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# import/group-exports
<!-- end auto-generated rule header -->
Reports when named exports are not grouped together in a single `export` declaration or when multiple assignments to CommonJS `module.exports` or `exports` object are present in a single file.
**Rationale:** An `export` declaration or `module.exports` assignment can appear anywhere in the code. By requiring a single export declaration all your exports will remain at one place, making it easier to see what exports a module provides.
## Rule Details
This rule warns whenever a single file contains multiple named export declarations or multiple assignments to `module.exports` (or `exports`).
### Valid
// A single named export declaration -> ok
export const valid = true
const first = true
const second = true
// A single named export declaration -> ok
export {
// Aggregating exports -> ok
export { default as module1 } from 'module-1'
export { default as module2 } from 'module-2'
// A single exports assignment -> ok
module.exports = {
first: true,
second: true
const first = true
const second = true
// A single exports assignment -> ok
module.exports = {
function test() {} = true
test.another = true
// A single exports assignment -> ok
module.exports = test
const first = true;
type firstType = boolean
// A single named export declaration (type exports handled separately) -> ok
export {first}
export type {firstType}
### Invalid
// Multiple named export statements -> not ok!
export const first = true
export const second = true
// Aggregating exports from the same module -> not ok!
export { module1 } from 'module-1'
export { module2 } from 'module-1'
// Multiple exports assignments -> not ok!
exports.first = true
exports.second = true
// Multiple exports assignments -> not ok!
module.exports = {}
module.exports.first = true
// Multiple exports assignments -> not ok!
module.exports = () => {}
module.exports.first = true
module.exports.second = true
type firstType = boolean
type secondType = any
// Multiple named type export statements -> not ok!
export type {firstType}
export type {secondType}
## When Not To Use It
If you do not mind having your exports spread across the file, you can safely turn this rule off.