Unicode symbols with fallbacks for older terminals
Terminals such as Windows Console Host (and CMD) only support a limited character set.
$ npm install figures
import figures, {replaceSymbols, mainSymbols, fallbackSymbols} from 'figures';
// On terminals with Unicode symbols: ✔︎
// On other terminals: √
// On all terminals: ✔︎
// On all terminal: √
console.log(figures.replaceSymbols('✔︎ check'));
// On terminals with Unicode symbols: ✔︎ check
// On other terminals: √ check
figures (default export)
Type: object
Symbols to use on any terminal.
Symbols to use when the terminal supports Unicode symbols.
Symbols to use when the terminal does not support Unicode symbols.
Returns the input with replaced fallback Unicode symbols on older terminals.
All the below figures are attached to the default export as shown in the example above.
Type: string
String where the Unicode symbols will be replaced with fallback symbols depending on the terminal.
characters are only shown when they differ from the Main
Name | Main | Fallback |
tick | ✔ |
√ |
info | ℹ |
i |
warning | ⚠ |
‼ |
cross | ✖ |
× |
square | █ |
squareSmall | ◻ |
□ |
squareSmallFilled | ◼ |
■ |
squareDarkShade | ▓ |
squareMediumShade | ▒ |
squareLightShade | ░ |
squareTop | ▀ |
squareBottom | ▄ |
squareLeft | ▌ |
squareRight | ▐ |
squareCenter | ■ |
circle | ◯ |
( ) |
circleFilled | ◉ |
(*) |
circleDotted | ◌ |
( ) |
circleDouble | ◎ |
( ) |
circleCircle | ⓞ |
(○) |
circleCross | ⓧ |
(×) |
circlePipe | Ⓘ |
(│) |
circleQuestionMark | ?⃝ |
(?) |
radioOn | ◉ |
(*) |
radioOff | ◯ |
( ) |
checkboxOn | ☒ |
[×] |
checkboxOff | ☐ |
[ ] |
checkboxCircleOn | ⓧ |
(×) |
checkboxCircleOff | Ⓘ |
( ) |
questionMarkPrefix | ?⃝ |
? |
bullet | ● |
dot | ․ |
ellipsis | … |
pointer | ❯ |
> |
pointerSmall | › |
› |
triangleUp | ▲ |
triangleUpSmall | ▴ |
triangleUpOutline | △ |
∆ |
triangleDown | ▼ |
triangleDownSmall | ▾ |
triangleLeft | ◀ |
◄ |
triangleLeftSmall | ◂ |
triangleRight | ▶ |
► |
triangleRightSmall | ▸ |
lozenge | ◆ |
♦ |
lozengeOutline | ◇ |
◊ |
home | ⌂ |
hamburger | ☰ |
≡ |
smiley | ㋡ |
☺ |
mustache | ෴ |
┌─┐ |
heart | ♥ |
star | ★ |
✶ |
play | ▶ |
► |
musicNote | ♪ |
musicNoteBeamed | ♫ |
nodejs | ⬢ |
♦ |
arrowUp | ↑ |
arrowDown | ↓ |
arrowLeft | ← |
arrowRight | → |
arrowLeftRight | ↔ |
arrowUpDown | ↕ |
almostEqual | ≈ |
notEqual | ≠ |
lessOrEqual | ≤ |
greaterOrEqual | ≥ |
identical | ≡ |
infinity | ∞ |
subscriptZero | ₀ |
subscriptOne | ₁ |
subscriptTwo | ₂ |
subscriptThree | ₃ |
subscriptFour | ₄ |
subscriptFive | ₅ |
subscriptSix | ₆ |
subscriptSeven | ₇ |
subscriptEight | ₈ |
subscriptNine | ₉ |
oneHalf | ½ |
oneThird | ⅓ |
oneQuarter | ¼ |
oneFifth | ⅕ |
oneSixth | ⅙ |
oneSeventh | ⅐ |
1/7 |
oneEighth | ⅛ |
oneNinth | ⅑ |
1/9 |
oneTenth | ⅒ |
1/10 |
twoThirds | ⅔ |
twoFifths | ⅖ |
threeQuarters | ¾ |
threeFifths | ⅗ |
threeEighths | ⅜ |
fourFifths | ⅘ |
fiveSixths | ⅚ |
fiveEighths | ⅝ |
sevenEighths | ⅞ |
line | ─ |
lineBold | ━ |
lineDouble | ═ |
lineDashed0 | ┄ |
lineDashed1 | ┅ |
lineDashed2 | ┈ |
lineDashed3 | ┉ |
lineDashed4 | ╌ |
lineDashed5 | ╍ |
lineDashed6 | ╴ |
lineDashed7 | ╶ |
lineDashed8 | ╸ |
lineDashed9 | ╺ |
lineDashed10 | ╼ |
lineDashed11 | ╾ |
lineDashed12 | − |
lineDashed13 | – |
lineDashed14 | ‐ |
lineDashed15 | ⁃ |
lineVertical | │ |
lineVerticalBold | ┃ |
lineVerticalDouble | ║ |
lineVerticalDashed0 | ┆ |
lineVerticalDashed1 | ┇ |
lineVerticalDashed2 | ┊ |
lineVerticalDashed3 | ┋ |
lineVerticalDashed4 | ╎ |
lineVerticalDashed5 | ╏ |
lineVerticalDashed6 | ╵ |
lineVerticalDashed7 | ╷ |
lineVerticalDashed8 | ╹ |
lineVerticalDashed9 | ╻ |
lineVerticalDashed10 | ╽ |
lineVerticalDashed11 | ╿ |
lineDownLeft | ┐ |
lineDownLeftArc | ╮ |
lineDownBoldLeftBold | ┓ |
lineDownBoldLeft | ┒ |
lineDownLeftBold | ┑ |
lineDownDoubleLeftDouble | ╗ |
lineDownDoubleLeft | ╖ |
lineDownLeftDouble | ╕ |
lineDownRight | ┌ |
lineDownRightArc | ╭ |
lineDownBoldRightBold | ┏ |
lineDownBoldRight | ┎ |
lineDownRightBold | ┍ |
lineDownDoubleRightDouble | ╔ |
lineDownDoubleRight | ╓ |
lineDownRightDouble | ╒ |
lineUpLeft | ┘ |
lineUpLeftArc | ╯ |
lineUpBoldLeftBold | ┛ |
lineUpBoldLeft | ┚ |
lineUpLeftBold | ┙ |
lineUpDoubleLeftDouble | ╝ |
lineUpDoubleLeft | ╜ |
lineUpLeftDouble | ╛ |
lineUpRight | └ |
lineUpRightArc | ╰ |
lineUpBoldRightBold | ┗ |
lineUpBoldRight | ┖ |
lineUpRightBold | ┕ |
lineUpDoubleRightDouble | ╚ |
lineUpDoubleRight | ╙ |
lineUpRightDouble | ╘ |
lineUpDownLeft | ┤ |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBold | ┫ |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeft | ┨ |
lineUpDownLeftBold | ┥ |
lineUpBoldDownLeftBold | ┩ |
lineUpDownBoldLeftBold | ┪ |
lineUpDownBoldLeft | ┧ |
lineUpBoldDownLeft | ┦ |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDouble | ╣ |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeft | ╢ |
lineUpDownLeftDouble | ╡ |
lineUpDownRight | ├ |
lineUpBoldDownBoldRightBold | ┣ |
lineUpBoldDownBoldRight | ┠ |
lineUpDownRightBold | ┝ |
lineUpBoldDownRightBold | ┡ |
lineUpDownBoldRightBold | ┢ |
lineUpDownBoldRight | ┟ |
lineUpBoldDownRight | ┞ |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRightDouble | ╠ |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRight | ╟ |
lineUpDownRightDouble | ╞ |
lineDownLeftRight | ┬ |
lineDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | ┳ |
lineDownLeftBoldRightBold | ┯ |
lineDownBoldLeftRight | ┰ |
lineDownBoldLeftBoldRight | ┱ |
lineDownBoldLeftRightBold | ┲ |
lineDownLeftRightBold | ┮ |
lineDownLeftBoldRight | ┭ |
lineDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╦ |
lineDownDoubleLeftRight | ╥ |
lineDownLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╤ |
lineUpLeftRight | ┴ |
lineUpBoldLeftBoldRightBold | ┻ |
lineUpLeftBoldRightBold | ┷ |
lineUpBoldLeftRight | ┸ |
lineUpBoldLeftBoldRight | ┹ |
lineUpBoldLeftRightBold | ┺ |
lineUpLeftRightBold | ┶ |
lineUpLeftBoldRight | ┵ |
lineUpDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╩ |
lineUpDoubleLeftRight | ╨ |
lineUpLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╧ |
lineUpDownLeftRight | ┼ |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | ╋ |
lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | ╈ |
lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRightBold | ╇ |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRightBold | ╊ |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRight | ╉ |
lineUpBoldDownLeftRight | ╀ |
lineUpDownBoldLeftRight | ╁ |
lineUpDownLeftBoldRight | ┽ |
lineUpDownLeftRightBold | ┾ |
lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRight | ╂ |
lineUpDownLeftBoldRightBold | ┿ |
lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRight | ╃ |
lineUpBoldDownLeftRightBold | ╄ |
lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRight | ╅ |
lineUpDownBoldLeftRightBold | ╆ |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╬ |
lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftRight | ╫ |
lineUpDownLeftDoubleRightDouble | ╪ |
lineCross | ╳ |
lineBackslash | ╲ |
lineSlash | ╱ |
Other characters
If you cannot find the character you're looking for in the table above, please look at this full list of cross-platform terminal characters.
Unsupported terminals
The following terminals are not officially supported:
- xterm
- Linux Terminal (kernel)
- cmder
They can display most but not all of the symbols listed above.
- log-symbols - Colored symbols for various log levels
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