !== 0) {
throw new Error(`${"The following queries do not declare a language. " +
"Their qlpack.yml files are either missing or is invalid.\n"}${noDeclaredLanguageQueries.join("\n")}`);
const multipleDeclaredLanguages = resolvedQueries.multipleDeclaredLanguages;
const multipleDeclaredLanguagesQueries = Object.keys(multipleDeclaredLanguages);
if (multipleDeclaredLanguagesQueries.length !== 0) {
throw new Error(`${"The following queries declare multiple languages. " +
"Their qlpack.yml files are either missing or is invalid.\n"}${multipleDeclaredLanguagesQueries.join("\n")}`);
* Run 'codeql resolve queries' and add the results to resultMap
* If a checkout path is given then the queries are assumed to be custom queries
* and an error will be thrown if there is anything invalid about the queries.
* If a checkout path is not given then the queries are assumed to be builtin
* queries, and error checking will be suppressed.
async function runResolveQueries(codeQL, resultMap, toResolve, extraSearchPath) {
const resolvedQueries = await codeQL.resolveQueries(toResolve, extraSearchPath);
if (extraSearchPath !== undefined) {
for (const [language, queryPaths] of Object.entries(resolvedQueries.byLanguage)) {
if (resultMap[language] === undefined) {
resultMap[language] = {
builtin: [],
custom: [],
const queries = Object.keys(queryPaths).filter((q) => !queryIsDisabled(language, q));
if (extraSearchPath !== undefined) {
searchPath: extraSearchPath,
else {
* Get the set of queries included by default.
async function addDefaultQueries(codeQL, languages, resultMap) {
const suites = => `${l}-code-scanning.qls`);
await runResolveQueries(codeQL, resultMap, suites, undefined);
// The set of acceptable values for built-in suites from the codeql bundle
const builtinSuites = ["security-extended", "security-and-quality"];
* Determine the set of queries associated with suiteName's suites and add them to resultMap.
* Throws an error if suiteName is not a valid builtin suite.
* May inject ML queries, and the return value will declare if this was done.
async function addBuiltinSuiteQueries(languages, codeQL, resultMap, packs, suiteName, featureFlags, configFile) {
var _a;
let injectedMlQueries = false;
const found = builtinSuites.find((suite) => suite === suiteName);
if (!found) {
throw new Error(getQueryUsesInvalid(configFile, suiteName));
// If we're running the JavaScript security-extended analysis (or a superset of it), the repo is
// opted into the ML-powered queries beta, and a user hasn't already added the ML-powered query
// pack, then add the ML-powered query pack so that we run ML-powered queries.
if (
// Disable ML-powered queries on Windows
process.platform !== "win32" &&
languages.includes("javascript") &&
(found === "security-extended" || found === "security-and-quality") &&
!((_a = packs.javascript) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some((pack) => pack.packName === util_1.ML_POWERED_JS_QUERIES_PACK_NAME)) &&
(await featureFlags.getValue(feature_flags_1.FeatureFlag.MlPoweredQueriesEnabled)) &&
(await (0, util_1.codeQlVersionAbove)(codeQL, codeql_1.CODEQL_VERSION_ML_POWERED_QUERIES))) {
if (!packs.javascript) {
packs.javascript = [];
packs.javascript.push(await (0, util_1.getMlPoweredJsQueriesPack)(codeQL));
injectedMlQueries = true;
const suites = => `${l}-${suiteName}.qls`);
await runResolveQueries(codeQL, resultMap, suites, undefined);
return injectedMlQueries;
* Retrieve the set of queries at localQueryPath and add them to resultMap.
async function addLocalQueries(codeQL, resultMap, localQueryPath, workspacePath, configFile) {
// Resolve the local path against the workspace so that when this is
// passed to codeql it resolves to exactly the path we expect it to resolve to.
let absoluteQueryPath = path.join(workspacePath, localQueryPath);
// Check the file exists
if (!fs.existsSync(absoluteQueryPath)) {
throw new Error(getLocalPathDoesNotExist(configFile, localQueryPath));
// Call this after checking file exists, because it'll fail if file doesn't exist
absoluteQueryPath = fs.realpathSync(absoluteQueryPath);
// Check the local path doesn't jump outside the repo using '..' or symlinks
if (!(absoluteQueryPath + path.sep).startsWith(fs.realpathSync(workspacePath) + path.sep)) {
throw new Error(getLocalPathOutsideOfRepository(configFile, localQueryPath));
const extraSearchPath = workspacePath;
await runResolveQueries(codeQL, resultMap, [absoluteQueryPath], extraSearchPath);
* Retrieve the set of queries at the referenced remote repo and add them to resultMap.
async function addRemoteQueries(codeQL, resultMap, queryUses, tempDir, apiDetails, logger, configFile) {
let tok = queryUses.split("@");
if (tok.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(getQueryUsesInvalid(configFile, queryUses));
const ref = tok[1];
tok = tok[0].split("/");
// The first token is the owner
// The second token is the repo
// The rest is a path, if there is more than one token combine them to form the full path
if (tok.length < 2) {
throw new Error(getQueryUsesInvalid(configFile, queryUses));
// Check none of the parts of the repository name are empty
if (tok[0].trim() === "" || tok[1].trim() === "") {
throw new Error(getQueryUsesInvalid(configFile, queryUses));
const nwo = `${tok[0]}/${tok[1]}`;
// Checkout the external repository
const checkoutPath = await externalQueries.checkoutExternalRepository(nwo, ref, apiDetails, tempDir, logger);
const queryPath = tok.length > 2
? path.join(checkoutPath, tok.slice(2).join("/"))
: checkoutPath;
await runResolveQueries(codeQL, resultMap, [queryPath], checkoutPath);
* Parse a query 'uses' field to a discrete set of query files and update resultMap.
* The logic for parsing the string is based on what actions does for
* parsing the 'uses' actions in the workflow file. So it can handle
* local paths starting with './', or references to remote repos, or
* a finite set of hardcoded terms for builtin suites.
* This may inject ML queries into the packs to use, and the return value will
* declare if this was done.
* @returns whether or not we injected ML queries into the packs
async function parseQueryUses(languages, codeQL, resultMap, packs, queryUses, tempDir, workspacePath, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger, configFile) {
queryUses = queryUses.trim();
if (queryUses === "") {
throw new Error(getQueryUsesInvalid(configFile));
// Check for the local path case before we start trying to parse the repository name
if (queryUses.startsWith("./")) {
await addLocalQueries(codeQL, resultMap, queryUses.slice(2), workspacePath, configFile);
return false;
// Check for one of the builtin suites
if (queryUses.indexOf("/") === -1 && queryUses.indexOf("@") === -1) {
return await addBuiltinSuiteQueries(languages, codeQL, resultMap, packs, queryUses, featureFlags, configFile);
// Otherwise, must be a reference to another repo
await addRemoteQueries(codeQL, resultMap, queryUses, tempDir, apiDetails, logger, configFile);
return false;
// Regex validating stars in paths or paths-ignore entries.
// The intention is to only allow ** to appear when immediately
// preceded and followed by a slash.
const pathStarsRegex = /.*(?:\*\*[^/].*|\*\*$|[^/]\*\*.*)/;
// Characters that are supported by filters in workflows, but not by us.
// See
const filterPatternCharactersRegex = /.*[?+[\]!].*/;
// Checks that a paths of paths-ignore entry is valid, possibly modifying it
// to make it valid, or if not possible then throws an error.
function validateAndSanitisePath(originalPath, propertyName, configFile, logger) {
// Take a copy so we don't modify the original path, so we can still construct error messages
let newPath = originalPath;
// All paths are relative to the src root, so strip off leading slashes.
while (newPath.charAt(0) === "/") {
newPath = newPath.substring(1);
// Trailing ** are redundant, so strip them off
if (newPath.endsWith("/**")) {
newPath = newPath.substring(0, newPath.length - 2);
// An empty path is not allowed as it's meaningless
if (newPath === "") {
throw new Error(getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, propertyName, `"${originalPath}" is not an invalid path. ` +
`It is not necessary to include it, and it is not allowed to exclude it.`));
// Check for illegal uses of **
if (newPath.match(pathStarsRegex)) {
throw new Error(getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, propertyName, `"${originalPath}" contains an invalid "**" wildcard. ` +
`They must be immediately preceded and followed by a slash as in "/**/", or come at the start or end.`));
// Check for other regex characters that we don't support.
// Output a warning so the user knows, but otherwise continue normally.
if (newPath.match(filterPatternCharactersRegex)) {
logger.warning(getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, propertyName, `"${originalPath}" contains an unsupported character. ` +
`The filter pattern characters ?, +, [, ], ! are not supported and will be matched literally.`));
// Ban any uses of backslash for now.
// This may not play nicely with project layouts.
// This restriction can be lifted later if we determine they are ok.
if (newPath.indexOf("\\") !== -1) {
throw new Error(getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, propertyName, `"${originalPath}" contains an "\\" character. These are not allowed in filters. ` +
`If running on windows we recommend using "/" instead for path filters.`));
return newPath;
exports.validateAndSanitisePath = validateAndSanitisePath;
// An undefined configFile in some of these functions indicates that
// the property was in a workflow file, not a config file
function getNameInvalid(configFile) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, NAME_PROPERTY, "must be a non-empty string");
exports.getNameInvalid = getNameInvalid;
function getDisableDefaultQueriesInvalid(configFile) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, DISABLE_DEFAULT_QUERIES_PROPERTY, "must be a boolean");
exports.getDisableDefaultQueriesInvalid = getDisableDefaultQueriesInvalid;
function getQueriesInvalid(configFile) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, QUERIES_PROPERTY, "must be an array");
exports.getQueriesInvalid = getQueriesInvalid;
function getQueryUsesInvalid(configFile, queryUses) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, `${QUERIES_PROPERTY}.${QUERIES_USES_PROPERTY}`, `must be a built-in suite (${builtinSuites.join(" or ")}), a relative path, or be of the form "owner/repo[/path]@ref"${queryUses !== undefined ? `\n Found: ${queryUses}` : ""}`);
exports.getQueryUsesInvalid = getQueryUsesInvalid;
function getPathsIgnoreInvalid(configFile) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, PATHS_IGNORE_PROPERTY, "must be an array of non-empty strings");
exports.getPathsIgnoreInvalid = getPathsIgnoreInvalid;
function getPathsInvalid(configFile) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, PATHS_PROPERTY, "must be an array of non-empty strings");
exports.getPathsInvalid = getPathsInvalid;
function getPacksRequireLanguage(lang, configFile) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, PACKS_PROPERTY, `has "${lang}", but it is not one of the languages to analyze`);
exports.getPacksRequireLanguage = getPacksRequireLanguage;
function getPacksInvalidSplit(configFile) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, PACKS_PROPERTY, "must split packages by language");
exports.getPacksInvalidSplit = getPacksInvalidSplit;
function getPacksInvalid(configFile) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, PACKS_PROPERTY, "must be an array of non-empty strings");
exports.getPacksInvalid = getPacksInvalid;
function getPacksStrInvalid(packStr, configFile) {
return configFile
? getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, PACKS_PROPERTY, `"${packStr}" is not a valid pack`)
: `"${packStr}" is not a valid pack`;
exports.getPacksStrInvalid = getPacksStrInvalid;
function getLocalPathOutsideOfRepository(configFile, localPath) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, `${QUERIES_PROPERTY}.${QUERIES_USES_PROPERTY}`, `is invalid as the local path "${localPath}" is outside of the repository`);
exports.getLocalPathOutsideOfRepository = getLocalPathOutsideOfRepository;
function getLocalPathDoesNotExist(configFile, localPath) {
return getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, `${QUERIES_PROPERTY}.${QUERIES_USES_PROPERTY}`, `is invalid as the local path "${localPath}" does not exist in the repository`);
exports.getLocalPathDoesNotExist = getLocalPathDoesNotExist;
function getConfigFileOutsideWorkspaceErrorMessage(configFile) {
return `The configuration file "${configFile}" is outside of the workspace`;
exports.getConfigFileOutsideWorkspaceErrorMessage = getConfigFileOutsideWorkspaceErrorMessage;
function getConfigFileDoesNotExistErrorMessage(configFile) {
return `The configuration file "${configFile}" does not exist`;
exports.getConfigFileDoesNotExistErrorMessage = getConfigFileDoesNotExistErrorMessage;
function getConfigFileRepoFormatInvalidMessage(configFile) {
let error = `The configuration file "${configFile}" is not a supported remote file reference.`;
error += " Expected format <owner>/<repository>/<file-path>@<ref>";
return error;
exports.getConfigFileRepoFormatInvalidMessage = getConfigFileRepoFormatInvalidMessage;
function getConfigFileFormatInvalidMessage(configFile) {
return `The configuration file "${configFile}" could not be read`;
exports.getConfigFileFormatInvalidMessage = getConfigFileFormatInvalidMessage;
function getConfigFileDirectoryGivenMessage(configFile) {
return `The configuration file "${configFile}" looks like a directory, not a file`;
exports.getConfigFileDirectoryGivenMessage = getConfigFileDirectoryGivenMessage;
function getConfigFilePropertyError(configFile, property, error) {
if (configFile === undefined) {
return `The workflow property "${property}" is invalid: ${error}`;
else {
return `The configuration file "${configFile}" is invalid: property "${property}" ${error}`;
function getNoLanguagesError() {
return ("Did not detect any languages to analyze. " +
"Please update input in workflow or check that GitHub detects the correct languages in your repository.");
exports.getNoLanguagesError = getNoLanguagesError;
function getUnknownLanguagesError(languages) {
return `Did not recognise the following languages: ${languages.join(", ")}`;
exports.getUnknownLanguagesError = getUnknownLanguagesError;
* Gets the set of languages in the current repository
async function getLanguagesInRepo(repository, apiDetails, logger) {
logger.debug(`GitHub repo ${repository.owner} ${repository.repo}`);
const response = await api.getApiClient(apiDetails).repos.listLanguages({
owner: repository.owner,
repo: repository.repo,
logger.debug(`Languages API response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
// The GitHub API is going to return languages in order of popularity,
// When we pick a language to autobuild we want to pick the most popular traced language
// Since sets in javascript maintain insertion order, using a set here and then splatting it
// into an array gives us an array of languages ordered by popularity
const languages = new Set();
for (const lang of Object.keys( {
const parsedLang = (0, languages_1.parseLanguage)(lang);
if (parsedLang !== undefined) {
return [...languages];
* Get the languages to analyse.
* The result is obtained from the action input parameter 'languages' if that
* has been set, otherwise it is deduced as all languages in the repo that
* can be analysed.
* If no languages could be detected from either the workflow or the repository
* then throw an error.
async function getLanguages(codeQL, languagesInput, repository, apiDetails, logger) {
// Obtain from action input 'languages' if set
let languages = (languagesInput || "")
.map((x) => x.trim())
.filter((x) => x.length > 0);`Languages from configuration: ${JSON.stringify(languages)}`);
if (languages.length === 0) {
// Obtain languages as all languages in the repo that can be analysed
languages = await getLanguagesInRepo(repository, apiDetails, logger);
const availableLanguages = await codeQL.resolveLanguages();
languages = languages.filter((value) => value in availableLanguages);`Automatically detected languages: ${JSON.stringify(languages)}`);
// If the languages parameter was not given and no languages were
// detected then fail here as this is a workflow configuration error.
if (languages.length === 0) {
throw new Error(getNoLanguagesError());
// Make sure they are supported
const parsedLanguages = [];
const unknownLanguages = [];
for (const language of languages) {
const parsedLanguage = (0, languages_1.parseLanguage)(language);
if (parsedLanguage === undefined) {
else if (parsedLanguages.indexOf(parsedLanguage) === -1) {
if (unknownLanguages.length > 0) {
throw new Error(getUnknownLanguagesError(unknownLanguages));
return parsedLanguages;
async function addQueriesAndPacksFromWorkflow(codeQL, queriesInput, languages, resultMap, packs, tempDir, workspacePath, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger) {
let injectedMlQueries = false;
queriesInput = queriesInput.trim();
// "+" means "don't override config file" - see shouldAddConfigFileQueries
queriesInput = queriesInput.replace(/^\+/, "");
for (const query of queriesInput.split(",")) {
const didInject = await parseQueryUses(languages, codeQL, resultMap, packs, query, tempDir, workspacePath, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger);
injectedMlQueries = injectedMlQueries || didInject;
return injectedMlQueries;
// Returns true if either no queries were provided in the workflow.
// or if the queries in the workflow were provided in "additive" mode,
// indicating that they shouldn't override the config queries but
// should instead be added in addition
function shouldAddConfigFileQueries(queriesInput) {
if (queriesInput) {
return queriesInput.trimStart().slice(0, 1) === "+";
return true;
* Get the default config for when the user has not supplied one.
async function getDefaultConfig(languagesInput, queriesInput, packsInput, dbLocation, debugMode, debugArtifactName, debugDatabaseName, repository, tempDir, toolCacheDir, codeQL, workspacePath, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger) {
var _a;
const languages = await getLanguages(codeQL, languagesInput, repository, apiDetails, logger);
const queries = {};
for (const language of languages) {
queries[language] = {
builtin: [],
custom: [],
await addDefaultQueries(codeQL, languages, queries);
const packs = (_a = parsePacksFromInput(packsInput, languages)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {};
let injectedMlQueries = false;
if (queriesInput) {
injectedMlQueries = await addQueriesAndPacksFromWorkflow(codeQL, queriesInput, languages, queries, packs, tempDir, workspacePath, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger);
return {
pathsIgnore: [],
paths: [],
originalUserInput: {},
codeQLCmd: codeQL.getPath(),
dbLocation: dbLocationOrDefault(dbLocation, tempDir),
exports.getDefaultConfig = getDefaultConfig;
* Load the config from the given file.
async function loadConfig(languagesInput, queriesInput, packsInput, configFile, dbLocation, debugMode, debugArtifactName, debugDatabaseName, repository, tempDir, toolCacheDir, codeQL, workspacePath, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger) {
var _a;
let parsedYAML;
if (isLocal(configFile)) {
// Treat the config file as relative to the workspace
configFile = path.resolve(workspacePath, configFile);
parsedYAML = getLocalConfig(configFile, workspacePath);
else {
parsedYAML = await getRemoteConfig(configFile, apiDetails);
// Validate that the 'name' property is syntactically correct,
// even though we don't use the value yet.
if (NAME_PROPERTY in parsedYAML) {
if (typeof parsedYAML[NAME_PROPERTY] !== "string") {
throw new Error(getNameInvalid(configFile));
if (parsedYAML[NAME_PROPERTY].length === 0) {
throw new Error(getNameInvalid(configFile));
const languages = await getLanguages(codeQL, languagesInput, repository, apiDetails, logger);
const queries = {};
for (const language of languages) {
queries[language] = {
builtin: [],
custom: [],
const pathsIgnore = [];
const paths = [];
let disableDefaultQueries = false;
if (typeof parsedYAML[DISABLE_DEFAULT_QUERIES_PROPERTY] !== "boolean") {
throw new Error(getDisableDefaultQueriesInvalid(configFile));
if (!disableDefaultQueries) {
await addDefaultQueries(codeQL, languages, queries);
const packs = parsePacks((_a = parsedYAML[PACKS_PROPERTY]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}, packsInput, languages, configFile);
// If queries were provided using `with` in the action configuration,
// they should take precedence over the queries in the config file
// unless they're prefixed with "+", in which case they supplement those
// in the config file.
let injectedMlQueries = false;
if (queriesInput) {
injectedMlQueries = await addQueriesAndPacksFromWorkflow(codeQL, queriesInput, languages, queries, packs, tempDir, workspacePath, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger);
if (shouldAddConfigFileQueries(queriesInput) &&
const queriesArr = parsedYAML[QUERIES_PROPERTY];
if (!Array.isArray(queriesArr)) {
throw new Error(getQueriesInvalid(configFile));
for (const query of queriesArr) {
if (!(QUERIES_USES_PROPERTY in query) ||
typeof query[QUERIES_USES_PROPERTY] !== "string") {
throw new Error(getQueryUsesInvalid(configFile));
await parseQueryUses(languages, codeQL, queries, packs, query[QUERIES_USES_PROPERTY], tempDir, workspacePath, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger, configFile);
if (!Array.isArray(parsedYAML[PATHS_IGNORE_PROPERTY])) {
throw new Error(getPathsIgnoreInvalid(configFile));
for (const ignorePath of parsedYAML[PATHS_IGNORE_PROPERTY]) {
if (typeof ignorePath !== "string" || ignorePath === "") {
throw new Error(getPathsIgnoreInvalid(configFile));
pathsIgnore.push(validateAndSanitisePath(ignorePath, PATHS_IGNORE_PROPERTY, configFile, logger));
if (PATHS_PROPERTY in parsedYAML) {
if (!Array.isArray(parsedYAML[PATHS_PROPERTY])) {
throw new Error(getPathsInvalid(configFile));
for (const includePath of parsedYAML[PATHS_PROPERTY]) {
if (typeof includePath !== "string" || includePath === "") {
throw new Error(getPathsInvalid(configFile));
paths.push(validateAndSanitisePath(includePath, PATHS_PROPERTY, configFile, logger));
return {
originalUserInput: parsedYAML,
codeQLCmd: codeQL.getPath(),
dbLocation: dbLocationOrDefault(dbLocation, tempDir),
* Pack names must be in the form of `scope/name`, with only alpha-numeric characters,
* and `-` allowed as long as not the first or last char.
const PACK_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = (function () {
const alphaNumeric = "[a-z0-9]";
const alphaNumericDash = "[a-z0-9-]";
const component = `${alphaNumeric}(${alphaNumericDash}*${alphaNumeric})?`;
return new RegExp(`^${component}/${component}$`);
// Exported for testing
function parsePacksFromConfig(packsByLanguage, languages, configFile) {
const packs = {};
if (Array.isArray(packsByLanguage)) {
if (languages.length === 1) {
// single language analysis, so language is implicit
packsByLanguage = {
[languages[0]]: packsByLanguage,
else {
// this is an error since multi-language analysis requires
// packs split by language
throw new Error(getPacksInvalidSplit(configFile));
for (const [lang, packsArr] of Object.entries(packsByLanguage)) {
if (!Array.isArray(packsArr)) {
throw new Error(getPacksInvalid(configFile));
if (!languages.includes(lang)) {
throw new Error(getPacksRequireLanguage(lang, configFile));
packs[lang] = [];
for (const packStr of packsArr) {
packs[lang].push(toPackWithVersion(packStr, configFile));
return packs;
exports.parsePacksFromConfig = parsePacksFromConfig;
function parsePacksFromInput(packsInput, languages) {
if (!(packsInput === null || packsInput === void 0 ? void 0 : packsInput.trim())) {
return undefined;
if (languages.length > 1) {
throw new Error("Cannot specify a 'packs' input in a multi-language analysis. Use a codeql-config.yml file instead and specify packs by language.");
else if (languages.length === 0) {
throw new Error("No languages specified. Cannot process the packs input.");
packsInput = packsInput.trim();
if (packsInput.startsWith("+")) {
packsInput = packsInput.substring(1).trim();
if (!packsInput) {
throw new Error("A '+' was used in the 'packs' input to specify that you wished to add some packs to your CodeQL analysis. However, no packs were specified. Please either remove the '+' or specify some packs.");
return {
[languages[0]]: packsInput.split(",").reduce((packs, pack) => {
packs.push(toPackWithVersion(pack, ""));
return packs;
}, []),
function toPackWithVersion(packStr, configFile) {
if (typeof packStr !== "string") {
throw new Error(getPacksStrInvalid(packStr, configFile));
const nameWithVersion = packStr.trim().split("@");
let version;
if (nameWithVersion.length > 2 ||
!PACK_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.test(nameWithVersion[0])) {
throw new Error(getPacksStrInvalid(packStr, configFile));
else if (nameWithVersion.length === 2) {
version = semver.clean(nameWithVersion[1]) || undefined;
if (!version) {
throw new Error(getPacksStrInvalid(packStr, configFile));
return {
packName: nameWithVersion[0].trim(),
// exported for testing
function parsePacks(rawPacksFromConfig, rawPacksInput, languages, configFile) {
const packsFromInput = parsePacksFromInput(rawPacksInput, languages);
const packsFomConfig = parsePacksFromConfig(rawPacksFromConfig, languages, configFile);
if (!packsFromInput) {
return packsFomConfig;
if (!shouldCombinePacks(rawPacksInput)) {
return packsFromInput;
return combinePacks(packsFromInput, packsFomConfig);
exports.parsePacks = parsePacks;
function shouldCombinePacks(packsInput) {
return !!(packsInput === null || packsInput === void 0 ? void 0 : packsInput.trim().startsWith("+"));
function combinePacks(packs1, packs2) {
const packs = {};
for (const lang of Object.keys(packs1)) {
packs[lang] = packs1[lang].concat(packs2[lang] || []);
for (const lang of Object.keys(packs2)) {
if (!packs[lang]) {
packs[lang] = packs2[lang];
return packs;
function dbLocationOrDefault(dbLocation, tempDir) {
return dbLocation || path.resolve(tempDir, "codeql_databases");
* Load and return the config.
* This will parse the config from the user input if present, or generate
* a default config. The parsed config is then stored to a known location.
async function initConfig(languagesInput, queriesInput, packsInput, configFile, dbLocation, debugMode, debugArtifactName, debugDatabaseName, repository, tempDir, toolCacheDir, codeQL, workspacePath, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger) {
var _a, _b, _c;
let config;
// If no config file was provided create an empty one
if (!configFile) {
logger.debug("No configuration file was provided");
config = await getDefaultConfig(languagesInput, queriesInput, packsInput, dbLocation, debugMode, debugArtifactName, debugDatabaseName, repository, tempDir, toolCacheDir, codeQL, workspacePath, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger);
else {
config = await loadConfig(languagesInput, queriesInput, packsInput, configFile, dbLocation, debugMode, debugArtifactName, debugDatabaseName, repository, tempDir, toolCacheDir, codeQL, workspacePath, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, featureFlags, logger);
// The list of queries should not be empty for any language. If it is then
// it is a user configuration error.
for (const language of config.languages) {
const hasBuiltinQueries = ((_a = config.queries[language]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.builtin.length) > 0;
const hasCustomQueries = ((_b = config.queries[language]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.custom.length) > 0;
const hasPacks = (((_c = config.packs[language]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.length) || 0) > 0;
if (!hasPacks && !hasBuiltinQueries && !hasCustomQueries) {
throw new Error(`Did not detect any queries to run for ${language}. ` +
"Please make sure that the default queries are enabled, or you are specifying queries to run.");
// Save the config so we can easily access it again in the future
await saveConfig(config, logger);
return config;
exports.initConfig = initConfig;
function isLocal(configPath) {
// If the path starts with ./, look locally
if (configPath.indexOf("./") === 0) {
return true;
return configPath.indexOf("@") === -1;
function getLocalConfig(configFile, workspacePath) {
// Error if the config file is now outside of the workspace
if (!(configFile + path.sep).startsWith(workspacePath + path.sep)) {
throw new Error(getConfigFileOutsideWorkspaceErrorMessage(configFile));
// Error if the file does not exist
if (!fs.existsSync(configFile)) {
throw new Error(getConfigFileDoesNotExistErrorMessage(configFile));
return yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(configFile, "utf8"));
async function getRemoteConfig(configFile, apiDetails) {
// retrieve the various parts of the config location, and ensure they're present
const format = new RegExp("(?<owner>[^/]+)/(?<repo>[^/]+)/(?<path>[^@]+)@(?<ref>.*)");
const pieces = format.exec(configFile);
// 5 = 4 groups + the whole expression
if (pieces === null || pieces.groups === undefined || pieces.length < 5) {
throw new Error(getConfigFileRepoFormatInvalidMessage(configFile));
const response = await api
.getApiClient(apiDetails, { allowExternal: true })
owner: pieces.groups.owner,
repo: pieces.groups.repo,
path: pieces.groups.path,
ref: pieces.groups.ref,
let fileContents;
if ("content" in && !== undefined) {
fileContents =;
else if (Array.isArray( {
throw new Error(getConfigFileDirectoryGivenMessage(configFile));
else {
throw new Error(getConfigFileFormatInvalidMessage(configFile));
return yaml.load(Buffer.from(fileContents, "base64").toString("binary"));
* Get the file path where the parsed config will be stored.
function getPathToParsedConfigFile(tempDir) {
return path.join(tempDir, "config");
exports.getPathToParsedConfigFile = getPathToParsedConfigFile;
* Store the given config to the path returned from getPathToParsedConfigFile.
async function saveConfig(config, logger) {
const configString = JSON.stringify(config);
const configFile = getPathToParsedConfigFile(config.tempDir);
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(configFile), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(configFile, configString, "utf8");
logger.debug("Saved config:");
* Get the config that has been saved to the given temp dir.
* If the config could not be found then returns undefined.
async function getConfig(tempDir, logger) {
const configFile = getPathToParsedConfigFile(tempDir);
if (!fs.existsSync(configFile)) {
return undefined;
const configString = fs.readFileSync(configFile, "utf8");
logger.debug("Loaded config:");
return JSON.parse(configString);
exports.getConfig = getConfig;