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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as http from "http";
import * as https from "https";
import * as tunnel from "tunnel";
import { ProxySettings } from "./serviceClient";
import { URLBuilder } from "./url";
import { HttpHeadersLike } from "./httpHeaders";
export type ProxyAgent = { isHttps: boolean; agent: http.Agent | https.Agent };
export function createProxyAgent(
requestUrl: string,
proxySettings: ProxySettings,
headers?: HttpHeadersLike
): ProxyAgent {
const tunnelOptions: tunnel.HttpsOverHttpsOptions = {
proxy: {
host: URLBuilder.parse( as string,
port: proxySettings.port,
headers: (headers && headers.rawHeaders()) || {},
if (proxySettings.username && proxySettings.password) {
tunnelOptions.proxy!.proxyAuth = `${proxySettings.username}:${proxySettings.password}`;
} else if (proxySettings.username) {
tunnelOptions.proxy!.proxyAuth = `${proxySettings.username}`;
const requestScheme = URLBuilder.parse(requestUrl).getScheme() || "";
const isRequestHttps = requestScheme.toLowerCase() === "https";
const proxyScheme = URLBuilder.parse( || "";
const isProxyHttps = proxyScheme.toLowerCase() === "https";
const proxyAgent = {
isHttps: isRequestHttps,
agent: createTunnel(isRequestHttps, isProxyHttps, tunnelOptions),
return proxyAgent;
// Duplicate tunnel.HttpsOverHttpsOptions to avoid exporting createTunnel() with dependency on @types/tunnel
// createIunnel() is only imported by tests.
export interface HttpsProxyOptions {
host: string;
port: number;
localAddress?: string;
proxyAuth?: string;
headers?: { [key: string]: any };
ca?: Buffer[];
servername?: string;
key?: Buffer;
cert?: Buffer;
interface HttpsOverHttpsOptions {
maxSockets?: number;
ca?: Buffer[];
key?: Buffer;
cert?: Buffer;
proxy?: HttpsProxyOptions;
export function createTunnel(
isRequestHttps: boolean,
isProxyHttps: boolean,
tunnelOptions: HttpsOverHttpsOptions
): http.Agent | https.Agent {
if (isRequestHttps && isProxyHttps) {
return tunnel.httpsOverHttps(tunnelOptions);
} else if (isRequestHttps && !isProxyHttps) {
return tunnel.httpsOverHttp(tunnelOptions);
} else if (!isRequestHttps && isProxyHttps) {
return tunnel.httpOverHttps(tunnelOptions);
} else {
return tunnel.httpOverHttp(tunnelOptions);