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Release History

1.0.0-preview.13 (2021-07-15)

Features Added

  • Added support for disabling distributed tracing using the AZURE_TRACING_DISABLED environment variable.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed TestTracer and TestSpan from public API and into @azure/test-utils. PR #16315
    • TestTracer and TestSpan are intended for test support when used by other Azure packages and not intended for use by end users.
  • Removed setTracer, @azure/core-tracing will now rely on the trace API to fetch a tracer from the global tracer provider. PR #16347
    • If you are using setTracer, please use trace.setGlobalTracerProvider(provider) instead as described in the OpenTelemetry documentation.
  • Removed NoOpTracer and NoOpSpan from the public API. Please use trace.wrapSpanContext(INVALID_SPAN_CONTEXT) from @opentelemetry/api instead. PR #16315

1.0.0-preview.12 (2021-06-30)

  • Update @opentelemetry/api to version 1.0.0 PR #15883
    • This version ships with ESM modules and fixes an issue where Angular projects would warn ab out optimization bailouts due to dependencies on CommonJS or AMD.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed OpenCensusSpanWrapper and OpenCensusTracerWrapper from the public API. Customers using these wrappers should migrate to using OpenTelemetry directly. PR #15770
  • Update @azure/core-tracing to version 1.0.0-preview.12. This brings core-tracing up to date with @opentelemetry/api@1.0.0.
    • Span#context was renamed to Span#spanContext. This change is supported in @azure/core-http@1.2.7.

1.0.0-preview.11 (2021-03-30)

Breaking Changes

  • Update @azure/core-tracing to version 1.0.0-preview.11. This brings core-tracing up to date with @opentelemetry/api@1.0.0-rc.0. There are two scenarios that will require changes if you are using tracing:
    • Previously, you would pass a parent span using the OperationOptions.tracingOptions.spanOptions.parentSpan property. This has been changed so that you now specify a parent Context using the OperationOptions.tracingOptions.tracingContext property instead.
    • The status code for Spans is no longer of type CanonicalCode. Instead, it's now SpanStatusCode, which also has a smaller range of values.

1.0.0-preview.10 (2021-03-04)

  • Internal improvements to make future opentelemetry updates simpler.

1.0.0-preview.9 (2020-08-04)

  • Update @opentelemetry/api to version 0.10.2 PR 10393

1.0.0-preview.8 (2020-04-28)

  • Update TestSpan to allow setting span attributes PR link.
  • [BREAKING] Migrate to OpenTelemetry 0.6 using the new @opentelemetry/api package. There were a few breaking changes:
    • SpanContext now requires traceFlags to be set.
    • Tracer has removed recordSpanData, getBinaryFormat, and getHttpTextFormat.
    • Tracer.getCurrentSpan returns undefined instead of null when unset.
    • Link objects renamed spanContext property to context.

1.0.0-preview.7 (2019-12-03)

  • Updated the behavior of how incompatible versions of OpenTelemetry Tracer are handled. Now, errors will be thrown only if the user has manually set a Tracer. This means that incompatible versions will be silently ignored when tracing is not enabled.
  • Updated to use OpenTelemetry 0.2 via the @opentelemetry/types package. There were two breaking changes in this update:
    • isRecordingEvents on Span was renamed to isRecording. PR link
    • addLink was removed from Span as links are now only allowed to be added during span creation. This is possible by specifying any necessary links inside SpanOptions. PR link

1.0.0-preview.5 (2019-10-22)

  • Fixes issue where loading multiple copies of this module could result in the tracer set by setTracer() being reset.

1.0.0-preview.4 (2019-10-08)

  • Remove dependency on the debug module to ensure compatibility with IE11

1.0.0-preview.3 (2019-10-07)

  • Updated to use the latest types from OpenTelemetry (PR #5182)
  • Clean up and refactored code for easier usage and testability. (PR #5233 and PR #5283)

1.0.0-preview.2 (2019-09-09)

Updated the OpenCensusSpanPlugin & the NoOpSpanPlugin to support for retrieving span context. This allows updating of request headers with the right span context. (PR #4712)

1.0.0-preview.1 (2019-08-05)

Provides low-level interfaces and helper methods for tracing in Azure SDK