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* @name Some environment variables may not exist in default setup workflows
* @id javascript/codeql-action/default-setup-env-vars
* @kind problem
* @severity warning
import javascript
predicate isSafeForDefaultSetup(string envVar) {
// Ignore internal Code Scanning environment variables
envVar.matches("CODE_SCANNING_%") or
envVar.matches("CODEQL_%") or
envVar.matches("CODESCANNING_%") or
envVar.matches("LGTM_%") or
// We flag up usage of potentially unsafe parts of the GitHub event in `default-setup-event-context.ql`.
// The following environment variables are known to be safe for use with default setup
envVar =
predicate envVarRead(DataFlow::Node node, string envVar) {
node =
any(DataFlow::PropRead read |
read = NodeJSLib::process().getAPropertyRead("env").getAPropertyRead() and
envVar = read.getPropertyName()
) or
node =
any(DataFlow::CallNode call |
call.getCalleeName().matches("get%EnvParam") and
envVar = call.getArgument(0).getStringValue()
from DataFlow::Node read, string envVar
envVarRead(read, envVar) and
not read.getFile().getBaseName().matches("%.test.ts") and
not isSafeForDefaultSetup(envVar)
select read,
"The environment variable " + envVar +
" may not exist in default setup workflows. If all uses are safe, add it to the list of " +
"environment variables that are known to be safe in " +
"'queries/default-setup-environment-variables.ql'. If this use is safe but others are not, " +
"dismiss this alert as a false positive."