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Latest commit c96f843 Sep 14, 2020 History
0 contributors

Users who have contributed to this file

41 lines (28 sloc) 995 Bytes
# Contributing
Thanks for contributing!
## Installation
git clone
cd prettier-linter-helpers
yarn install
## Running the tests
yarn run test
Linting is ran as part of `yarn run test`. The build will fail if there are any linting errors. You can run `yarn run lint --fix` to fix some linting errors (including formatting to match prettier's expectations). To run the tests without linting run `yarn run test`.
## Publishing
- Ensure you are on the master branch locally.
- Update `` and commit.
- Run the following:
yarn publish
git push --follow-tags
Running `yarn publish` shall:
- Bump the version in package.json (asking you for the new version number)
- Create a new commit containing that version bump in package.json
- Create a tag for that commit
- Publish to the npm repository
Running `git push --follow-tags` shall:
- Push the commit and tag to GitHub