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Henry Mercer Upgrade Ava to v4
Latest commit ce89f1b Feb 1, 2022 History
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116 lines (93 sloc) 3.56 KB
declare type AnyFunction = (...arguments_: any) => any;
interface CacheStorageContent<ValueType> {
data: ValueType;
maxAge: number;
interface CacheStorage<KeyType, ValueType> {
has: (key: KeyType) => boolean;
get: (key: KeyType) => CacheStorageContent<ValueType> | undefined;
set: (key: KeyType, value: CacheStorageContent<ValueType>) => void;
delete: (key: KeyType) => void;
clear?: () => void;
export interface Options<FunctionToMemoize extends AnyFunction, CacheKeyType> {
Milliseconds until the cache expires.
@default Infinity
readonly maxAge?: number;
Determines the cache key for storing the result based on the function arguments. By default, __only the first argument is considered__ and it only works with [primitives](
A `cacheKey` function can return any type supported by `Map` (or whatever structure you use in the `cache` option).
You can have it cache **all** the arguments by value with `JSON.stringify`, if they are compatible:
import mem from 'mem';
mem(function_, {cacheKey: JSON.stringify});
Or you can use a more full-featured serializer like [serialize-javascript]( to add support for `RegExp`, `Date` and so on.
import mem from 'mem';
import serializeJavascript from 'serialize-javascript';
mem(function_, {cacheKey: serializeJavascript});
@default arguments_ => arguments_[0]
@example arguments_ => JSON.stringify(arguments_)
readonly cacheKey?: (arguments_: Parameters<FunctionToMemoize>) => CacheKeyType;
Use a different cache storage. Must implement the following methods: `.has(key)`, `.get(key)`, `.set(key, value)`, `.delete(key)`, and optionally `.clear()`. You could for example use a `WeakMap` instead or [`quick-lru`]( for a LRU cache.
@default new Map()
@example new WeakMap()
readonly cache?: CacheStorage<CacheKeyType, ReturnType<FunctionToMemoize>>;
[Memoize]( functions - An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input.
@param fn - Function to be memoized.
import mem from 'mem';
let index = 0;
const counter = () => ++index;
const memoized = mem(counter);
//=> 1
// Cached as it's the same argument
//=> 1
// Not cached anymore as the arguments changed
//=> 2
//=> 2
export default function mem<FunctionToMemoize extends AnyFunction, CacheKeyType>(fn: FunctionToMemoize, { cacheKey, cache, maxAge, }?: Options<FunctionToMemoize, CacheKeyType>): FunctionToMemoize;
@returns A [decorator]( to memoize class methods or static class methods.
import {memDecorator} from 'mem';
class Example {
index = 0
counter() {
return ++this.index;
class ExampleWithOptions {
index = 0
@memDecorator({maxAge: 1000})
counter() {
return ++this.index;
export declare function memDecorator<FunctionToMemoize extends AnyFunction, CacheKeyType>(options?: Options<FunctionToMemoize, CacheKeyType>): (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => void;
Clear all cached data of a memoized function.
@param fn - Memoized function.
export declare function memClear(fn: AnyFunction): void;
export {};