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219 lines (219 sloc) 11.6 KB
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
const path = __importStar(require("path"));
const ava_1 = __importDefault(require("ava"));
const logging_1 = require("./logging");
const testing_utils_1 = require("./testing-utils");
const uploadLib = __importStar(require("./upload-lib"));
const util_1 = require("./util");
(0, testing_utils_1.setupTests)(ava_1.default);
ava_1.default.beforeEach(() => {
(0, util_1.initializeEnvironment)(util_1.Mode.actions, "1.2.3");
(0, ava_1.default)("validateSarifFileSchema - valid", (t) => {
const inputFile = `${__dirname}/../src/testdata/valid-sarif.sarif`;
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateSarifFileSchema(inputFile, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true)));
(0, ava_1.default)("validateSarifFileSchema - invalid", (t) => {
const inputFile = `${__dirname}/../src/testdata/invalid-sarif.sarif`;
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateSarifFileSchema(inputFile, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true)));
(0, ava_1.default)("validate correct payload used per version", async (t) => {
const newVersions = [
{ type: util_1.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM },
{ type: util_1.GitHubVariant.GHES, version: "3.1.0" },
const oldVersions = [
{ type: util_1.GitHubVariant.GHES, version: "2.22.1" },
{ type: util_1.GitHubVariant.GHES, version: "3.0.0" },
const allVersions = newVersions.concat(oldVersions);
process.env["GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"] = "push";
for (const version of allVersions) {
const payload = uploadLib.buildPayload("commit", "refs/heads/master", "key", undefined, "", undefined, "/opt/src", undefined, ["CodeQL", "eslint"], version, "mergeBaseCommit");
// Not triggered by a pull request
process.env["GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"] = "pull_request";
process.env["GITHUB_SHA"] = "commit";
process.env["GITHUB_BASE_REF"] = "master";
process.env["GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"] = `${__dirname}/../src/testdata/pull_request.json`;
for (const version of newVersions) {
const payload = uploadLib.buildPayload("commit", "refs/pull/123/merge", "key", undefined, "", undefined, "/opt/src", undefined, ["CodeQL", "eslint"], version, "mergeBaseCommit");
// Uploads for a merge commit use the merge base
t.deepEqual(payload.base_ref, "refs/heads/master");
t.deepEqual(payload.base_sha, "mergeBaseCommit");
for (const version of newVersions) {
const payload = uploadLib.buildPayload("headCommit", "refs/pull/123/head", "key", undefined, "", undefined, "/opt/src", undefined, ["CodeQL", "eslint"], version, "mergeBaseCommit");
// Uploads for the head use the PR base
t.deepEqual(payload.base_ref, "refs/heads/master");
t.deepEqual(payload.base_sha, "f95f852bd8fca8fcc58a9a2d6c842781e32a215e");
for (const version of oldVersions) {
const payload = uploadLib.buildPayload("commit", "refs/pull/123/merge", "key", undefined, "", undefined, "/opt/src", undefined, ["CodeQL", "eslint"], version, "mergeBaseCommit");
// These older versions won't expect these values
(0, ava_1.default)("finding SARIF files", async (t) => {
await (0, util_1.withTmpDir)(async (tmpDir) => {
// include a couple of sarif files
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tmpDir, "a.sarif"), "");
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tmpDir, "b.sarif"), "");
// other random files shouldn't be returned
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tmpDir, ""), "");
// we should recursively look in subdirectories
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(tmpDir, "dir1"));
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tmpDir, "dir1", "d.sarif"), "");
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(tmpDir, "dir1", "dir2"));
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tmpDir, "dir1", "dir2", "e.sarif"), "");
// we should ignore symlinks
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(tmpDir, "dir3"));
fs.symlinkSync(tmpDir, path.join(tmpDir, "dir3", "symlink1"), "dir");
fs.symlinkSync(path.join(tmpDir, "a.sarif"), path.join(tmpDir, "dir3", "symlink2.sarif"), "file");
const sarifFiles = uploadLib.findSarifFilesInDir(tmpDir);
t.deepEqual(sarifFiles, [
path.join(tmpDir, "a.sarif"),
path.join(tmpDir, "b.sarif"),
path.join(tmpDir, "dir1", "d.sarif"),
path.join(tmpDir, "dir1", "dir2", "e.sarif"),
(0, ava_1.default)("populateRunAutomationDetails", (t) => {
let sarif = {
runs: [{}],
const analysisKey = ".github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml:analyze";
let expectedSarif = {
runs: [{ automationDetails: { id: "language:javascript/os:linux/" } }],
// Category has priority over analysis_key/environment
let modifiedSarif = uploadLib.populateRunAutomationDetails(sarif, "language:javascript/os:linux", analysisKey, '{"language": "other", "os": "other"}');
t.deepEqual(modifiedSarif, expectedSarif);
// It doesn't matter if the category has a slash at the end or not
modifiedSarif = uploadLib.populateRunAutomationDetails(sarif, "language:javascript/os:linux/", analysisKey, "");
t.deepEqual(modifiedSarif, expectedSarif);
// check that the automation details doesn't get overwritten
sarif = { runs: [{ automationDetails: { id: "my_id" } }] };
expectedSarif = { runs: [{ automationDetails: { id: "my_id" } }] };
modifiedSarif = uploadLib.populateRunAutomationDetails(sarif, undefined, analysisKey, '{"os": "linux", "language": "javascript"}');
t.deepEqual(modifiedSarif, expectedSarif);
// check multiple runs
sarif = { runs: [{ automationDetails: { id: "my_id" } }, {}] };
expectedSarif = {
runs: [
{ automationDetails: { id: "my_id" } },
automationDetails: {
id: ".github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml:analyze/language:javascript/os:linux/",
modifiedSarif = uploadLib.populateRunAutomationDetails(sarif, undefined, analysisKey, '{"os": "linux", "language": "javascript"}');
t.deepEqual(modifiedSarif, expectedSarif);
(0, ava_1.default)("validateUniqueCategory when empty", (t) => {
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif()));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif()));
(0, ava_1.default)("validateUniqueCategory for automation details id", (t) => {
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("AbC")));
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("def")));
// Our category sanitization is not perfect. Here are some examples
// of where we see false clashes
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc/def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc@def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc_def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc def")));
// this one is fine
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc_ def")));
(0, ava_1.default)("validateUniqueCategory for tool name", (t) => {
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "abc")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "abc")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "AbC")));
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "def")));
// Our category sanitization is not perfect. Here are some examples
// of where we see false clashes
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "abc/def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "abc@def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "abc_def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif(undefined, "abc def")));
// this one is fine
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc_ def")));
(0, ava_1.default)("validateUniqueCategory for automation details id and tool name", (t) => {
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc", "abc")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc", "abc")));
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc_", "def")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc_", "def")));
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("ghi", "_jkl")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("ghi", "_jkl")));
// Our category sanitization is not perfect. Here are some examples
// of where we see false clashes
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc", "_")));
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc", "def__")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("abc_def")));
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("mno_", "pqr")));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(createMockSarif("mno", "_pqr")));
(0, ava_1.default)("validateUniqueCategory for multiple runs", (t) => {
const sarif1 = createMockSarif("abc", "def");
const sarif2 = createMockSarif("ghi", "jkl");
// duplicate categories are allowed within the same sarif file
const multiSarif = { runs: [sarif1.runs[0], sarif1.runs[0], sarif2.runs[0]] };
t.notThrows(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(multiSarif));
// should throw if there are duplicate categories in separate validations
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(sarif1));
t.throws(() => uploadLib.validateUniqueCategory(sarif2));
function createMockSarif(id, tool) {
return {
runs: [
automationDetails: {
tool: {
driver: {
name: tool,