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# @nodelib/fs.scandir
> List files and directories inside the specified directory.
## :bulb: Highlights
The package is aimed at obtaining information about entries in the directory.
* :moneybag: Returns useful information: `name`, `path`, `dirent` and `stats` (optional).
* :gear: On Node.js 10.10+ uses the mechanism without additional calls to determine the entry type. See [`old` and `modern` mode](#old-and-modern-mode).
* :link: Can safely work with broken symbolic links.
## Install
npm install @nodelib/fs.scandir
## Usage
import * as fsScandir from '@nodelib/fs.scandir';
fsScandir.scandir('path', (error, stats) => { /**/ });
## API
### .scandir(path, [optionsOrSettings], callback)
Returns an array of plain objects ([`Entry`](#entry)) with information about entry for provided path with standard callback-style.
fsScandir.scandir('path', (error, entries) => { /**/ });
fsScandir.scandir('path', {}, (error, entries) => { /**/ });
fsScandir.scandir('path', new fsScandir.Settings(), (error, entries) => { /**/ });
### .scandirSync(path, [optionsOrSettings])
Returns an array of plain objects ([`Entry`](#entry)) with information about entry for provided path.
const entries = fsScandir.scandirSync('path');
const entries = fsScandir.scandirSync('path', {});
const entries = fsScandir.scandirSync(('path', new fsScandir.Settings());
#### path
* Required: `true`
* Type: `string | Buffer | URL`
A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
#### optionsOrSettings
* Required: `false`
* Type: `Options | Settings`
* Default: An instance of `Settings` class
An [`Options`](#options) object or an instance of [`Settings`](#settingsoptions) class.
> :book: When you pass a plain object, an instance of the `Settings` class will be created automatically. If you plan to call the method frequently, use a pre-created instance of the `Settings` class.
### Settings([options])
A class of full settings of the package.
const settings = new fsScandir.Settings({ followSymbolicLinks: false });
const entries = fsScandir.scandirSync('path', settings);
## Entry
* `name` — The name of the entry (`unknown.txt`).
* `path` — The path of the entry relative to call directory (`root/unknown.txt`).
* `dirent` — An instance of [`fs.Dirent`](./src/types/index.ts) class. On Node.js below 10.10 will be emulated by [`DirentFromStats`](./src/utils/fs.ts) class.
* `stats` (optional) — An instance of `fs.Stats` class.
For example, the `scandir` call for `tools` directory with one directory inside:
dirent: Dirent { name: 'typedoc', /**/ },
name: 'typedoc',
path: 'tools/typedoc'
## Options
### stats
* Type: `boolean`
* Default: `false`
Adds an instance of `fs.Stats` class to the [`Entry`](#entry).
> :book: Always use `fs.readdir` without the `withFileTypes` option. ??TODO??
### followSymbolicLinks
* Type: `boolean`
* Default: `false`
Follow symbolic links or not. Call `fs.stat` on symbolic link if `true`.
### `throwErrorOnBrokenSymbolicLink`
* Type: `boolean`
* Default: `true`
Throw an error when symbolic link is broken if `true` or safely use `lstat` call if `false`.
### `pathSegmentSeparator`
* Type: `string`
* Default: `path.sep`
By default, this package uses the correct path separator for your OS (`\` on Windows, `/` on Unix-like systems). But you can set this option to any separator character(s) that you want to use instead.
### `fs`
* Type: [`FileSystemAdapter`](./src/adapters/fs.ts)
* Default: A default FS methods
By default, the built-in Node.js module (`fs`) is used to work with the file system. You can replace any method with your own.
interface FileSystemAdapter {
lstat?: typeof fs.lstat;
stat?: typeof fs.stat;
lstatSync?: typeof fs.lstatSync;
statSync?: typeof fs.statSync;
readdir?: typeof fs.readdir;
readdirSync?: typeof fs.readdirSync;
const settings = new fsScandir.Settings({
fs: { lstat: fakeLstat }
## `old` and `modern` mode
This package has two modes that are used depending on the environment and parameters of use.
### old
* Node.js below `10.10` or when the `stats` option is enabled
When working in the old mode, the directory is read first (`fs.readdir`), then the type of entries is determined (`fs.lstat` and/or `fs.stat` for symbolic links).
### modern
* Node.js 10.10+ and the `stats` option is disabled
In the modern mode, reading the directory (`fs.readdir` with the `withFileTypes` option) is combined with obtaining information about its entries. An additional call for symbolic links (`fs.stat`) is still present.
This mode makes fewer calls to the file system. It's faster.
## Changelog
See the [Releases section of our GitHub project]( for changelog for each release version.
## License
This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.