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export interface Options {
Treat uppercase and lowercase characters as being the same.
Ensure you use this correctly. For example, files and directories should be matched case-insensitively, while most often, object keys should be matched case-sensitively.
@default false
import {isMatch} from 'matcher';
isMatch('UNICORN', 'UNI*', {caseSensitive: true});
//=> true
isMatch('UNICORN', 'unicorn', {caseSensitive: true});
//=> false
isMatch('unicorn', ['tri*', 'UNI*'], {caseSensitive: true});
//=> false
readonly caseSensitive?: boolean;
Require all negated patterns to not match and any normal patterns to match at least once. Otherwise, it will be a no-match condition.
@default false
import {matcher} from 'matcher';
// Find text strings containing both "edge" and "tiger" in arbitrary order, but not "stunt".
const demo = (strings) => matcher(strings, ['*edge*', '*tiger*', '!*stunt*'], {allPatterns: true});
demo(['Hey, tiger!', 'tiger has edge over hyenas', 'pushing a tiger over the edge is a stunt']);
//=> ['tiger has edge over hyenas']
import {matcher} from 'matcher';
matcher(['foo', 'for', 'bar'], ['f*', 'b*', '!x*'], {allPatterns: true});
//=> ['foo', 'for', 'bar']
matcher(['foo', 'for', 'bar'], ['f*'], {allPatterns: true});
//=> []
readonly allPatterns?: boolean;
Simple [wildcard]( matching.
It matches even across newlines. For example, `foo*r` will match `foo\nbar`.
@param inputs - The string or array of strings to match.
@param patterns - The string or array of string patterns. Use `*` to match zero or more characters. A leading `!` negates the pattern.
@returns An array of `inputs` filtered based on the `patterns`.
import {matcher} from 'matcher';
matcher(['foo', 'bar', 'moo'], ['*oo', '!foo']);
//=> ['moo']
matcher(['foo', 'bar', 'moo'], ['!*oo']);
//=> ['bar']
matcher('moo', ['']);
//=> []
matcher('moo', []);
//=> []
matcher([''], ['']);
//=> ['']
export function matcher(
inputs: string | readonly string[],
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: Options,
): string[];
It matches even across newlines. For example, `foo*r` will match `foo\nbar`.
@param inputs - The string or array of strings to match.
@param patterns - The string or array of string patterns. Use `*` to match zero or more characters. A leading `!` negates the pattern.
@returns A `boolean` of whether any of given `inputs` matches all the `patterns`.
import {isMatch} from 'matcher';
isMatch('unicorn', 'uni*');
//=> true
isMatch('unicorn', '*corn');
//=> true
isMatch('unicorn', 'un*rn');
//=> true
isMatch('rainbow', '!unicorn');
//=> true
isMatch('foo bar baz', 'foo b* b*');
//=> true
isMatch('unicorn', 'uni\\*');
//=> false
isMatch(['foo', 'bar'], 'f*');
//=> true
isMatch(['foo', 'bar'], ['a*', 'b*']);
//=> true
isMatch('unicorn', ['']);
//=> false
isMatch('unicorn', []);
//=> false
isMatch([], 'bar');
//=> false
isMatch([], []);
//=> false
isMatch([''], ['']);
//=> true
export function isMatch(
inputs: string | readonly string[],
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: Options,
): boolean;