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247 lines (198 sloc) 8.81 KB
import argparse
import datetime
from github import Github
import json
import os
import subprocess
EMPTY_CHANGELOG = """# CodeQL Action Changelog
No user facing changes.
TARGET_BRANCH = 'releases/v2'
# Name of the remote
ORIGIN = 'origin'
# Runs git with the given args and returns the stdout.
# Raises an error if git does not exit successfully (unless passed
# allow_non_zero_exit_code=True).
def run_git(*args, allow_non_zero_exit_code=False):
cmd = ['git', *args]
p =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if not allow_non_zero_exit_code and p.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Call to {" ".join(cmd)} exited with code {p.returncode} stderr: {p.stderr.decode("ascii")}.')
return p.stdout.decode('ascii')
# Returns true if the given branch exists on the origin remote
def branch_exists_on_remote(branch_name):
return run_git('ls-remote', '--heads', ORIGIN, branch_name).strip() != ''
# Opens a PR from the given branch to the target branch
def open_pr(repo, all_commits, source_branch_short_sha, new_branch_name, conductor):
# Sort the commits into the pull requests that introduced them,
# and any commits that don't have a pull request
pull_requests = []
commits_without_pull_requests = []
for commit in all_commits:
pr = get_pr_for_commit(commit)
if pr is None:
elif not any(p for p in pull_requests if p.number == pr.number):
print(f'Found {len(pull_requests)} pull requests.')
print(f'Found {len(commits_without_pull_requests)} commits not in a pull request.')
# Sort PRs and commits by age
pull_requests = sorted(pull_requests, key=lambda pr: pr.number)
commits_without_pull_requests = sorted(commits_without_pull_requests, key=lambda c:
# Start constructing the body text
body = []
body.append(f'Merging {source_branch_short_sha} into {TARGET_BRANCH}.')
body.append(f'Conductor for this PR is @{conductor}.')
# List all PRs merged
if len(pull_requests) > 0:
body.append('Contains the following pull requests:')
for pr in pull_requests:
merger = get_merger_of_pr(repo, pr)
body.append(f'- #{pr.number} (@{merger})')
# List all commits not part of a PR
if len(commits_without_pull_requests) > 0:
body.append('Contains the following commits not from a pull request:')
for commit in commits_without_pull_requests:
author_description = f' (@{})' if is not None else ''
body.append(f'- {commit.sha} - {get_truncated_commit_message(commit)}{author_description}')
body.append('Please do the following:')
body.append(' - [ ] Ensure the CHANGELOG displays the correct version and date.')
body.append(' - [ ] Ensure the CHANGELOG includes all relevant, user-facing changes since the last release.')
body.append(f' - [ ] Check that there are not any unexpected commits being merged into the {TARGET_BRANCH} branch.')
body.append(' - [ ] Ensure the docs team is aware of any documentation changes that need to be released.')
body.append(' - [ ] Approve and merge this PR. Make sure `Create a merge commit` is selected rather than `Squash and merge` or `Rebase and merge`.')
body.append(' - [ ] Merge the mergeback PR that will automatically be created once this PR is merged.')
title = f'Merge {SOURCE_BRANCH} into {TARGET_BRANCH}'
# Create the pull request
# PR checks won't be triggered on PRs created by Actions. Therefore mark the PR as draft so that
# a maintainer can take the PR out of draft, thereby triggering the PR checks.
pr = repo.create_pull(title=title, body='\n'.join(body), head=new_branch_name, base=TARGET_BRANCH, draft=True)
print(f'Created PR #{pr.number}')
# Assign the conductor
print(f'Assigned PR to {conductor}')
# Gets a list of the SHAs of all commits that have happened on the source branch
# since the last release to the target branch.
# This will not include any commits that exist on the target branch
# that aren't on the source branch.
def get_commit_difference(repo):
# Passing split nothing means that the empty string splits to nothing: compare `''.split() == []`
# to `''.split('\n') == ['']`.
commits = run_git('log', '--pretty=format:%H', f'{ORIGIN}/{TARGET_BRANCH}..{ORIGIN}/{SOURCE_BRANCH}').strip().split()
# Convert to full-fledged commit objects
commits = [repo.get_commit(c) for c in commits]
# Filter out merge commits for PRs
return list(filter(lambda c: not is_pr_merge_commit(c), commits))
# Is the given commit the automatic merge commit from when merging a PR
def is_pr_merge_commit(commit):
return commit.committer is not None and commit.committer.login == 'web-flow' and len(commit.parents) > 1
# Gets a copy of the commit message that should display nicely
def get_truncated_commit_message(commit):
message = commit.commit.message.split('\n')[0]
if len(message) > 60:
return f'{message[:57]}...'
return message
# Converts a commit into the PR that introduced it to the source branch.
# Returns the PR object, or None if no PR could be found.
def get_pr_for_commit(commit):
prs = commit.get_pulls()
if prs.totalCount > 0:
# In the case that there are multiple PRs, return the earliest one
prs = list(prs)
sorted_prs = sorted(prs, key=lambda pr: int(pr.number))
return sorted_prs[0]
return None
# Get the person who merged the pull request.
# For most cases this will be the same as the author, but for PRs opened
# by external contributors getting the merger will get us the GitHub
# employee who reviewed and merged the PR.
def get_merger_of_pr(repo, pr):
return repo.get_commit(pr.merge_commit_sha).author.login
def get_current_version():
with open('package.json', 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)['version']
def get_today_string():
today =
return '{:%d %b %Y}'.format(today)
def update_changelog(version):
if (os.path.exists('')):
content = ''
with open('', 'r') as f:
content =
newContent = content.replace('[UNRELEASED]', f'{version} - {get_today_string()}', 1)
with open('', 'w') as f:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('')
help='GitHub token, typically from GitHub Actions.'
help='The nwo of the repository, for example github/codeql-action.'
help='The GitHub handle of the person who is conducting the release process.'
args = parser.parse_args()
repo = Github(args.github_token).get_repo(args.repository_nwo)
version = get_current_version()
# Print what we intend to go
print(f'Considering difference between {SOURCE_BRANCH} and {TARGET_BRANCH}...')
source_branch_short_sha = run_git('rev-parse', '--short', f'{ORIGIN}/{SOURCE_BRANCH}').strip()
print(f'Current head of {SOURCE_BRANCH} is {source_branch_short_sha}.')
# See if there are any commits to merge in
commits = get_commit_difference(repo=repo)
if len(commits) == 0:
print(f'No commits to merge from {SOURCE_BRANCH} to {TARGET_BRANCH}.')
# The branch name is based off of the name of branch being merged into
# and the SHA of the branch being merged from. Thus if the branch already
# exists we can assume we don't need to recreate it.
new_branch_name = f'update-v{version}-{source_branch_short_sha}'
print(f'Branch name is {new_branch_name}.')
# Check if the branch already exists. If so we can abort as this script
# has already run on this combination of branches.
if branch_exists_on_remote(new_branch_name):
print(f'Branch {new_branch_name} already exists. Nothing to do.')
# Create the new branch and push it to the remote
print(f'Creating branch {new_branch_name}.')
# If we're performing a standard release, there won't be any new commits on the target branch,
# as these will have already been merged back into the source branch. Therefore we can just
# start from the source branch.
run_git('checkout', '-b', new_branch_name, f'{ORIGIN}/{SOURCE_BRANCH}')
print('Updating changelog')
# Create a commit that updates the CHANGELOG
run_git('add', '')
run_git('commit', '-m', f'Update changelog for v{version}')
run_git('push', ORIGIN, new_branch_name)
# Open a PR to update the branch
if __name__ == '__main__':