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Latest commit c7c1aa8 Jul 16, 2020 History
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103 lines (91 sloc) 2.89 KB
* @name Undeclared action input
* @description Code tries to use an input parameter that is not defined for this action.
Perhaps this code is shared by multiple actions.
* @kind problem
* @problem.severity error
* @id javascript/codeql-action/undeclared-action-input
import javascript
* A declaration of a github action, including its inputs and entrypoint.
class ActionDeclaration extends File {
ActionDeclaration() {
* The name of the action.
string getName() {
result = getRelativePath().regexpCapture("(.*)/action.yml", 1)
YAMLDocument getRootNode() {
result.getFile() = this
* The name of any input to this action.
string getAnInput() {
result = getRootNode().(YAMLMapping).lookup("inputs").(YAMLMapping).getKey(_).(YAMLString).getValue()
* The function that is the entrypoint to this action.
FunctionDeclStmt getEntrypoint() {
result.getFile().getRelativePath() = getRootNode().
(YAMLString).getValue().regexpReplaceAll("\\.\\./lib/(.*)\\.js", "src/$1.ts") and
result.getName() = "run"
* A function declared on CodeQL interface from codeql.ts
class CodeQLFunction extends Function {
CodeQLFunction() {
exists(Function getCodeQLForCmd, ObjectExpr obj |
getCodeQLForCmd.getName() = "getCodeQLForCmd" and
obj = getCodeQLForCmd.getAStmt().(ReturnStmt).getExpr() and
obj.getAProperty().getInit() = this)
* Any expr that is a transitive child of the given function.
Expr getAFunctionChildExpr(Function f) {
result.getContainer() = f
* Result is a function that is called from the body of the given function `f`
Function calledBy(Function f) {
result = getAFunctionChildExpr(f).(InvokeExpr).getResolvedCallee()
// Assume outer function causes inner function to be called,
// except for the special case of the CodeQL functions.
(result.getEnclosingContainer() = f and not result instanceof CodeQLFunction)
// Handle calls to CodeQL functions by name
getAFunctionChildExpr(f).(InvokeExpr).getCalleeName() = result.(CodeQLFunction).getName()
* A call to the core.getInput method.
class GetInputMethodCallExpr extends MethodCallExpr {
GetInputMethodCallExpr() {
getMethodName() = "getInput"
* The name of the input being accessed.
string getInputName() {
result = getArgument(0).(StringLiteral).getValue()
from ActionDeclaration action, GetInputMethodCallExpr getInputCall, string inputName
where getAFunctionChildExpr(calledBy*(action.getEntrypoint())) = getInputCall and
inputName = getInputCall.getInputName() and
not inputName = action.getAnInput()
select getInputCall, "The $@ input is not defined for the $@ action", inputName, inputName, action, action.getName()