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parser = require "./parser"
BottleneckError = require "./BottleneckError"
RedisConnection = require "./RedisConnection"
IORedisConnection = require "./IORedisConnection"
class RedisDatastore
constructor: (@instance, @storeOptions, storeInstanceOptions) ->
@originalId =
@clientId = @instance._randomIndex()
parser.load storeInstanceOptions, storeInstanceOptions, @
@clients = {}
@capacityPriorityCounters = {}
@sharedConnection = @connection?
@connection ?= if @instance.datastore == "redis" then new RedisConnection { @Redis, @clientOptions, @Promise, Events: @instance.Events }
else if @instance.datastore == "ioredis" then new IORedisConnection { @Redis, @clientOptions, @clusterNodes, @Promise, Events: @instance.Events }
@instance.connection = @connection
@instance.datastore = @connection.datastore
@ready = @connection.ready
.then (@clients) => @runScript "init", @prepareInitSettings @clearDatastore
.then => @connection.__addLimiter__ @instance
.then => @runScript "register_client", [@instance.queued()]
.then =>
(@heartbeat = setInterval =>
@runScript "heartbeat", []
.catch (e) => @instance.Events.trigger "error", e
, @heartbeatInterval).unref?()
__publish__: (message) ->
{ client } = await @ready
client.publish(, "message:#{message.toString()}")
onMessage: (channel, message) ->
pos = message.indexOf(":")
[type, data] = [message.slice(0, pos), message.slice(pos+1)]
if type == "capacity"
await @instance._drainAll(if data.length > 0 then ~~data)
else if type == "capacity-priority"
[rawCapacity, priorityClient, counter] = data.split(":")
capacity = if rawCapacity.length > 0 then ~~rawCapacity
if priorityClient == @clientId
drained = await @instance._drainAll(capacity)
newCapacity = if capacity? then capacity - (drained or 0) else ""
await @clients.client.publish(, "capacity-priority:#{newCapacity}::#{counter}")
else if priorityClient == ""
clearTimeout @capacityPriorityCounters[counter]
delete @capacityPriorityCounters[counter]
@capacityPriorityCounters[counter] = setTimeout =>
delete @capacityPriorityCounters[counter]
await @runScript "blacklist_client", [priorityClient]
await @instance._drainAll(capacity)
catch e then @instance.Events.trigger "error", e
, 1000
else if type == "message"
@instance.Events.trigger "message", data
else if type == "blocked"
await @instance._dropAllQueued()
catch e then @instance.Events.trigger "error", e
__disconnect__: (flush) ->
clearInterval @heartbeat
if @sharedConnection
@connection.__removeLimiter__ @instance
@connection.disconnect flush
runScript: (name, args) ->
await @ready unless name == "init" or name == "register_client"
new @Promise (resolve, reject) =>
all_args = [, @clientId].concat args
@instance.Events.trigger "debug", "Calling Redis script: #{name}.lua", all_args
arr = @connection.__scriptArgs__ name, @originalId, all_args, (err, replies) ->
if err? then return reject err
return resolve replies
@connection.__scriptFn__(name) arr...
.catch (e) =>
if e.message == "SETTINGS_KEY_NOT_FOUND"
if name == "heartbeat" then @Promise.resolve()
@runScript("init", @prepareInitSettings(false))
.then => @runScript(name, args)
else if e.message == "UNKNOWN_CLIENT"
@runScript("register_client", [@instance.queued()])
.then => @runScript(name, args)
else @Promise.reject e
prepareArray: (arr) -> (if x? then x.toString() else "") for x in arr
prepareObject: (obj) ->
arr = []
for k, v of obj then arr.push k, (if v? then v.toString() else "")
prepareInitSettings: (clear) ->
args = @prepareObject Object.assign({}, @storeOptions, {
id: @originalId
version: @instance.version
groupTimeout: @timeout
args.unshift (if clear then 1 else 0), @instance.version
convertBool: (b) -> !!b
__updateSettings__: (options) ->
await @runScript "update_settings", @prepareObject options
parser.overwrite options, options, @storeOptions
__running__: -> @runScript "running", []
__queued__: -> @runScript "queued", []
__done__: -> @runScript "done", []
__groupCheck__: -> @convertBool await @runScript "group_check", []
__incrementReservoir__: (incr) -> @runScript "increment_reservoir", [incr]
__currentReservoir__: -> @runScript "current_reservoir", []
__check__: (weight) -> @convertBool await @runScript "check", @prepareArray [weight]
__register__: (index, weight, expiration) ->
[success, wait, reservoir] = await @runScript "register", @prepareArray [index, weight, expiration]
return {
success: @convertBool(success),
__submit__: (queueLength, weight) ->
[reachedHWM, blocked, strategy] = await @runScript "submit", @prepareArray [queueLength, weight]
return {
reachedHWM: @convertBool(reachedHWM),
blocked: @convertBool(blocked),
catch e
if e.message.indexOf("OVERWEIGHT") == 0
[overweight, weight, maxConcurrent] = e.message.split ":"
throw new BottleneckError("Impossible to add a job having a weight of #{weight} to a limiter having a maxConcurrent setting of #{maxConcurrent}")
throw e
__free__: (index, weight) ->
running = await @runScript "free", @prepareArray [index]
return { running }
module.exports = RedisDatastore