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Latest commit 0a11e3f Jan 18, 2023 History
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78 lines (52 sloc) 1.92 KB
# strip-json-comments [![Build Status](](
> Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your JSON files!
This is now possible:
// Rainbows
"unicorn": /**/ "cake"
It will replace single-line comments `//` and multi-line comments `/**/` with whitespace. This allows JSON error positions to remain as close as possible to the original source.
Also available as a [Gulp]([Grunt]([Broccoli]( plugin.
## Install
$ npm install strip-json-comments
## Usage
const json = `{
// Rainbows
"unicorn": /* ❤ */ "cake"
//=> {unicorn: 'cake'}
## API
### stripJsonComments(jsonString, options?)
#### jsonString
Type: `string`
Accepts a string with JSON and returns a string without comments.
#### options
Type: `object`
##### whitespace
Type: `boolean`\
Default: `true`
Replace comments with whitespace instead of stripping them entirely.
## Benchmark
$ npm run bench
## Related
- [strip-json-comments-cli]( - CLI for this module
- [strip-css-comments]( - Strip comments from CSS
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