Enforce that aria-hidden="true"
is not set on focusable elements.
can be used to hide purely decorative content from screen reader users. An element with aria-hidden="true"
that can also be reached by keyboard can lead to confusion or unexpected behavior for screen reader users. Avoid using aria-hidden="true"
on focusable elements.
Rule details
<div aria-hidden="true" />
<img aria-hidden="true" />
<a aria-hidden="false" href="#" />
<button aria-hidden="true" tabIndex="-1" /> // `tabIndex=-1` removes the element from sequential focus navigation so we don't flag it.
<a href="/" />
<div aria-hidden="true"><a href="#"></a></div> // This is also bad but will not be handled by this rule.
<div aria-hidden="true" tabIndex="0" />
<input aria-hidden="true" />
<a href="/" aria-hidden="true" />
<button aria-hidden="true" />
<textarea aria-hidden="true" />
Accessibility guidelines
General best practice (reference resources)