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99 lines (99 sloc) 4.08 KB
"name": "@azure/core-tracing",
"version": "1.0.0-preview.13",
"description": "Provides low-level interfaces and helper methods for tracing in Azure SDK",
"sdk-type": "client",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist-esm/src/index.js",
"browser": {
"./dist-esm/src/utils/global.js": "./dist-esm/src/utils/global.browser.js"
"types": "types/core-tracing.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"audit": "node ../../../common/scripts/rush-audit.js && rimraf node_modules package-lock.json && npm i --package-lock-only 2>&1 && npm audit",
"build:samples": "echo Obsolete",
"build:test": "tsc -p . && rollup -c 2>&1",
"build": "tsc -p . && rollup -c 2>&1 && api-extractor run --local",
"check-format": "prettier --list-different --config ../../../.prettierrc.json --ignore-path ../../../.prettierignore \"src/**/*.ts\" \"test/**/*.ts\" \"*.{js,json}\"",
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"docs": "typedoc --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported --excludeExternals --stripInternal --mode file --out ./dist/docs ./src",
"execute:samples": "echo skipped",
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"integration-test:node": "echo skipped",
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"lint": "eslint package.json api-extractor.json src test --ext .ts",
"pack": "npm pack 2>&1",
"prebuild": "npm run clean",
"test:browser": "npm run clean && npm run build:test && npm run unit-test:browser && npm run integration-test:browser",
"test:node": "npm run clean && tsc -p . && npm run unit-test:node && npm run integration-test:node",
"test": "npm run clean && tsc -p . && npm run unit-test:node && rollup -c 2>&1 && npm run unit-test:browser && npm run integration-test",
"unit-test:browser": "karma start --single-run",
"unit-test:node": "mocha -r esm -r ts-node/register --reporter ../../../common/tools/mocha-multi-reporter.js --timeout 1200000 --full-trace --exclude \"test/**/browser/*.spec.ts\" \"test/**/*.spec.ts\"",
"unit-test": "npm run unit-test:node && npm run unit-test:browser"
"files": [
"repository": "github:Azure/azure-sdk-for-js",
"keywords": [
"author": "Microsoft Corporation",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.0.0"
"homepage": "",
"sideEffects": false,
"dependencies": {
"@opentelemetry/api": "^1.0.1",
"tslib": "^2.2.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@azure/core-auth": "^1.3.0",
"@azure/dev-tool": "^1.0.0",
"@azure/eslint-plugin-azure-sdk": "^3.0.0",
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "7.7.11",
"@opentelemetry/tracing": "^0.22.0",
"@types/chai": "^4.1.6",
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"@types/node": "^12.0.0",
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"@types/sinon": "^9.0.4"