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269 lines (259 sloc) 8.93 KB
declare const figureSet: {
readonly tick: string;
readonly info: string;
readonly warning: string;
readonly cross: string;
readonly square: string;
readonly squareSmall: string;
readonly squareSmallFilled: string;
readonly squareDarkShade: string;
readonly squareMediumShade: string;
readonly squareLightShade: string;
readonly squareTop: string;
readonly squareBottom: string;
readonly squareLeft: string;
readonly squareRight: string;
readonly squareCenter: string;
readonly circle: string;
readonly circleFilled: string;
readonly circleDotted: string;
readonly circleDouble: string;
readonly circleCircle: string;
readonly circleCross: string;
readonly circlePipe: string;
readonly circleQuestionMark: string;
readonly radioOn: string;
readonly radioOff: string;
readonly checkboxOn: string;
readonly checkboxOff: string;
readonly checkboxCircleOn: string;
readonly checkboxCircleOff: string;
readonly questionMarkPrefix: string;
readonly bullet: string;
readonly dot: string;
readonly ellipsis: string;
readonly pointer: string;
readonly pointerSmall: string;
readonly triangleUp: string;
readonly triangleUpSmall: string;
readonly triangleUpOutline: string;
readonly triangleDown: string;
readonly triangleDownSmall: string;
readonly triangleLeft: string;
readonly triangleLeftSmall: string;
readonly triangleRight: string;
readonly triangleRightSmall: string;
readonly lozenge: string;
readonly lozengeOutline: string;
readonly home: string;
readonly hamburger: string;
readonly smiley: string;
readonly mustache: string;
readonly heart: string;
readonly star: string;
readonly play: string;
readonly musicNote: string;
readonly musicNoteBeamed: string;
readonly nodejs: string;
readonly arrowUp: string;
readonly arrowDown: string;
readonly arrowLeft: string;
readonly arrowRight: string;
readonly arrowLeftRight: string;
readonly arrowUpDown: string;
readonly almostEqual: string;
readonly notEqual: string;
readonly lessOrEqual: string;
readonly greaterOrEqual: string;
readonly identical: string;
readonly infinity: string;
readonly subscriptZero: string;
readonly subscriptOne: string;
readonly subscriptTwo: string;
readonly subscriptThree: string;
readonly subscriptFour: string;
readonly subscriptFive: string;
readonly subscriptSix: string;
readonly subscriptSeven: string;
readonly subscriptEight: string;
readonly subscriptNine: string;
readonly oneHalf: string;
readonly oneThird: string;
readonly oneQuarter: string;
readonly oneFifth: string;
readonly oneSixth: string;
readonly oneSeventh: string;
readonly oneEighth: string;
readonly oneNinth: string;
readonly oneTenth: string;
readonly twoThirds: string;
readonly twoFifths: string;
readonly threeQuarters: string;
readonly threeFifths: string;
readonly threeEighths: string;
readonly fourFifths: string;
readonly fiveSixths: string;
readonly fiveEighths: string;
readonly sevenEighth: string;
readonly line: string;
readonly lineBold: string;
readonly lineDouble: string;
readonly lineDashed0: string;
readonly lineDashed1: string;
readonly lineDashed2: string;
readonly lineDashed3: string;
readonly lineDashed4: string;
readonly lineDashed5: string;
readonly lineDashed6: string;
readonly lineDashed7: string;
readonly lineDashed8: string;
readonly lineDashed9: string;
readonly lineDashed10: string;
readonly lineDashed11: string;
readonly lineDashed12: string;
readonly lineDashed13: string;
readonly lineDashed14: string;
readonly lineDashed15: string;
readonly lineVertical: string;
readonly lineVerticalBold: string;
readonly lineVerticalDouble: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed0: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed1: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed2: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed3: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed4: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed5: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed6: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed7: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed8: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed9: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed10: string;
readonly lineVerticalDashed11: string;
readonly lineDownLeft: string;
readonly lineDownLeftArc: string;
readonly lineDownBoldLeftBold: string;
readonly lineDownBoldLeft: string;
readonly lineDownLeftBold: string;
readonly lineDownDoubleLeftDouble: string;
readonly lineDownDoubleLeft: string;
readonly lineDownLeftDouble: string;
readonly lineDownRight: string;
readonly lineDownRightArc: string;
readonly lineDownBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineDownBoldRight: string;
readonly lineDownRightBold: string;
readonly lineDownDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineDownDoubleRight: string;
readonly lineDownRightDouble: string;
readonly lineUpLeft: string;
readonly lineUpLeftArc: string;
readonly lineUpBoldLeftBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldLeft: string;
readonly lineUpLeftBold: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleLeftDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleLeft: string;
readonly lineUpLeftDouble: string;
readonly lineUpRight: string;
readonly lineUpRightArc: string;
readonly lineUpBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleRight: string;
readonly lineUpRightDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDownLeft: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeft: string;
readonly lineUpDownLeftBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftBold: string;
readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftBold: string;
readonly lineUpDownBoldLeft: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownLeft: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeft: string;
readonly lineUpDownLeftDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDownRight: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpDownRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpDownBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpDownBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownRight: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRight: string;
readonly lineUpDownRightDouble: string;
readonly lineDownLeftRight: string;
readonly lineDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineDownLeftBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineDownBoldLeftRight: string;
readonly lineDownBoldLeftBoldRight: string;
readonly lineDownBoldLeftRightBold: string;
readonly lineDownLeftRightBold: string;
readonly lineDownLeftBoldRight: string;
readonly lineDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineDownDoubleLeftRight: string;
readonly lineDownLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineUpLeftRight: string;
readonly lineUpBoldLeftBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpLeftBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldLeftRight: string;
readonly lineUpBoldLeftBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpBoldLeftRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpLeftRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpLeftBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleLeftRight: string;
readonly lineUpLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDownLeftRight: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftRight: string;
readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftRight: string;
readonly lineUpDownLeftBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpDownLeftRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRight: string;
readonly lineUpDownLeftBoldRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRight: string;
readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftRightBold: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftRight: string;
readonly lineUpDownLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
readonly lineCross: string;
readonly lineBackslash: string;
readonly lineSlash: string;
type FigureSet = typeof figureSet;
Symbols to use when the terminal supports Unicode symbols.
export const mainSymbols: FigureSet;
Symbols to use when the terminal does not support Unicode symbols.
export const fallbackSymbols: FigureSet;
Symbols to use on any terminal.
export default figureSet;
Replace Unicode symbols depending on the terminal.
@param string - String where the Unicode symbols will be replaced with fallback symbols depending on the terminal.
@returns The input with replaced fallback Unicode symbols.
import figures, {replaceSymbols} from 'figures';
console.log(replaceSymbols('✔︎ check'));
// On terminals with Unicode symbols: ✔︎ check
// On other terminals: √ check
// On terminals with Unicode symbols: ✔︎
// On other terminals: √
export function replaceSymbols(string: string): string;