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# pip install --user netmiko
from netmiko import Netmiko
from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse
username = "clab"
password = "clab@123"
device_type = "cisco_xr"
hosts = ["172.16.x.2", "172.16.x.3", "172.16.x.4"] # TODO
target_ip_helper = "fill me in!"
for host in hosts:
# Create a variable that represents an SSH connection to our router.
connection = Netmiko(
username=username, password=password, device_type=device_type, ip=host
# Get the output for "show run". This will be raw and unformatted.
raw_config = connection.send_command("show run")
# Turn this giant singular string of output into a list of lines.
parser = CiscoConfParse(raw_config.split("\n"))
for intf in parser.find_objects("^interface .*"):
# Get the interface name.
intf_name = intf.text
# Give us nice messages
print(f"Inspecting {intf_name} on {host}...")
# Retrieve the helper address, if it exists.
helper_address_line = intf.re_search_children("^ ipv4 helper-address")
if not helper_address_line:
# Nothing to see here! Skip.
# Don't configure a new IP helper on interfaces that don't have one.
# Get the last "word" in the line, which is the helper IP address.
ip = helper_address_line[-1]
if ip != target_ip_helper:
print(f"Found old IP helper!:\n{intf}")
commands = [
f"no ipv4 helper-address {ip}",
f"ipv4 helper-address {target_ip_helper}",
# Let's observe:
print(f"Running: {commands}")
new_interface_config = connection.send_command(f"show run int {intf_name}")