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import {Options as FastGlobOptions, Entry as FastGlobEntry} from 'fast-glob';
declare namespace globby {
type ExpandDirectoriesOption =
| boolean
| readonly string[]
| {files?: readonly string[]; extensions?: readonly string[]};
type Entry = FastGlobEntry;
interface GlobbyOptions extends FastGlobOptions {
If set to `true`, `globby` will automatically glob directories for you. If you define an `Array` it will only glob files that matches the patterns inside the `Array`. You can also define an `Object` with `files` and `extensions` like in the example below.
Note that if you set this option to `false`, you won't get back matched directories unless you set `onlyFiles: false`.
@default true
import globby = require('globby');
(async () => {
const paths = await globby('images', {
expandDirectories: {
files: ['cat', 'unicorn', '*.jpg'],
extensions: ['png']
//=> ['cat.png', 'unicorn.png', 'cow.jpg', 'rainbow.jpg']
readonly expandDirectories?: ExpandDirectoriesOption;
Respect ignore patterns in `.gitignore` files that apply to the globbed files.
@default false
readonly gitignore?: boolean;
interface GlobTask {
readonly pattern: string;
readonly options: GlobbyOptions;
interface GitignoreOptions {
readonly cwd?: string;
readonly ignore?: readonly string[];
type FilterFunction = (path: string) => boolean;
interface Gitignore {
@returns A filter function indicating whether a given path is ignored via a `.gitignore` file.
sync: (options?: globby.GitignoreOptions) => globby.FilterFunction;
`.gitignore` files matched by the ignore config are not used for the resulting filter function.
@returns A filter function indicating whether a given path is ignored via a `.gitignore` file.
import {gitignore} from 'globby';
(async () => {
const isIgnored = await gitignore();
(options?: globby.GitignoreOptions): Promise<globby.FilterFunction>;
declare const globby: {
Find files and directories using glob patterns.
Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes, so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components, you need to use `path.posix.join()` instead of `path.join()`.
@param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](
@param options - See the [`fast-glob` options]( in addition to the ones in this package.
@returns The matching paths.
sync: ((
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options: globby.GlobbyOptions & {objectMode: true}
) => globby.Entry[]) & ((
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: globby.GlobbyOptions
) => string[]);
Find files and directories using glob patterns.
Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes, so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components, you need to use `path.posix.join()` instead of `path.join()`.
@param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](
@param options - See the [`fast-glob` options]( in addition to the ones in this package.
@returns The stream of matching paths.
import globby = require('globby');
(async () => {
for await (const path of'*.tmp')) {
stream: (
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: globby.GlobbyOptions
) => NodeJS.ReadableStream;
Note that you should avoid running the same tasks multiple times as they contain a file system cache. Instead, run this method each time to ensure file system changes are taken into consideration.
@param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](
@param options - See the [`fast-glob` options]( in addition to the ones in this package.
@returns An object in the format `{pattern: string, options: object}`, which can be passed as arguments to [`fast-glob`]( This is useful for other globbing-related packages.
generateGlobTasks: (
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: globby.GlobbyOptions
) => globby.GlobTask[];
Note that the options affect the results.
This function is backed by [`fast-glob`](
@param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](
@param options - See the [`fast-glob` options](
@returns Whether there are any special glob characters in the `patterns`.
hasMagic: (
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: FastGlobOptions
) => boolean;
readonly gitignore: Gitignore;
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options: globby.GlobbyOptions & {objectMode: true}
): Promise<globby.Entry[]>;
Find files and directories using glob patterns.
Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes, so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components, you need to use `path.posix.join()` instead of `path.join()`.
@param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](
@param options - See the [`fast-glob` options]( in addition to the ones in this package.
@returns The matching paths.
import globby = require('globby');
(async () => {
const paths = await globby(['*', '!cake']);
//=> ['unicorn', 'rainbow']
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: globby.GlobbyOptions
): Promise<string[]>;
export = globby;