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# import/named
💼🚫 This rule is enabled in the following configs: ❗ `errors`, ☑️ `recommended`. This rule is _disabled_ in the ⌨️ `typescript` config.
<!-- end auto-generated rule header -->
Verifies that all named imports are part of the set of named exports in the referenced module.
For `export`, verifies that all named exports exist in the referenced module.
Note: for packages, the plugin will find exported names
from [`jsnext:main`] (deprecated) or `module`, if present in `package.json`.
Redux's npm module includes this key, and thereby is lintable, for example.
A module path that is [ignored] or not [unambiguously an ES module] will not be reported when imported. Note that type imports and exports, as used by [Flow], are always ignored.
[ignored]: ../../
[unambiguously an ES module]:
## Rule Details
// ./foo.js
export const foo = "I'm so foo"
The following is considered valid:
// ./bar.js
import { foo } from './foo'
// ES7 proposal
export { foo as bar } from './foo'
// node_modules without jsnext:main are not analyzed by default
// (import/ignore setting)
import { SomeNonsenseThatDoesntExist } from 'react'
...and the following are reported:
// ./baz.js
import { notFoo } from './foo'
// ES7 proposal
export { notFoo as defNotBar } from './foo'
// will follow 'jsnext:main', if available
import { dontCreateStore } from 'redux'
### Settings
[`import/ignore`] can be provided as a setting to ignore certain modules (node_modules,
CoffeeScript, CSS if using Webpack, etc.).
# .eslintrc (YAML)
- node_modules # included by default, but replaced if explicitly configured
- *.coffee$ # can't parse CoffeeScript (unless a custom polyglot parser was configured)
# ./
exports.whatever = (foo) -> console.log foo
then the following is not reported:
// ./foo.js
// can't be analyzed, and ignored, so not reported
import { notWhatever } from './whatever'
## When Not To Use It
If you are using CommonJS and/or modifying the exported namespace of any module at
runtime, you will likely see false positives with this rule.
## Further Reading
- [`import/ignore`] setting
- [`jsnext:main`] deprecation
- [`pkg.module`] (Rollup)
[`import/ignore`]: ../../