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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import {
} from "./requestPolicy";
import { HttpOperationResponse } from "../httpOperationResponse";
import { ProxySettings } from "../serviceClient";
import { WebResourceLike } from "../webResource";
import { Constants } from "../util/constants";
import { URLBuilder } from "../url";
* @internal
export const noProxyList: string[] = loadNoProxy();
const byPassedList: Map<string, boolean> = new Map();
* @internal
export function getEnvironmentValue(name: string): string | undefined {
if (process.env[name]) {
return process.env[name];
} else if (process.env[name.toLowerCase()]) {
return process.env[name.toLowerCase()];
return undefined;
function loadEnvironmentProxyValue(): string | undefined {
if (!process) {
return undefined;
const httpsProxy = getEnvironmentValue(Constants.HTTPS_PROXY);
const allProxy = getEnvironmentValue(Constants.ALL_PROXY);
const httpProxy = getEnvironmentValue(Constants.HTTP_PROXY);
return httpsProxy || allProxy || httpProxy;
// Check whether the host of a given `uri` is in the noProxyList.
// If there's a match, any request sent to the same host won't have the proxy settings set.
// This implementation is a port of
function isBypassed(uri: string): boolean | undefined {
if (noProxyList.length === 0) {
return false;
const host = URLBuilder.parse(uri).getHost()!;
if (byPassedList.has(host)) {
return byPassedList.get(host);
let isBypassedFlag = false;
for (const pattern of noProxyList) {
if (pattern[0] === ".") {
// This should match either domain it self or any subdomain or host
// will match it self or *
if (host.endsWith(pattern)) {
isBypassedFlag = true;
} else {
if (host.length === pattern.length - 1 && host === pattern.slice(1)) {
isBypassedFlag = true;
} else {
if (host === pattern) {
isBypassedFlag = true;
byPassedList.set(host, isBypassedFlag);
return isBypassedFlag;
* @internal
export function loadNoProxy(): string[] {
const noProxy = getEnvironmentValue(Constants.NO_PROXY);
if (noProxy) {
return noProxy
.map((item) => item.trim())
.filter((item) => item.length);
return [];
* @internal
function extractAuthFromUrl(
url: string
): { username?: string; password?: string; urlWithoutAuth: string } {
const atIndex = url.indexOf("@");
if (atIndex === -1) {
return { urlWithoutAuth: url };
const schemeIndex = url.indexOf("://");
const authStart = schemeIndex !== -1 ? schemeIndex + 3 : 0;
const auth = url.substring(authStart, atIndex);
const colonIndex = auth.indexOf(":");
const hasPassword = colonIndex !== -1;
const username = hasPassword ? auth.substring(0, colonIndex) : auth;
const password = hasPassword ? auth.substring(colonIndex + 1) : undefined;
const urlWithoutAuth = url.substring(0, authStart) + url.substring(atIndex + 1);
return {
export function getDefaultProxySettings(proxyUrl?: string): ProxySettings | undefined {
if (!proxyUrl) {
proxyUrl = loadEnvironmentProxyValue();
if (!proxyUrl) {
return undefined;
const { username, password, urlWithoutAuth } = extractAuthFromUrl(proxyUrl);
const parsedUrl = URLBuilder.parse(urlWithoutAuth);
const schema = parsedUrl.getScheme() ? parsedUrl.getScheme() + "://" : "";
return {
host: schema + parsedUrl.getHost(),
port: Number.parseInt(parsedUrl.getPort() || "80"),
export function proxyPolicy(proxySettings?: ProxySettings): RequestPolicyFactory {
if (!proxySettings) {
proxySettings = getDefaultProxySettings();
return {
create: (nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, options: RequestPolicyOptionsLike) => {
return new ProxyPolicy(nextPolicy, options, proxySettings!);
export class ProxyPolicy extends BaseRequestPolicy {
proxySettings: ProxySettings;
nextPolicy: RequestPolicy,
options: RequestPolicyOptionsLike,
proxySettings: ProxySettings
) {
super(nextPolicy, options);
this.proxySettings = proxySettings;
public sendRequest(request: WebResourceLike): Promise<HttpOperationResponse> {
if (!request.proxySettings && !isBypassed(request.url)) {
request.proxySettings = this.proxySettings;
return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(request);