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Latest commit 70b730e Oct 28, 2021 History
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53 lines (46 sloc) 1.74 KB
* @name Inconsistent action input
* @description If multiple actions define an input with the same name, then the input
* must be defined in an identical way to avoid confusion for the user.
* This also makes writing queries like required-action-input.ql easier.
* @kind problem
* @problem.severity error
* @id javascript/codeql-action/inconsistent-action-input
import javascript
* A declaration of a github action.
class ActionDeclaration extends File {
ActionDeclaration() {
* The name of the action.
string getName() {
result = getRelativePath().regexpCapture("(.*)/action.yml", 1)
YAMLDocument getRootNode() {
result.getFile() = this
YAMLValue getInput(string inputName) {
result = getRootNode().(YAMLMapping).lookup("inputs").(YAMLMapping).lookup(inputName)
predicate areNotEquivalent(YAMLValue x, YAMLValue y) {
x.getTag() != y.getTag()
x.(YAMLScalar).getValue() != y.(YAMLScalar).getValue()
x.getNumChild() != y.getNumChild()
exists(int i | areNotEquivalent(x.getChild(i), y.getChild(i)))
from ActionDeclaration actionA, ActionDeclaration actionB, string inputName
where actionA.getName() < actionB.getName() // prevent duplicates which are permutations of the names
and areNotEquivalent(actionA.getInput(inputName), actionB.getInput(inputName))
// ram and threads inputs in different actions are supposed to have different description
and inputName != "ram" and inputName != "threads"
select actionA, "Action $@ and action $@ both declare input $@, however their definitions are not identical. This may be confusing to users.",
actionA, actionA.getName(), actionB, actionB.getName(), inputName, inputName