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{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sources":["../src/azureKeyCredential.ts","../src/typeguards.ts","../src/azureNamedKeyCredential.ts","../src/azureSASCredential.ts","../src/tokenCredential.ts"],"sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n/**\n * Represents a credential defined by a static API key.\n */\nexport interface KeyCredential {\n /**\n * The value of the API key represented as a string\n */\n readonly key: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * A static-key-based credential that supports updating\n * the underlying key value.\n */\nexport class AzureKeyCredential implements KeyCredential {\n private _key: string;\n\n /**\n * The value of the key to be used in authentication\n */\n public get key(): string {\n return this._key;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an instance of an AzureKeyCredential for use\n * with a service client.\n *\n * @param key - The initial value of the key to use in authentication\n */\n constructor(key: string) {\n if (!key) {\n throw new Error(\"key must be a non-empty string\");\n }\n\n this._key = key;\n }\n\n /**\n * Change the value of the key.\n *\n * Updates will take effect upon the next request after\n * updating the key value.\n *\n * @param newKey - The new key value to be used\n */\n public update(newKey: string): void {\n this._key = newKey;\n }\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n/**\n * Helper TypeGuard that checks if something is defined or not.\n * @param thing - Anything\n * @internal\n */\nfunction isDefined<T>(thing: T | undefined | null): thing is T {\n return typeof thing !== \"undefined\" && thing !== null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper TypeGuard that checks if the input is an object with the specified properties.\n * Note: The properties may be inherited.\n * @param thing - Anything.\n * @param properties - The name of the properties that should appear in the object.\n * @internal\n */\nexport function isObjectWithProperties<Thing extends unknown, PropertyName extends string>(\n thing: Thing,\n properties: PropertyName[]\n): thing is Thing & Record<PropertyName, unknown> {\n if (!isDefined(thing) || typeof thing !== \"object\") {\n return false;\n }\n\n for (const property of properties) {\n if (!objectHasProperty(thing, property)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper TypeGuard that checks if the input is an object with the specified property.\n * Note: The property may be inherited.\n * @param thing - Any object.\n * @param property - The name of the property that should appear in the object.\n * @internal\n */\nfunction objectHasProperty<Thing extends unknown, PropertyName extends string>(\n thing: Thing,\n property: PropertyName\n): thing is Thing & Record<PropertyName, unknown> {\n return typeof thing === \"object\" && property in (thing as Record<string, unknown>);\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { isObjectWithProperties } from \"./typeguards\";\n\n/**\n * Represents a credential defined by a static API name and key.\n */\nexport interface NamedKeyCredential {\n /**\n * The value of the API key represented as a string\n */\n readonly key: string;\n /**\n * The value of the API name represented as a string.\n */\n readonly name: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * A static name/key-based credential that supports updating\n * the underlying name and key values.\n */\nexport class AzureNamedKeyCredential implements NamedKeyCredential {\n private _key: string;\n private _name: string;\n\n /**\n * The value of the key to be used in authentication.\n */\n public get key(): string {\n return this._key;\n }\n\n /**\n * The value of the name to be used in authentication.\n */\n public get name(): string {\n return this._name;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an instance of an AzureNamedKeyCredential for use\n * with a service client.\n *\n * @param name - The initial value of the name to use in authentication.\n * @param key - The initial value of the key to use in authentication.\n */\n constructor(name: string, key: string) {\n if (!name || !key) {\n throw new TypeError(\"name and key must be non-empty strings\");\n }\n\n this._name = name;\n this._key = key;\n }\n\n /**\n * Change the value of the key.\n *\n * Updates will take effect upon the next request after\n * updating the key value.\n *\n * @param newName - The new name value to be used.\n * @param newKey - The new key value to be used.\n */\n public update(newName: string, newKey: string): void {\n if (!newName || !newKey) {\n throw new TypeError(\"newName and newKey must be non-empty strings\");\n }\n\n this._name = newName;\n this._key = newKey;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Tests an object to determine whether it implements NamedKeyCredential.\n *\n * @param credential - The assumed NamedKeyCredential to be tested.\n */\nexport function isNamedKeyCredential(credential: unknown): credential is NamedKeyCredential {\n return (\n isObjectWithProperties(credential, [\"name\", \"key\"]) &&\n typeof credential.key === \"string\" &&\n typeof === \"string\"\n );\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { isObjectWithProperties } from \"./typeguards\";\n\n/**\n * Represents a credential defined by a static shared access signature.\n */\nexport interface SASCredential {\n /**\n * The value of the shared access signature represented as a string\n */\n readonly signature: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * A static-signature-based credential that supports updating\n * the underlying signature value.\n */\nexport class AzureSASCredential implements SASCredential {\n private _signature: string;\n\n /**\n * The value of the shared access signature to be used in authentication\n */\n public get signature(): string {\n return this._signature;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an instance of an AzureSASCredential for use\n * with a service client.\n *\n * @param signature - The initial value of the shared access signature to use in authentication\n */\n constructor(signature: string) {\n if (!signature) {\n throw new Error(\"shared access signature must be a non-empty string\");\n }\n\n this._signature = signature;\n }\n\n /**\n * Change the value of the signature.\n *\n * Updates will take effect upon the next request after\n * updating the signature value.\n *\n * @param newSignature - The new shared access signature value to be used\n */\n public update(newSignature: string): void {\n if (!newSignature) {\n throw new Error(\"shared access signature must be a non-empty string\");\n }\n\n this._signature = newSignature;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Tests an object to determine whether it implements SASCredential.\n *\n * @param credential - The assumed SASCredential to be tested.\n */\nexport function isSASCredential(credential: unknown): credential is SASCredential {\n return (\n isObjectWithProperties(credential, [\"signature\"]) && typeof credential.signature === \"string\"\n );\n}\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { Context, SpanOptions } from \"./tracing\";\n\n/**\n * Represents a credential capable of providing an authentication token.\n */\nexport interface TokenCredential {\n /**\n * Gets the token provided by this credential.\n *\n * This method is called automatically by Azure SDK client libraries. You may call this method\n * directly, but you must also handle token caching and token refreshing.\n *\n * @param scopes - The list of scopes for which the token will have access.\n * @param options - The options used to configure any requests this\n * TokenCredential implementation might make.\n */\n getToken(scopes: string | string[], options?: GetTokenOptions): Promise<AccessToken | null>;\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines options for TokenCredential.getToken.\n */\nexport interface GetTokenOptions {\n /**\n * The signal which can be used to abort requests.\n */\n abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;\n /**\n * Options used when creating and sending HTTP requests for this operation.\n */\n requestOptions?: {\n /**\n * The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.\n */\n timeout?: number;\n };\n /**\n * Options used when tracing is enabled.\n */\n tracingOptions?: {\n /**\n * OpenTelemetry SpanOptions used to create a span when tracing is enabled.\n */\n spanOptions?: SpanOptions;\n\n /**\n * OpenTelemetry context\n */\n tracingContext?: Context;\n };\n\n /**\n * Allows specifying a tenantId. Useful to handle challenges that provide tenant Id hints.\n */\n tenantId?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents an access token with an expiration time.\n */\nexport interface AccessToken {\n /**\n * The access token returned by the authentication service.\n */\n token: string;\n\n /**\n * The access token's expiration timestamp in milliseconds, UNIX epoch time.\n */\n expiresOnTimestamp: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Tests an object to determine whether it implements TokenCredential.\n *\n * @param credential - The assumed TokenCredential to be tested.\n */\nexport function isTokenCredential(credential: unknown): credential is TokenCredential {\n // Check for an object with a 'getToken' function and possibly with\n // a 'signRequest' function. We do this check to make sure that\n // a ServiceClientCredentials implementor (like TokenClientCredentials\n // in ms-rest-nodeauth) doesn't get mistaken for a TokenCredential if\n // it doesn't actually implement TokenCredential also.\n const castCredential = credential as {\n getToken: unknown;\n signRequest: unknown;\n };\n return (\n castCredential &&\n typeof castCredential.getToken === \"function\" &&\n (castCredential.signRequest === undefined || castCredential.getToken.length > 0)\n );\n}\n"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;AAAA;AACA;AAYA;;;;MAIa,kBAAkB;;;;;;;IAgB7B,YAAY,GAAW;QACrB,IAAI,CAAC,GAAG,EAAE;YACR,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK,CAAC,gCAAgC,CAAC,CAAC;SACnD;QAED,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC;KACjB;;;;IAhBD,IAAW,GAAG;QACZ,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;KAClB;;;;;;;;;IAwBM,MAAM,CAAC,MAAc;QAC1B,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC;KACpB;;;ACnDH;AACA;AAEA;;;;;AAKA,SAAS,SAAS,CAAI,KAA2B;IAC/C,OAAO,OAAO,KAAK,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,CAAC;AACxD,CAAC;AAED;;;;;;;AAOA,SAAgB,sBAAsB,CACpC,KAAY,EACZ,UAA0B;IAE1B,IAAI,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,KAAK,QAAQ,EAAE;QAClD,OAAO,KAAK,CAAC;KACd;IAED,KAAK,MAAM,QAAQ,IAAI,UAAU,EAAE;QACjC,IAAI,CAAC,iBAAiB,CAAC,KAAK,EAAE,QAAQ,CAAC,EAAE;YACvC,OAAO,KAAK,CAAC;SACd;KACF;IAED,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC;AACd,CAAC;AAED;;;;;;;AAOA,SAAS,iBAAiB,CACxB,KAAY,EACZ,QAAsB;IAEtB,OAAO,OAAO,KAAK,KAAK,QAAQ,IAAI,QAAQ,IAAK,KAAiC,CAAC;AACrF,CAAC;;AChDD;AACA,AAkBA;;;;AAIA,MAAa,uBAAuB;;;;;;;;IAyBlC,YAAY,IAAY,EAAE,GAAW;QACnC,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,IAAI,CAAC,GAAG,EAAE;YACjB,MAAM,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC,wCAAwC,CAAC,CAAC;SAC/D;QAED,IAAI,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC;QAClB,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC;KACjB;;;;IAzBD,IAAW,GAAG;QACZ,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;KAClB;;;;IAKD,IAAW,IAAI;QACb,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC;KACnB;;;;;;;;;;IA2BM,MAAM,CAAC,OAAe,EAAE,MAAc;QAC3C,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC,MAAM,EAAE;YACvB,MAAM,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC,8CAA8C,CAAC,CAAC;SACrE;QAED,IAAI,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC;QACrB,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC;KACpB;CACF;AAED;;;;;AAKA,SAAgB,oBAAoB,CAAC,UAAmB;IACtD,QACE,sBAAsB,CAAC,UAAU,EAAE,CAAC,MAAM,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,CAAC;QACnD,OAAO,UAAU,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,QAAQ;QAClC,OAAO,UAAU,CAAC,IAAI,KAAK,QAAQ,EACnC;AACJ,CAAC;;ACvFD;AACA,AAcA;;;;AAIA,MAAa,kBAAkB;;;;;;;IAgB7B,YAAY,SAAiB;QAC3B,IAAI,CAAC,SAAS,EAAE;YACd,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK,CAAC,oDAAoD,CAAC,CAAC;SACvE;QAED,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC;KAC7B;;;;IAhBD,IAAW,SAAS;QAClB,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC;KACxB;;;;;;;;;IAwBM,MAAM,CAAC,YAAoB;QAChC,IAAI,CAAC,YAAY,EAAE;YACjB,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK,CAAC,oDAAoD,CAAC,CAAC;SACvE;QAED,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,GAAG,YAAY,CAAC;KAChC;CACF;AAED;;;;;AAKA,SAAgB,eAAe,CAAC,UAAmB;IACjD,QACE,sBAAsB,CAAC,UAAU,EAAE,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,OAAO,UAAU,CAAC,SAAS,KAAK,QAAQ,EAC7F;AACJ,CAAC;;ACrED;AACA;AA2EA;;;;;AAKA,SAAgB,iBAAiB,CAAC,UAAmB;;;;;;IAMnD,MAAM,cAAc,GAAG,UAGtB,CAAC;IACF,QACE,cAAc;QACd,OAAO,cAAc,CAAC,QAAQ,KAAK,UAAU;SAC5C,cAAc,CAAC,WAAW,KAAK,SAAS,IAAI,cAAc,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,MAAM,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,EAChF;AACJ,CAAC;;;;;;;;;"}